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Last night i got done for speeding heading back from the thursday night coast meet up. I was speeding so i have no contest but one thing struck my mind soon after why is it when you pulled over they tell you the worst that they can book you for but then only book u minimally.

I hate it when u get the Hollywood Line " Im letting you off easy this time" :devil: no offence lets be honest they should say " I can only prove you did this, so next time do the other thing for longer in a well lit area and smile for the camera k thanks bye :blush: "

P.S. Its a conspiracy the Police and the Possums are getting together to keep my zed off the streets we need to fight bak. :banana:

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denie denie denie.. unless they have you on radar and show you there reading... They allways try and put words into your mouth just dont let them, when they say "mate you were flying back there how fast do you think you were going"..."uh the speed limit"... "i wasnt born yesterday what do you take me for a dick head".."no officer".."you no this is a 60kmh zone you were doing atleast 100 im not out to get you, so we will just call it 80 so you dont lose your license".."no officer i was doing 60" just dont admit to it at all ... works alot more then you'd think

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denie denie denie.. unless they have you on radar and show you there reading... They allways try and put words into your mouth just dont let them, when they say "mate you were flying back there how fast do you think you were going"..."uh the speed limit"... "i wasnt born yesterday what do you take me for a dick head".."no officer".."you no this is a 60kmh zone you were doing atleast 100 im not out to get you, so we will just call it 80 so you dont lose your license".."no officer i was doing 60" just dont admit to it at all ... works alot more then you'd think

Yea they tried to ping me for doing over 110 and i was like not a chance mate they said they were doing 110 to keep up i just said i didnt have to brake on corners thats why u needed to speed up to that to keep up.

As for working it right i know that you can word it like you said but i dont want a bad wrap on the club or my car for being rude cos once you do that especially when ur there weekly and you drive a BRIGHT f**kING BLUE 350z they tend to pick on you so best to avoid conflict and take the lesser fine.

Mate of mine took his fine to court and fought it ( it was a 10km/h over the limit speeding fine ) took it toi court and the judge found him guilty and instead of the 2 points or whatever he got 6 months suspension handed down from the local court judge gotta be careful.

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denie denie denie.. unless they have you on radar and show you there reading... They allways try and put words into your mouth just dont let them, when they say "mate you were flying back there how fast do you think you were going"..."uh the speed limit"... "i wasnt born yesterday what do you take me for a dick head".."no officer".."you no this is a 60kmh zone you were doing atleast 100 im not out to get you, so we will just call it 80 so you dont lose your license".."no officer i was doing 60" just dont admit to it at all ... works alot more then you'd think

Not sure if I would feel comfortable taking advice on how to speak to cops from someone that can't spell "deny".


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that sort of shite works on your average commonwhore/camry driver caught going faster than they should

"I'm letting you off easy this time"

"Oh thank you officer! (what a swell guy, he could've booked me harsher but he didn't)"

of course we all know better :cool:

I got pulled over on the great western at random one day in my old GTT and they were trying to tell me they saw me doing burnouts, In no way was that me I was travelling home from work, but they kept insisting they saw me which I flat out denied, they said they were gonna let me go, said they could've impounded my car and I was gonna get a fine in the mail

I told them they can send it because I didn't do anything wrong and I would fight it in court, never got any fine in the mail :D

police BS or must've been another silve GT-t doing happy skids close by?

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that sort of shite works on your average commonwhore/camry driver caught going faster than they should

"I'm letting you off easy this time"

"Oh thank you officer! (what a swell guy, he could've booked me harsher but he didn't)"

of course we all know better :cool:

I got pulled over on the great western at random one day in my old GTT and they were trying to tell me they saw me doing burnouts, In no way was that me I was travelling home from work, but they kept insisting they saw me which I flat out denied, they said they were gonna let me go, said they could've impounded my car and I was gonna get a fine in the mail

I told them they can send it because I didn't do anything wrong and I would fight it in court, never got any fine in the mail :D

police BS or must've been another silve GT-t doing happy skids close by?

Yea its bullshit really. Over all its really gay i feel sorry for skylines more then anything cos in news reports they really only make a massive deal out of what kinda car it is when its a Skyline and they make it out that all skyline drivers are bad and dangerous its crap profiling and should not happen.

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that sort of shite works on your average commonwhore/camry driver caught going faster than they should

"I'm letting you off easy this time"

"Oh thank you officer! (what a swell guy, he could've booked me harsher but he didn't)"

of course we all know better :cool:

I got pulled over on the great western at random one day in my old GTT and they were trying to tell me they saw me doing burnouts, In no way was that me I was travelling home from work, but they kept insisting they saw me which I flat out denied, they said they were gonna let me go, said they could've impounded my car and I was gonna get a fine in the mail

I told them they can send it because I didn't do anything wrong and I would fight it in court, never got any fine in the mail :D

police BS or must've been another silve GT-t doing happy skids close by?

i had this happen.. cops came to my house.. knocked on my door bout 8pm. apparantly old mate was following me and i lit it up through a set of traffic lights.. he couldnt do anything at the time he was following me as he was off duty, but came around later when he was on duty.. they wanted to inspect the car.. which was in the garage with the head off.. said they were coming to take it but couldnt because they had planned to drive it away and that they may come back with a tow truck... pfft. yeh right.. they left after about an hour after my mum and old boy gave them an absolute reaming for disturbing us why couldnt they just leave me alone just because i owned a skyline...

so did i do it?? no i did not.. there was a maroon VN SS in front of my mate's 180, and then there was me.. 3rd car back.. the VN lit it up off the lights and carried on down the street, my mate and i drove through the smoke and thats how he tried to pin it on us.. the guy in the VN was well known to them, but because he played footy they would let him do what he wanted pretty much..

cops are tops!

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mister 'denie' is correct. Not with his spelling but the words in your mouth statement is true. It has happened to me on several occasions. On the fist I admitted i was doing 10km over when they asked how fast I was going - they game me a warning and let me go though. And I thought to myself, what if I deny or denie doing anything but the speedlimit. Have been pulled up probably once a year in the past four years and the same scenario - denied it and got out of it. It seems there is nothing they can do unless you confess...

It may be different for highway patrol with mounted radars.

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never forget though guys to be booked you either have to have admitted guilt or they have to have the radar readout. The old cop followed and booked you doesnt stand up if you insist you werent speeding.

They day i was told this ages back i used it to get me out of a sure loss of licence. NO FINE, NO NOTHING. He was trying to get me for 45 over i insisted i was no more than 10 over and on the brakes at the time. he insisted his unmarked commodore is accurate and that they had me at 115 in a 70 i said im sorry but i know what my speedo said and i cannot vouch for his only that mine said 80 or just over when i looked while decellerating at the 70 sign. (this is deemed as a ficticious story by me if presented in court of law)

Hence why highway patrol's have video camera and speed readers. The we'll let you go lower is coz they either are being nice or dont have the credible readout to make it stick in the higher range.

same goes for poor behaviour and stupidity. If caught by them they are witness too it but the fact that they can prove it rests on being able to prove you did it. Ie spotted recorderd rego, video footage, marks on road and evidence of recent behaviour on your car.

In cases where you are being pinned for someone else it sux coz they go hard on you but stick your guns and insist on the evidence.

Nothings more important though than being respectful while doing all the above.

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yeah its a nasty trick they play getting people to admit there own guilt just after the bit where they say "i am informing you this conversation is being recorded". I reckon it works 95% of the time too.

problem is if you dont play that game you are likely to end up with a defect for something which is even worse to me.

BTW Jay....stop speeding. get it out of your system on the race track. none of us are angels (except kel of course lol) but with cars like these we just have to be careful as

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Oh, for heaven's sakes. The world's full of would-be experts. Most of them 19. Just don't try some of this smart-ass advice at home.

Where is it written that the police have to have printed evidence of your speed?

Any more than that they have physical evidence of you running a red, or even driving dangerously (without hitting anything)?

Don't admit to anything more than you were doing, and be respectful. But argue hot as hell if they try to make stuff up, obviously...

It ain't rocket-science.

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Oh, for heaven's sakes. The world's full of would-be experts. Most of them 19. Just don't try some of this smart-ass advice at home.

Where is it written that the police have to have printed evidence of your speed?

Any more than that they have physical evidence of you running a red, or even driving dangerously (without hitting anything)?

Don't admit to anything more than you were doing, and be respectful. But argue hot as hell if they try to make stuff up, obviously...

It ain't rocket-science.

yup, it doesn't have to be printed, but they have to show you the readout from the radar screen,

as its been said a million times above, don't admit to anything, if they have the proof, then they have it, allot of the times the cops may radio in the speed or even show an onboard camera the speed that comes up from radar panel. If you agree they will always pin you, if you dont agree, they may have no other proof and drop the whole thing if the cop thinks he hasn't followed proceedure or may have forgotten to do something. Other than that a judge will nearly ALWAYS take the word of an officer than a skyline driver lol.

Best thing is dont speed and always deny, if he has the proof he will book you

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i had this happen.. cops came to my house.. knocked on my door bout 8pm. apparantly old mate was following me and i lit it up through a set of traffic lights.. he couldnt do anything at the time he was following me as he was off duty, but came around later when he was on duty.. they wanted to inspect the car.. which was in the garage with the head off.. said they were coming to take it but couldnt because they had planned to drive it away and that they may come back with a tow truck... pfft. yeh right.. they left after about an hour after my mum and old boy gave them an absolute reaming for disturbing us why couldnt they just leave me alone just because i owned a skyline...

so did i do it?? no i did not.. there was a maroon VN SS in front of my mate's 180, and then there was me.. 3rd car back.. the VN lit it up off the lights and carried on down the street, my mate and i drove through the smoke and thats how he tried to pin it on us.. the guy in the VN was well known to them, but because he played footy they would let him do what he wanted pretty much..

cops are tops!

I don't think a cop can Drive anyones car away, only to take it out of the way from a dangerous situation (aslong as it isn't dangerous to move it), for the safety of everyone around, I thought oh&s doesn't allow them to dive cars at work that arn't their own personal cars or work cars. Especially if they think the car is going to be defectable. It is usually a tow trucks responsibility or the car stays.

Ive never heard of a copper driving someone elses car, even with the owners permission they try not to.

Well not these days, forget about the old days, they could do anything back then lol

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