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Hi, all.

Let's set the scene: My wife is taking my daughter to a dance competition in Geelong (of all places!) in early October. It just happens to be our 25th Wedding Anniversary on 6th October, the day after the dance competition ends. She said she would really like to drive the Great Ocean Road from Melbourne to Adelaide.

This just happens to be hailed as one of the greatest roads in the world. I am fortunate to own one of the greatest GT cars the world has ever seen. My wife even saw the obvious connection. We just have to drive it in the GTR!!

So, first of all, I need to get me and the car to Geelong - which is 3,411 km from our house (approximately!).

Now, I looked at the Indian Pacific Railway, but the car is too low for the rail car, as checked by their official measure - a can of Coke . (Check out www.trainways.com.au and you will see they really do use a Coke can as the measure!) So I am driving over by myself, watching the last day of dancing, putting my daughter on the plane and then my Beloved and I drive back.

I aim to leave Perth on 29 or 30 September 2009. I am just sorting out the stops, etc. Danny at Imports 101 is helping me to check the car out before I go.

I know it's a long way to go and it will put kilometres on the car and the paint will get stonechips and I might get a flat (two spare wheels in the back seat is the plan) and ... and .... and .... But I bought this car to drive it. It seems to me that I can drive it on not one, but two of the greatest drives in the world. Nuff said!

So the Great Australian Adventure continues! Anyone want to join me along the way? I will endeavour to update this thread with tales of my adventures as I go (including car preparation)!

Cheers. :ph34r:

Edited by MLCrisis
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Sounds cool.

I'd like to do that at some point, but not right now.

A work buddy of mine said he did it in a series 1 R33 GTST. Said he kept it 180 km/hr all the way. That is still a lot of hours driving though.

Can i sit in the back seat? Ill eat my pizza quietly... :ph34r:

Lol seriously though man, sounds like an awesome plan. I definitely plan on doing this one day when i get my GTR, possibly the day i get it if i buy it from interstate...

Ill be following the thread for sure mate, and congratulations on the anniversary!

Edited by Hanaldo

Hey Brendan..sounds like you're gonna be having a blast driving your car over!

hope you and your wife have a great time while you're there and as B2 said..make sure you take loads of pics! :ph34r:

Don't expect anything other than jerry cans filling your boot, so luggage & all that will have to be in the back seat along with the spares you want to take. I did Sunshine Coast - Perth which was about 4500kms & didn't have tyre problems, but taking 2 spares is a personal decision

Thanks for the comments, guys. All appreciated. :)

I know what you mean about the tyres, as long as I stay on tarmac. Problem is that a space-saver spare is no good when you are 250 km from anywhere, including Wupwup. With the GTR, I would prefer to have the same wheels and tyres on each axle, so if I change one, I would rather change two. They will probably just serve as extra weight, but I would rather have the peace of mind!

I also take your point about the jerry cans. I have to work out what to take yet. I am reckoning on between 400 km and 500 km per tank. I reckon 12.5 litres per 100 km is a reasonable estimate, giving 440 km for 55 litres (which leaves me 5 litres insurance in a 60 litre tank). So a 10 litre jerry can would give me another 80 km. Generally, there should be fuel available at 250 km intervals or so. So as long as I don't drive past any signs that say "Last fuel for 250 km", I should be fine. On that basis, I will probably take a couple of 5 litre jerry cans, maybe three.

I don't intend being on the road after dusk, to avoid running into our wonderful wildlife. So I am aiming the first couple of days to be stopped by 6.00 pm. I can drive later in the evening into either Adelaide or Geelong.

Other stuff:

Trolley jack / other jack

Impact hammer / rattle gun (12 V - run from cigarette lighter)

Water - for me and the car.

A couple of cans of Tyre-Weld & a foot pump (it pays to be a pessimist!)

Fan belt - plus a Boys Own Guide of how to change it on the GTR (I am advised that I don't need this on a modern car - but the pessimist thing surfaces once more!)

Basic tool kit.

Duct tape, 12" Stilsons and a hammer (you can fix anything with duct tape, 12" Stilsons and a hammer!) :happy:


A couple of CD books

The best of ZZ Top (for when I pull into a roadhouse in Wupwup)

The best of Pavarotti (for when I pull out of a roadhouse in Wupwup)

Lots of peppermints



English - South Australian dictionary :P

UFO meter.

That should do it! More when I think of it!


what kind of fuel do you pump in the gtr?

Bp 98?

Would that be available way out in the country?

Thats the first thing that came to mind, I wouldn't have thought places would even bother stocking it out there.

Did Townsville via Mt Isa Tennet Creek

Alive Springs Port Augusta (Ceduna in the morning for a pie)

before the run across the 'Boor then stopped in Balladonia

and Perth. 4 Days only driving from Dawn till 1700 each day, bar entering WA.

Hit Balladonia at 2300.

Best trip ever, just me our old 2004 Toyota Corolla Conquest

with car fridge and our bags.

Want to do it again!!!!

iPod or CD's are a must.

Plenty of fuel stops and I ran 98 in all but in one tank.

Completed June 2005

I wouldn't put anything other than 98+ in an R34 GTR & I'd hope he feels the same!! From memory there won't be any 98 available between Norseman & Ceduna in SA, hence why my boot was filled with jerry cans

get a shitload of injector cleaner, octane boost and F10 fuel additive. also, get a water-separating funnel. they really do work man!! i've seen it. it is magical... and out wherelst you're gonna need shit like that. fuel quality will be an issue sir. stock up on additives and a good filter funnel (by proquip) and you'll be set.

Let me know if you want a puncture repair kit, I have one left at my shop in Osborne park, not as good as a tyre shop doing it but if you pick something up, you can safely plug it up, pump it up and keep driving!

That is gona be soo awesome. Id seriously join in but bad timing. Totally agree, your car is meant to be drivin and what better way to do it! Dont think of the time it takes, just enjoy and stop to take in the scenery. Take heaps of photos for us! Jealous and ur doin it in the best car. Enjoy mate and be safe.

Hank Scorpio - PM sent.

Dan the Man - PM sent.

Thanks for all the comments again guys. I will definitely be taking lots of piccies. One planned in my mind's eye already is the car in front of the "90 Mile Straight" sign. Also have plans for one with my Beloved driving towards me on a long straight bit (should be lots to choose from), so we get the long straight road and the GTR - alone! :D

I only put BP 98 in it, so I am anticipating having to compromise on that somewhere along the line. :(

get a shitload of injector cleaner, octane boost and F10 fuel additive. also, get a water-separating funnel. they really do work man!! i've seen it. it is magical... and out wherelst you're gonna need shit like that. fuel quality will be an issue sir. stock up on additives and a good filter funnel (by proquip) and you'll be set.

Good thinking, Batman. Octane boost is on the shopping list. Any ideas where I can get one of these filter funnels?

Cheers. :)

Would be awesome if you could get some outback pics with the SAUWA logo showing :)

^^ this

Also make sure you can get some pics at the Great Australian Bight, the colour of the water when we were there was ssiiiikkkkk

Edited by ossie_21

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