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Car Won't Fire

Restless 33

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Hi guys, sorry about the essay

Got an interesting problem and i'm sure it has a pretty easy solution and i'm just not thinking of it, so here are some details.

I have lost my licence so haven't been driving in the last few months. My car has been driven by my mate (with me present so nothing unusual) anyway it hadn't been started in about 2 weeks.

The car has an auto start, so i figured i should just turn it on and start it while i was doing stuff around the house, anyway it started for about a second then stalled (unfortunatly it's not that uncommon with the auto start if it hasn't been started recently) anyway it tried to start again and wouldn't fire.

I tried pulling the spark plugs and cleaning them and it still wont fire, it nearly gets there but wont turn over. The spark plugs were changed about 2 months ago so i only cleaned them up with a wire brush. a few of them were pretty badly covered but cleaned up ok. at least 3 were pretty good looking.

Although after trying to turn it over i pulled one of the plugs and it was pretty dry from memory.

When i go to start it i can still hear the fuel pump priming, and can hear it running into the engine bay, so i don't think it's that.

I havn't changed the timing or the CAS so i have just checked that the plug is in correctly, seemed ok.

i have pulled all the coil packs and had a look. i couldn't see any fractures in them but i doubt i would've seen them anyway.

i checked to see ifit was getting any spark by trying to hold the coil pack and turn it over. At first I thought i saw a few white sparks, then what looked like an orange. I also recieved a small jolt from the coil pack. (Could this mean it's cracked?)

The mods are basically:

Haltech e11v2 and all sensors also it's MAP

boche 040 or 044 i can't remember which one i ended up putting in (it's in tank)

nismo 740cc

sard fuel reg

adj cam gear


they are the mods that are associated with it that i can think of.

i have checked any connections i can think of.

I have a few theories but not sure. They are;

Busted Coil packs. (but why wont it turn over on 3 or 4 cylinders, surely they can't all have gone at once?)

Busted CAS. how common do they just stop working for no reason after not being touched?

Faulty ignitor module?

Faulty fuel pump even though i can hear it

blocked injecters?

faulty ground for the coils

There were a few other theories i had but can't remember at the moment.

Any advice or ideas would be great, or any other symptoms or ways to test any of my theories would be great.

or if anyone has a set of coil packs i could try that would be good. i just don't understand why it woldn't just fire and run on say 4 cylinders unless there is a guard against that with the ecu?

Thanks guys

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I'll have a look around and see how i can check the sensors.

What are the chances it won't let it run on 4 or so cylinders?

This might sound stupid but I had the same problem with auto start once. When the car starts and turns off real quick it doesn't have time to burn all the fuel. Try pumping the accelerator all the way down then slowly release it and turn her over. Should clear the lines of fuel.

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Yeah i thought about that and it didn't seem to help. It wont turn over no matter how you try to start it. Not sure if i mentioned when testing the spark it didn't seem consistent. I meanlike after a while it didn't look like i was getting a spark anymore. Plugs are clean enough, o i assume it's coil packs, ignition module, or something else associated with the spark.

Does anyone know anyone who might be able to lend me some known good coild packs so i can test it. Also does anyone know why it wouldn't jus tturn over on 4 cylinders for example. They can't all be screwed. This might lend it to being th igntor module?

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So i thought i would take out the ignitor pack and try a new one of them. Well i thought it may have been relocated somewhere but looks like i don't actually have one now. The car is a '95 so i'm wondering is it possible that i have series 2 coils where the ignitor is inside the coil and how do i check this? thanks guys also anyone have some coils i can borrow?

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