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Ingall is a TOOL!


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Ingall had wheels in the dirt how can you say he had room? Now if you're in a V8 Supercar and you run out of track I reckon it'd be a bit of a handful to keep straight after dropping a wheel off track. Racing incident.

The next lap, well they were both a bit stupid.

But at the end of the day the right guy won so lets wait for next year.

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I really wanna clear something up just in case any of you were watching Rnd 13 - Race 2 - Yesterday at the creek.

MARK SKAIFE - What a frigging whiney little bitch. HRT fan or not, it is plain as day that this man believes that the rules do not apply to him, simply because he is "MARK 'HRT' SKAIFE". He needs a serious dose of shut-the-hell-up to come his way soon.

To enlighten the general masses, you have every right to try and keep your car on the track at all times whilst not being in contravention of any other rules.



As you might imagine, I am more than upset withthe amount of Ingall bashing that's been going on in the last 24 hours by people who weren't there. Sorry folks but it happened right in front of me so unless you're one of the two drivers - bite me - you don't know $hit!

The fact that the marshall on that turn was litterally screaming at Skaife to remove himself from the track should have been enough to get rid of Whinging Annonymous' No.1 man. But remember our earlier lesson - yeah the one where the rules don't apply if you're names Skaife? Good. After removing his "darth-vader-wannabee" helmet and throwing it, IMHO, AT not TO the marshall in question, Skaife walked to the edge of the tarmac to abuse the living shit out of Ingall as he drove past unscathed on the next lap. I can tell you that Ingall's rebuttall was a great deal milder than what most thinking individuals would of done, swerving at Skaife and turning his pretty red race suit brown.

I have never cheered so hard as when I watched Mark Skaife chuck the mother of all tantrums in his own pit garage. His team even pulled the roller door down so the assembled masses as well as those of you at home couldn't see his hissy-fit. Besides, he could've broken a nail!

Every lap that Russell completed thereafter resulted in standing ovations from the Ford fans (and some Holden fans who were obviously well and truly over his shit). Hilarious stuff.

Now I'll admit that both of the drivers could've done a lot better for the day but lets take a look at which came first, the chicken or the egg...

1/ Skaife ran wide and forced Ingall off the track

2/ Skaife disregarded the rules in not allowing Ingall to take his line through the end of the right hander.

3/ Skaife directly ignored and (some might say) assaulted the race official by throwing his helmet AT him and by not leaving the track.

4/ Skaife endangered the lives of himself, Russell Ingall, the near-by officials AND spectators by running out onto the track.

5/ THEN AND ONLY THEN did Ingall swerve at Skaife to show him just how much he appreciated being run off the track by Capt. Whinger - 1st class.

Add it up.



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I really wanna clear something up just in case any of you were watching Rnd 13 - Race 2 - Yesterday at the creek.

MARK SKAIFE - What a frigging whiney little bitch.  HRT fan or not, it is plain as day that this man believes that the rules do not apply to him, simply because he is "MARK 'HRT' SKAIFE".  He needs a serious dose of shut-the-hell-up to come his way soon.

To enlighten the general masses, you have every right to try and keep your car on the track at all times whilst not being in contravention of any other rules.

                                     IN ENGLISH:


As you might imagine, I am more than upset withthe amount of Ingall bashing that's been going on in the last 24 hours by people who weren't there.  Sorry folks but it happened right in front of me so unless you're one of the two drivers - bite me - you don't know $hit!

The fact that the marshall on that turn was litterally screaming at Skaife to remove himself from the track should have been enough to get rid of Whinging Annonymous' No.1 man.  But remember our earlier lesson - yeah the one where the rules don't apply if you're names Skaife?  Good.  After removing his "darth-vader-wannabee" helmet and throwing it, IMHO, AT not TO the marshall in question, Skaife walked to the edge of the tarmac to abuse the living shit out of Ingall as he drove past unscathed on the next lap.  I can tell you that Ingall's rebuttall was a great deal milder than what most thinking individuals would of done, swerving at Skaife and turning his pretty red race suit brown.

I have never cheered so hard as when I watched Mark Skaife chuck the mother of all tantrums in his own pit garage.  His team even pulled the roller door down so the assembled masses as well as those of you at home couldn't see his hissy-fit.  Besides, he could've broken a nail!

Every lap that Russell completed thereafter resulted in standing ovations from the Ford fans (and some Holden fans who were obviously well and truly over his shit).  Hilarious stuff.

Now I'll admit that both of the drivers could've done a lot better for the day but lets take a look at which came first, the chicken or the egg...

1/ Skaife ran wide and forced Ingall off the track

2/ Skaife disregarded the rules in not allowing Ingall to take his line through the end of the right hander.

3/ Skaife directly ignored and (some might say) assaulted the race official by throwing his helmet AT him and by not leaving the track.

4/ Skaife endangered the lives of himself, Russell Ingall, the near-by officials AND spectators by running out onto the track.

5/ THEN AND ONLY THEN did Ingall swerve at Skaife to show him just how much he appreciated being run off the track by Capt. Whinger - 1st class.

Add it up.



I want to have your babies. Brilliant.

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1) Incorrect, Skaife gave plenty of room.

2) Incorrect, Ingall was still on the tarmac thats plenty of room to me.

3) Correct, he ignored the mashall but didn't assault him.

4) He didn't run out onto the track he walked to the back of his car and did what any other driver would have done.

5) Bah wheres those empty VB's when you need them.

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1) Incorrect, Skaife gave plenty of room.

2) Incorrect, Ingall was still on the tarmac thats plenty of room to me.

3) Correct, he ignored the mashall but didn't assault him.

4) He didn't run out onto the track he walked to the back of his car and did what any other driver would have done.

5) Bah wheres those empty VB's when you need them.

A wheel in the dirt does not constitute being on the tarmac.

Either way sucked in Mark Skaife.

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What about Murphy - did he really have a back problem ? Seems like his sore back was a blessing in disguise for him ?

I still think Ingall is a tool though - whatever happened on the track, they both shouldn't have acted they way they did - I just think Ingall is a bigger tool for being so blatantly stupid - he could have just driven by and let Skaife cop it all , but no - He had to be a wanker about it ! (well they both did really)

I don't know the guy personally, but I have heard nothing but good things about Skaife and his contibutions to motorsport and his fans - unlike others in the Super Taxi's - So maybe that is why I seem slightly biased towards him on this occasion ?

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fellas seriously are you blind. watch the footage again and take a closer look. sure skaifes pass was fine, but what happened after. Ingall was clearly being pushed off the track by Skaife, proabably because he was frustrated that for many laps he wasnt good enough to get past Ingall on crappy tyres. Skaife overtook well but proceeded to deliberatly push ingall off the track, showing signs of aggression. ingalls wheel then left the track and ingall had to turn back onto the track....RIGHT and this then pushed skaife round.

and as for the whole swerve thing, good on ingall. it was skaifes aggression that led to his own departure from the race, and then to go out swearing and gesturing to ingall was out of line. good on ingall, it sure made skaife take a step back.

thats my call


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First up, both 3 race suspensions are suspended....so think good behaviour bond.

This has certainly been an "emotive" issue, and personally I think ppl's feelings towards/against Holden or Ford are coming out.

Now, I'm not a supercar star, but I *do* race. And I have been on both the giving and receiving end of incidents exactly like this.

What happens is simple.

Driver 1 making the pass goes down the inside. Of course, they have to brake late to get in there in the first place. Driver 2 lets them in (not coming across and closing the door). On the exit of the corner, Driver 1 has had a tighter line and was going faster in the first place. Driver 1 almost inevitably understeers towards driver 2. Driver 2 is trying to hold line on the outside of the track.

Driver 1 hits side of driver 2. Simple.

Now when I have been driver 2, at first I was being punted right off the track by driver 1. The answer is that if you are driver 2...you have to turn back in to driver 1 to stay on the track. They have much more momentum coming outwards, so sometimes you have to turn back in quite hard.

As far as I can see, that is exactly what happened here. I disagree with those who say it was well past the corner....both cars were still jumping around and not settled. Skaife was spun because his car was slightly in front, so Ingall hit the back of his car.

So...racing incident.

On the other hand the incident afterwards from both Skaife and Ingall was WAY out of line, and the fine from the stewards shows that they agree.

Sorry for the long post, just want to add a perspective form someone who has been there.

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Go away Duncan, your making too much sense :)

Im with Ben, ultimately i think Ingall could have avoided the accident, what happened after the accident pissed me off more then the accident itself. It didnt have to end in the manner in which it did..but spilt milk.

Does anyone else remember the accident with Ingall at Queensland Raceway a few seasons ago when he was driving the Perkins Holden? He swerved and forced a back marker onto the grass on the main straight... Russell didnt appreciate having his entry onto the straight slowed by the back marker. I was a bit of an Ingall fan up until that ancident

As for being there, watch it again and again on video, you will see far more then you could ever hope to see in realtime.

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Go away Duncan, your making too much sense :)  

Im with Ben, ultimately i think Ingall could have avoided the accident, what happened after the accident pissed me off more then the accident itself. It didnt have to end in the manner in which it did..but spilt milk.

Does anyone else remember the accident with Ingall at Queensland Raceway a few seasons ago when he was driving the Perkins Holden? He swerved and forced a back marker onto the grass on the main straight... Russell didnt appreciate having his entry onto the straight slowed by the back marker. I was a bit of an Ingall fan up until that ancident

As for being there, watch it again and again on video, you will see far more then you could ever hope to see in realtime.


Or how about the incident(s) when Schumaker took out his championship rivals to ensure he won the championship....

Actually there was a very similar incident to this in the daewoo race at Wakefield earlier this year. The "incident" started in the last turn onto the straight end ended with 1 car slamming into the pit wall. Its amazing how far out of the corners these things can carry on sometimes.....

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As for being there, watch it again and again on video, you will see far more then you could ever hope to see in realtime.
As I did this afternoon on the Foxtel Reply.

Ingall got his back left onto the concrete then as he drove from the concrete to the tarmac the back left dropped off into the dirty and then straight back onto the tarmac and thats when he decided it would be a great idea to punt Skaife off. You can see the black tyres marks down the passenger side door on Skaifes ruined car.

Something new that I seen on tv today (Ch10 sports section on the 5pm news) was a view of the SBR pit crew inside the garage watching the mounted tv of the "Ingall swerving" incident. The entire pit crew all threw their arms up and laughed/giggled when that happened. They thought it was incredibly funny (all of them) watching Ingall swerve towards a frustrated Skaife. Then Ingall said something along the lines of "If Skaife wants to play push and shove thats fine, just don't whinge like a baby when you come out on bottom". A nudge in the boot or a look down the inside whilst approaching a corner is fine but c'mon deliberately turning into a car directly beside you is just not right.

Thats really professional from the #1 Team of 2003 isn't it.

/I still want my empty VB's. . .

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I just watched the vid of it a few more times to see what 2rismo was saying about throwing his helmet/gloves etc. It was good to see that it was an underarm/lofted pass that had no malice at all, the marshall caught it no prob and didnt have to flinch etc etc.

The instance marked enough of a low point without what 2rismo suggested having actually transpired.

And next time you see a front on replay, look at Skaifes front right wheel, it give a good indication of where Skaife was heading when the rubbing turned into punting.

...oh and how much longer until the VB Challenge turns into a drift style event to entertain the crowd, instead of slalom in & out of witches hats, high speed 3rd gear drift thru corners in high revving Gen III Monaros! :)

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high speed 3rd gear drift thru corners in high revving Gen III Monaros! :rofl:
Bring on the Donut King van I say, oh and I want a ride in it too... I buy 3 choc donuts everyday for morning tea. I practically bought those rear tyres that they smoked on the weekend :)
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Roy i remember the incident from a few years ago, ingall is very good at doing that whilst not making it too abvious. There was rubbing through the corner and on the exit, fine, both were trying to stay on the track, But still once ingall was back on the black stuff he kept turning into skaif, forcing him into the spin, and if avesco were serious they would get a copy of the data and see what he was doing to make a calculated decision not just their normal crap. Neither driver should have acted the way they did after the incident but untill you have been involved in motorsport where you spend millions (or just thousands) and you are crashed off buy no fault of your own its hard to juge how you would react.

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it didnt really have a lot to with the corner because they were well out of the corner when the "incident" happened. watch it again they were well away from the corner and side by side with plenty of track either side, ingall had plenty of room, his tyre went into the dirt in the corner because he ran wide, which is the whole reason why skaife took the chance to pass. ingall is just a sad jealous little man who doesnt know when to call it quits.

you dont win championships and own v8 supercar teams by being a shit driver with half a brain, skaife cant be all bad.

Skaifes been deservin this for a while. He is a tool.

jealousy's a curse :)

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