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Cop Who Got The Law Wrong!


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Ladies and Gents,

It's been awhile since I had any activity here and to tell you the truth, I'm sorta missing the boost!

anyways I was booked last night for having an old registration label on my windscreen whilst i am waiting for the new one in the mail. The cop who booked me was a young fella who probably just got out of the acadamy.

Anyways, I have done my research and had some advice from QLD Transport and it turns out that I am well in the right.

My rego expired 27/08/09 and today is the 11/09/09, therefore that is 15 days. The QLD legislation states that a registration label can be left on up to 21 days after the label expires. That is if you are waiting for yours in the mail to arrive, having the old label on will not render you as performing an infringement.

anyways, im taking this up with the boys in blue later and will let you know how it goes.

I know you guys like reading about things like this.

If you want to read the legislation yourself: Part 3, Section 33, Paragraph 7. http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN...ntOpRUVRR99.pdf

PS. I take no liability in providing advice in this matter.

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They should be doing real police work, not raising revenue, seriously! what person is being offended by a freakin sticker! He would have known that your rego is up to date , im angry now. :P

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A man ? His partner, most likely, likes sex, but hey I am an Officer, call outs rule.

Even though they are lame............

I have no idea what you are talking about? What does this sentence even mean?

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that's it! i'm doing a burnout! arbess said its ok!

go for it! my disclaimer covers my ass!

They should be doing real police work, not raising revenue, seriously! what person is being offended by a freakin sticker! He would have known that your rego is up to date , im angry now. :bunny:

Oh yeh he knew it was up-to-date, he just had nothing to get me on because my car is factory! and i think i must of out witted him somewhere in the 20mins of being held up. That right HELD UP, he was literally wasting my time.

he was a virgin officer... he smashed you good for a rego label... :)

now he is a man...

Spot on, virgin! maybe another 99 rego busts and he will be commend for a bravery award or something

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I've been pulled over several times with old rego label, I keep a copy of the renewal form in my glovebox with the paid reference number on it, just incase, but this one time (NOT at band camp), I didn't have it, he just punched my rego into his little computer and came back to say 'no worries, see ya'. He should have checked! Loser.

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haha x2


I've been pulled over several times with old rego label, I keep a copy of the renewal form in my glovebox with the paid reference number on it, just incase, but this one time (NOT at band camp), I didn't have it, he just punched my rego into his little computer and came back to say 'no worries, see ya'. He should have checked! Loser.

Yeh I had my receipt, which I was directed by QLD Transport to do. As I mentioned, he must of been fresh out of the academy (which was literally 2km down the road) and just didnt want to be stood up by an intellectual like me :D:banana::D

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Easiest way to avoid this situation is not have the expired sticker on, you CAN keep it on but even if you are waiting for the mail its ok to not have a sticker... for example if you just bought a car that has been rego'd but no sticker has arrived before you purchase... This also forces them to check your rego on the database

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QLD inspection officer just told me that my rego expired and i should rmeove the sticker quickly or otherwise face a penalty..

and made me removed the sticker and on the backside of it said its unlawful or whatever to have the sticker on if it expired.

You should have referred him to the curent legislation (as per first post) which clearly states it can be on for up to 21 days provided the current one isn't affixed.

Just because it's their job to know, doesn't mean they do. I've worked with enough people to know that's how things are.

Edited by 666DAN
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Easiest way to avoid this situation is not have the expired sticker on, you CAN keep it on but even if you are waiting for the mail its ok to not have a sticker... for example if you just bought a car that has been rego'd but no sticker has arrived before you purchase... This also forces them to check your rego on the database

Thats true, but again, it is the legislation that governs both us the public and those policing it. BTW, by indirectly forcing them to check your rego on the database, what does that do?

QLD inspection officer just told me that my rego expired and i should rmeove the sticker quickly or otherwise face a penalty..

and made me removed the sticker and on the backside of it said its unlawful or whatever to have the sticker on if it expired.

Hahah bullsh*t. They made me read the wording on the back of the label too, WHICH I might add is ambigious as the word OLD refers to what? OLD as in past expiry or OLD when a NEW sticker is attached? That grey area of the wording is left to the legislation in my words to clarify and substantiate.

You should have referred him to the curent legislation (as per first post) which clearly states it can be on for up to 21 days provided the current one isn't affixed.

Just because it's their job to know, doesn't mean they do. I've worked with enough people to know that's how things are.

Very good Dan! I strongly recommend others on this forum to understand the legislation as it could potentially put you out of harms way (though seek proper advice from those in the know - e.g. legalaid or something).

Similar to what Dan said, just because they police the law, doesnt necessarily mean they know it - like hopefully in this case of mine.

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