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Sau Nsw Oran Park South Track Driver Training Day

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Thanks to everybody involved for another fantastic day, I'm really enjoying being a member, should've joined earlier when I had my GTT.

being a first timer, I really learned a lot from the day, even the driver briefing but yeah if I had to sit through another one I'd be bored to tears!

the follow the leader really took a lot out of me, I was sliding around everywhere in the wet (floydwestwood can vouch for that :3some: )

once the track dried up I was able to finally get some traction in the rears with half worn potenzas and give it a bit harder, trying out different lines (or missing them completely lol)

good to meet everyone I did on the day can't remember names but I remember your cars :D, and thanks to everyone who gave me tips and pointers as well as eric aka pezhead

thanks again, shame that Oran Park is closing and it's so close to where I live as well!

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Top day everyone! I would like to thank and apologise to everyone involved with today, especially to the owner of one V36 370GT... really shouldn't have tried to pass you at that point :D

You sir are a MANIAC :)

I love it!!! :D:3some::):)

some excellent pics from nizmo-man, who was filming and taking shots at the flip-flop? love to see some pics from there.....


Stuart, your car is an animal :3some: Good to see you managed to survive without wipers


ok boys, I'm working on the video. There are a lot of short little videos that take a bit of time to compile.

I have to do chores today but will see if I can put a quick clip together tonight.

I did shoot some video at the flip flop and a few photos (only a few from my pocket camera in between filming).

I'm putting the photos up on photobucket: Photos

Alrighty, the stats are in!

11.3GB of images to sift through tomorrow because i'm shooting again in a few hours today. - i'm gonna be busy for a while. :3some:

First of all, very special thanks to Duncan & Neil for organising the day and special thanks to Mr Baxter for running the day special thanks to Mrs De Pau for lunch. :D

I have to say that everyone drove really well and didn't mis-behave. :D

I'll be back in a few days with images. :)

After a slow start it turned out to be an awesome day. thanks heaps to all the organisers who made it possible.

Even though the driver briefing was long it was a driver training day and with so many first timers there Gary went through some key points for them which is what these days are all about. Hopefully everybody learned something from the day, I know I did. I've got to remember when I don't put semi's on that I've still got street tyres on and can't go trying to chase down Duncan and John (Boosted Zed) because I just don't have the grip that I need. lol

Thanks again to everyone responsible for organising an awesome day.

I'd like to thank everybody that helped on the day,,,Especially Ando and the boys for scruting all the cars,,,TOP job fellas,,,thank you very very much. Sorry I couldn't help,,but my usual pit crew had his own car there,,,(how bloody rude). Kel for her mercy dash to get the lanyards,,,Matt,,,Nick,,,Duncan,,,Stuarts use of his 4wd,,,the list goes on. Garry Baxter and his son for a great laid back track day. It's a real pity we can't use him again. Yes Ben his breifings are boring but it is driver training after all. I'd be shocked if the majority didn't actually learn something. I did,,,stay off the ripple strips idiot.

Here's a vid of my crappy driving,,,I don't think I have ever made so many fundimental mistakes in my life. I think I'm damn lucky to still have a straight car.


These days are getting better and better for me, rain was annoying but still fun, dry was awsome with the semis.

All I need now for my car to be quicker is better brake pads and replace the faulty nut behind the steering wheel.

Top people and a top day.

Neil - No vid of your ripple strip disaster? lol

I'd pay good money to see that!

I'm going to fork out the cash for some semi's next track day..... finally! I think I'm finally ready for them!

Glad I finally managed to get my downchanges before turn 1 right before fully distroying my gearbox! lol

ps. thanks to the organisers! bloody awesome day!

Worked for me, thats a good off!!! Thanks to all for a top weekend, I had a ball and would be back again If the track was still going to be there. I must admit I had a bit of a lump in the throat and a tiny tear driving out the gate.... Bye Bye Oran.

I got some incar footage and plenty of random stuff so I will have to string something together over the next few days.

The trip home took 12 hrs neat with only fuel and driver change stops. 1000km is a long way in a bumpy slow old Jap truck.

I'd like to thank everybody that helped on the day,,,Especially Ando and the boys for scruting all the cars,,,TOP job fellas,,,thank you very very much. Sorry I couldn't help,,but my usual pit crew had his own car there,,,(how bloody rude). Kel for her mercy dash to get the lanyards,,,Matt,,,Nick,,,Duncan,,,Stuarts use of his 4wd,,,the list goes on. Garry Baxter and his son for a great laid back track day. It's a real pity we can't use him again. Yes Ben his breifings are boring but it is driver training after all. I'd be shocked if the majority didn't actually learn something. I did,,,stay off the ripple strips idiot.

Here's a vid of my crappy driving,,,I don't think I have ever made so many fundimental mistakes in my life. I think I'm damn lucky to still have a straight car.


Neil, sounds like you're barely even revving that thing out except for one of the higher gears on the straight...

How hard are you actually revving it, and what does it rev to?

Thanks to everyone who put on the day and helped on the day.

Was a crap day a first but turned out good in the arvo. Had a heap of fun.

have a few vids which i'll load later.

Hi all, logged in to say thanks very much for organising this day. Myself and Hoonboy were the only showing from PF that I am aware of. We had a blast in the VR commodore SpeedWagon until the auto lost 3rd gear, then would randomly lose 2nd gear, resulting in random rev limiter action. We were having an absolute blast passing lots of Skylines in the mighty free wagon :P

When the auto died mid lap I decided I wouldn't be kind to it and finish the session, but it popped on turn two so I took it straight to the grass. Hopefully I didn't drop any oil on the track. It restarted so I drove it as far as I could around the track on the grass until I got to the clay trap at suttons, and ran out of places to drive it. By then it was threatening to set itself on fire anyway.

Up until then it went a lot better than we ever anticipated. Sorry to the guy in the black R31 who wanted me to pass at Suttons, I was having too much fun and hadn't realised I was sitting on your tail - didn't mean to seem like I was giving a hurry-along! I was happy to sit there til the straight.

We threw the old nokia with racechrono in the car and managed to record a few times before it died. the second last lap before it popped and the gearbox randomly finding gears I stioll managed a flat 60 second lap, and Hoonboy did 1.07 minutes on the last wet lap, so we are still pretty stoked.

The car was a freebie that was destined for scrap before I got hold of it so we threw the tyres from my VN club car (I still havent finished) and Hoonboy's seats and harnesses from his rolled dirt thrasher and managed two events before it died.

I am uploading loads of pics and video (including the epic engine failure) so will put some links up when done.

Thanks again! Was a good day, even if it was cut short for us.


me too mate!! Yeah we had a blast. Hope I didn't oil the track tho, took it to the grass as soon as I realised something was wrong.




CAVEAT!! The girls were doing the videoing and thought we were racing not trackday-ing and were being super smug so don't hate me all you skyline people we passed on the day! :P :P

Engine failure vid still loading

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