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Hi guys

Can you let me know how many of you would consider tinting.

We could have the top staff for $200.00.

Normal price $295.00

Something like that was organized before but it was in Campbellfield which was too far for many.

Minimum 10 cars

Please le me know if interested.

Its getting quite hot out there.

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mesh mesh...........you own a saab and E55!?!?! What are you doing on these forums!?! :P

Nah, I know camberwell, is pretty far for some, but $180 for a coupe, $200 for a 4 door sedan all with Tint a car F1 tint..........worth the cruise if you ask me.

See if you can get a hold of DJ_Lethal........he's the one who organised it last time.

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Errr, I'm with R31Nismoid...........

Dandenong and Camberwell are on the same side of town. Camberwell, is near Hawthorn, so now I'm confused.

Don't care whereever you go. For Camberwell, you're going have to speak to DJ_Lethal anyway. Oh sorry for the confusion, my car is already tinted, just adding my 2 cents here. A mate of mine may join in though, so whereever you decide, please keep up posted.

Oh yeah, last thing, when I had my car done, it was darkest llegal, so if its going to be darker, just be careful.


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i'm contemplating taking off the front, side n rear windows and tinting them myslef (yes I know tinters will do it while they're on the car) but this way is way more fun... so if anyone wants to watch me strip an R32 to its shell come over... i'm in preston lol

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I do believe Camberwell is out for the moment due to owner eiter

A) changing location


B) Buying another tint business.

I'll let Nathan confirm, but that's the last i heard when another tint day was being looked into

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Tint-a-car camberwell is still being operated by Brett and Karen, just call them and tell them you are from SAU and were reffered by Danny or Nathan (DJLETHAL) and they will look after you. I introduced Nathan to Brett and Nathan has organized a few bulk tint days since. Bretts work is Brilliant, ask anyone! :jump:

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Hi guys

Can you let me know how many of you would consider tinting.

We could have the top staff for $200.00.

Normal price $295.00

Something like that was organized before but it was in Campbellfield which was too far for many.

Minimum 10 cars

Please le me know if interested.

Its getting quite hot out there.

seeing as i live about 5 mins away and my gf even less... my gfs soarer needs just the qtr panel windows and the side windows done... could be interested.

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