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Wish I could make my first post here under better circumstances.

The car is my friends, he's had it for less than a month. He's a fellow SAU member and he's busy with the cops at the moment, so I'm making this post for him

Silver R34 GT-T

License plate is BBG-112

Car is stock, other than the Nismo bodykit, 18" Volk Racing GTS rims, and blitz nur spec cat-back exhaust. Also has a nismo badge on the rear.




Car was stolen sometime during the day today (15/9)

It was parked on Parramatta Rd (in the bus lane that turns into a clearway, so before 3pm) - just outside USYD

If you've seen or heard anything, please contact my friend Way on his mobile: 0425213363

Thanks guys :D

Edited by Kyon
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This is terrible man :D

I find myself asking this each time a line is stolen - what security did you have on it? Emob? - and are you insured?

The past 2 skylines that have been nicked haven't had emobs...the day that getting around emobsb is easy for these a$$holes is the day I won't park my car out of eye sight....the fact this was stolen in daylight on a, would you say a busyish road?, is scary :banana:

good luck man - I'll keep an eye out for you!

thanks for the concerns. had no aftermarket security in it at all. was planning to get a killswitch installed but should've done that earlier. GUESS THAT WHERE I WENT WRONG quite upset atm.

and yeh hopefully its just a joyride, but really doubt it. if i ever get it back im going to take the fuses out everytime i leave it alone.

farking hell ..that's so close to where I live. How the hell did they know there was no immob/alarm installed ??? No flashing red light on dash maybe ?! Or it could be someone that knows you or that has followed your around.

Even though I already have a sort of tracking (via simcard) think it's time to invest in a proper GPS tracking system..

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