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Ey does anyone need a car alarmed installed???

or system, or if you want help with any electronics.

I Can do it for you if you like, Im fully qualified and have worked on many Skylines (including my own) installing alarms and many other things electronic,

Will come to you if you want and will charge less then a jb or and autobarn, yet still do a good job (probs better then most jb's or autobarns).

Give us a PM if you want more info. or have any questions!!!

Thanks alot guys hope to hear from you soon.

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fully qualified what?


electronics engineer , autosparky ?? clarify. - are you insured for the mandatory $5m in liability? know how to use tools other than a test light? know what yellow means under a dash?

not being harsh here but there's an ENTIRELY different thing to saying you can do alarms and actually being qualified/equipped to to them.

can you reset fault lights or replace a AIRBAG when you have accidentally popped it?

get the idea?

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quailfied in fitting car audio and accessories. and as for how to use tools and everything you chris an ask ADAM as i use to work at the bentleigh stylyn car audio store (AS THERE ONLY FITTER) so i must have been able to do the work and i know there is an entirely different thinkg to saying you can do alarms and actually being qualified/equipped to do them. if you would like i can take copys of my certs saying that i am compitent, qualified and able to do automotive electrical accessorie installations. and no i cant reset faul lights or replace airbags but i would love to see any autobarn or jb hifi reset an airbag light if they trip one yet they seem to install alarms all the time. and as for replace an airbag im not stupid enough to trip one.

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ok had a chat to adam :P

he tells me that you were the trainee and spent one year approx working for him. he also mentioned that you were age 18/19 at the time. given that you resigned about 6-8 weeks ago that leaves you with not a lot of experience. I also found out why you quit (this is going up before I read the PM ) as well. when you need a day off you plan it well in advance with your employer and not the night before (adam's words.) .

my understanding is that you now work in the electronics area of a harvey norman. if that is the case then to me that means you do not have the necessary insurance to be working on cars worth more than you can afford to pay for if/when one gets damaged OR something goes wrong with it whilst the car is in motion and kills some one. feel free to correct me here.

given that, I as a customer would firstly ask if you had insurance and secondly ask how long you have been at it certs or not.

I get the odd question from the R35 guys that do not know me and I can cheerfully show them the insurance sheets when asked.

if you are going to publicly promote yourself - get insurance. unsure of your current housing situation but a serious f**k up will cost you everything you own if you are not careful.

food for thought.

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HA aswell i just got shut down,

Never thought of it that way (insurence or anything)

and just cause i dont work full time in car audio dont mean i havnt worked on cars since ive left,

and as for adams words with the day off it was actually only 2hours in the morning (i know i should have given more notice but ey doesnt that mean he should give more notice when expecting me to just work 3 nights in a row over time telling me each day that i will be working overtime????), that only motivated me more to quit and just pushed my quiting ahead i was planning on quiting way before that but being that in the car audio industry things travelle in a matter of second from you telling sum1 i thought best to keep it to myself.

i know i dont have the insurence but i know for fact that i would never get a car alarm installed by most aut*b*r*s or j*-H*F* insurence or no insurence, i have seen work done by them and lets just say a newbie could break into the car and steal it with no problem.

yes i was trainee but i did actually finish my traineeship whilst workign there (therefor NOT a trainee anymore) and should be getting payed more then $12 befor tax.

and if i had some1 with a R34 or anything i wouldnt be working on it anyways as i have not worked on one (not that i dont trust myself to) but they are brand new cars not 10 - 15 years old.

i would take the offer to install alarms down but dont have the control.

Thanks for the input chris.

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glad you understand what I'm getting at. when you are working for someone (IE adam in your case) he's paid your workcover/accident insurance/ public liabilty/accidental damage and super every week. the traineeship side of it is half/half (in QLD anyway - unsure of Vic.)

money aside (I paid a few guys that worked for me $26/hr-do the math..- same result) its motivation. I'll leave the essay out of it but by my response above you get the idea. both of us (Adam and myself) own decent sized businesses and as such we have to make sure they make money for our sake.

second the JB (redback installations.) and autobarn crews. some do well some struggle with the concept (sorry clinton.) of audio and security.

I'm not getting into the debate over O/T and wages. that gets quite political quite quickly. been there done that and I have been on both sides of the fence whilst doing it.

age of car shouldnt be of concern if you are confident and careful enough you can do anything you put your mind to. that goes with anything in life not just cars.

I can get the whole post taken down quite easily - I'll actually get it left here as a reminder for all of those that want to make a quick $50 in this industry and then piss off leaving a mess for us to clean up (this is NOT directed at you.) .

enough from me - I've got a bit of bookwork to do. ( this is another side that you do not see btw.)

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the other 1% i will agree to disagree cause i know that we both have differnt sides to look at this from and are never going to have same opinion

as for age, it isnt a concern for me when it comes to cars, but it is when the customer who has just paid 185k for his brand new R35 and he doesnt want a 19 years old of AGE working on his pride and joy of that much money, (I KNOW I WOULDNT).

(I'll actually get it left here as a reminder for all of those that want to make a quick $50 in this industry and then piss off leaving a mess for us to clean up (this is NOT directed at you.) )

glad for it to stay up as i completely agree with the above comment

Thanks for your time chris

Will deff be recommending anyone to you for audio/alarms information, sales and installs.

Talk l8ta

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look, put it this way...Autobarn, Strathfields etc would charge anything from $150-$250 for a generic alarm to be installed...if you cannot afford this - save up...I sure as hell want someone to point my finger at if something goes wrong...however, the fella hear sounds knowledgeable enough...with life everything is a risk if you want to take it...the choice is yours. Quite simple really.

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Look, put it this way...Autobarn, Strathfields etc would charge anything from $150-$250 for a generic alarm to be installed...if you cannot afford this - save up...I sure as hell want someone to point my finger at if something goes wrong...however, the fella hear sounds knowledgeable enough...with life everything is a risk if you want to take it...the choice is yours. Quite simple really.

Tonkins in SA wanted to charge me $680 for just an alarm install in my 350z  :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Need a whole sound system re-wired no sub jst amp front and back speakers and dvd head unit on R33

Location Springvale south

PM me on [email protected] with cost and things u need me to pick up before u can get started.

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