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Failed Break-in Attempt

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I had a failed break-in attempt on my car tonight around 7:55pm, parked at Erindale Woolworths car park. Was walking back to my car when i heard the alarm go off, i sprinted across the carpark to find a white 4-door N14 Nissan Pulsar SSS pulled up next to my car, drivers door had been broken open which had triggered the alarm.

The coward jumped in his car and floored it going past the front of the shops in the direction of the servo (sounded like a non-turbo, guessing aftermarket exhaust as it was pretty loud) not sure where he went from there. Luckily nothing was stolen from the car but it had been parked there literally 5 minutes so they must have been prowling the car park prior.

I didn't catch the plates (adrenaline took over, i wanted to catch them in the act and beat the sh!t out of them) but chances are they were stolen anyway, if not the whole car.

Anyways, if you live in the area may pay to keep an eye out just incase. I have reported the matter to the police who will keep an eye out for the car, if anyone knows anything about this please PM. Amazing how all the people around were suddenly invisible, only 2 people came over afterwards to check out what had happened and my thanks go to them.

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OK so I'm thinking it might be the same ppl.

My car was broken into yesterday also and ignition / steering column ripped out to get the car started. I got back to my car to find radio on (accessories).

Car was raided also but nothing taken as i leave nothing valuable but obviously these shits had plenty of time.

Car was in a public place (cooleman court shops) between 1:30 and 4pm so how they had all this time with all the alarms on is amazing. I'll be asking ppl around there if they saw anything.

Matter has been reported to the police.

Prob a good thing I didn't catch them still in my car, though it would have made my day if I did! I'll be keeping a closer eye on my car from now on.........

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Yeah that sucks man, sorry to hear.

Has anyone ever thought of doing a stakeout?

You know, put a nice looking car in the car park and have people/mate's watch from a distance and then the hard part - waiting! lol

Hopefully then you can catch these f**kers in the act, have a video recorder handy so you can record what happens, if anything, and then proceed to stop them with you and your mates, show them a bit of non-bruising justice than call the cops...

I know it might not be the best thing to be trying, its possibly a little dangerous and probably what the police would'nt want, but if cops say they can't do much about it, which i've heard a bit, then there isn't much of a choice!

These assholes stealing out cars increases insurance premiums, registration cost, everything all cos these f**kers can't keep there hand on there own shit :D

Edited by footsoulja33
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Has anyone ever thought of doing a stakeout?

You know, put a nice looking car in the car park and have people/mate's watch from a distance and then the hard part - waiting! lol

Not a bad idea if done right. Assuming done right you could possibly catch the people responsible, but to what level of risk? Who would be willing to put their car in front of another car trying to get away? If they pulled knives would you know what to do, I have some basic training but most the people in our group are probably not the physical type.

Now assuming you can catch them, what do you do with them? Take them to police? If any charges stuck, they would get a slap on the hand by the courts. At the risk of being charged yourself by the ever so helpful police. If you handle it yourself what do you do bash them up? Then they take you to court and you end up in jail. Jail to you is a lot worse then jail to them.

There's an old saying dead men tell no tales. I doubt you are willing to take this measure.

So we all hide our nice cars from the hole this world has become.

You can blame the Governments wanting to control their charges reinforcing the appathetic nature of the community for this, but thats another topic entirly.

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I would think if the police were serious about wanting to catch those responsible they would have asked to check the door handles etc for fingerprints since no doubt their set would be on the top.

But then i am no forensic investigator so i may be well off the mark there.

a20089 raises some valid points, this time around the would be car thief ran like the coward he was, but not everyone who tries to steal cars has testicles the size of peanuts so if they pulled a knife or even a gun... well the idea wouldn't go down to well.

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i've had some success - as lame and pointless as it might seem - by emailing local MPs. remember if you want the cops to do something you have to get a polly to tell them because that's who they are responsible to. yep you'll get some motherhood statement reply about 'this government is committed etc bs bs bs' but they are also very aware that you vote. also sometimes there are operations that aren't publicised for obvious reasons and they do catch a lot of dirtbags. all it takes is something like:

Dear X

Recently I have been the victim of an attempted vehicle theft / break in (delete one) which occurred in a public area at x. I am aware that many of my colleagues have experienced similar events recently and it appears that while in each case the incidents are reported to Police, the prevalence of these offences is increasing and there is little evidence of affirmative action. Can you please advise what your government is doing to address this issue.

Yours sincerely etc

enough of these lobbing on the same MPs doorstep and it's quite likely you'll see a change of some sort. it takes all of 30 seconds of your time, so you have nothing to lose.

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That's quite a good idea. Not so much for this instance as that was the first time i'd been to Erindale in... at least 6 months, but this is the second break-in attempt in around 2 months and the other happened at a car park at work where numerous cars have been broken into before. Reporting it to the police never seemed to get any real results, spotted them doing a patrol of the car park once shortly after but that was it.

My car was broken into yesterday also and ignition / steering column ripped out to get the car started. I got back to my car to find radio on (accessories).

Car was raided also but nothing taken as i leave nothing valuable but obviously these shits had plenty of time

I feel for you mate, it sucks having to foot the bill for something someone did to your car but i guess you have to be happy they didn't get anything. It pisses me off how brazen these theives are getting, my mate had his car stolen a little while ago, an S13 silvia with custom orange/black paint. Was stolen from a busy car park in broad daylight before being thrashed and trashed. Ended up getting written off by his insurer. Becuase it was someone under 18 i very much doubt he will get anything more severe than a slap on the wrist and a few hours of community service. Too bad this is the second car he has stolen and he is clearly on his way to becoming a model citizen.

Edited by r33skylinegtst
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yeah mate, totally agree. Glad they didnt get away with the car!

No point getting upset (unless I get a hold of them that is!). Thing im dissapointed in is I'm sure there would have been ppl around that saw it and did nothing. Hoping I'll get some info through the week.

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a mate has a completely separate pager alarm system with its own sealed lead acid battery, and full control up to 5 km away

he has made a setting that he can lock the new occupants inside, disable the switches and everything inside so they cant get out (including winding the electric windows up)

pity he wasnt mean enough to rig up a 130dB internal siren

im thinking of haveing some sort of a hidden camera in the dash that records when a mercury switch that gets tripped or the interior lights or sudden jolt like smashed window

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these 'cnuts' only understand the bash or be bashed mentality. majority are addicts.

A month or so ago it cost me about $500 dollars to tow my car and replace the ignition barrel from a failed attempt. This made me very angry!! so just last weekend while I was in my garage working on one of my cars I heard some voices and looked outside my garage. a young cnut tried the door handle on the Supra, there was 4 of them and another 4 just out of sight, who wisely decided to stay out of it or feared for their own safety. Now my cars are safe in this neighbourhood from these wannabies, Ages 15/16.

There are many tools in my garage. I like the telescopic wheel brace that rid the outside of my garage of these other tools. His famous last words, do you know who my brothers are.... I dont give a flying fcuk. Dropping names doesn't impress me, we all know gangsta's. But now I have his brothers names too and they know first hand what willl happen.

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Sin, would be appreciated if you could PM me some names, if known.

Also, if you see these pansies hanging around your place again, or anyone sees stuff like this, let it be known immediately. I for one would love the opportunity to educate some of the lower members of our community on the concept of actually working and earning things for yourself, possibly via means of pain. Each to their own devices, but I'm sure Sin would agree that nothing teaches these pieces of sh*t a better lesson than their own medicine, back to them twofold.

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~ If the laws don't work and aren't enforced then deliver justice. Don't mistake the law for justice otherwise we would call them Justice courts not Law courts. Try the law first, it's the law! If you don’t receive justice then I beleive you have the right to dispense it :) style.

BTW there are 10 commandments (#8 "Thou Shalt not Steal") and over 35million laws ;)

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pity he wasnt mean enough to rig up a 130dB internal siren

Hmmmmm me thinks that is an excellent idea, you see, when it comes to my car, i AM mean enough to rig up a 130db internal siren, hell i will rig up capsicum spray to the a/c for when my alarm goes off if I have to!! (just make sure it is thorougly cleaned before I get in it again, lock them in, deafen them and burn their eyes (my car shall claim self defence before the courts)

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I still think that getting a good 2400W inverter and pumping 240v out of the steering wheel and grounded through the gear stick, after the alarm has been activated of course...!

that'll make sure they get a fking good jolt right through the heart! certainly wont be trying to steal another car anytime soon...

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