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Hey, last night while I was parking.. My clutch went all floppy and gets stuck, I have to pull it back up with the top of my foot.. Also it won't go into any gears at all..

I have afew ideas on what it might be..

Air bubble

Pivot bolt

Clutch cable snapped

I was just wondering if this is a common problem with 33s, and what problem it might be... Before I spend time bleeding out the clutch or getting a new pivot bolt.. Any helpers?

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Clutch cable????

If you do a search man you'll find that it's been covered heaps before.

To cut a long story short:

Master cylinder rubbers

Slave cylinder rubbers

low fluid = air pocket


Pressure plate

Pedal bracket

Do you know if it is a standard clutch?

I found that someone had shortened the pin in the slave cylinder (they installed an after market clutch in a very dodgy manner), which then fell out of alignment one night and scored the seals creating a nice leak and lots of air in the system. Same problem, no clutch pedal.

Either way, will more than likely be the master or slave cylinder that is causing your grief.

Check to see if their is clutch fluid leaking down your firewall in the engine bay, or on the inside of the cabin under the carpet up above the pedals - common symptom of a leaky master cylinder.

i had this happen (or something similar) in my 33. it was the pivot bolt. in my case i pushed the clutch in, let it up then it shot to the floor and if i lifted it back up it would just drop to the floor again.

pretty much all the possible causes have been listed (except for broken clutch fork).

some are easy to check, others aren't. anything to do with the lines, etc are easy to check. even the pivot bolt is relatively easy to check (harder to fix though). if you lie under the car on the drivers side you can move the rubber seal where the clutch fork goes into the box to see if it is broken.

when i did mine the car was in the garage when it broke and my mate who is a mechanic was out of town at the time so i had to do it with the car jacked up. i spent about 4 hours under the car and only cost me 90 cents to fix, LOL.

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