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Getting Dudded On 98ron Fuel!


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yeah well its down the road from the GF's and it was tuned on Plus ULP, but my old VN used to not start with that fuel in the tank and I had a fuel filter full of shit from it, so I'll only put the Boost 98 in if I'm running low.

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Hmmm I'm glad that for a track day it will only cost me around $80 for fuel....

Think of the guys who are paying $280 odd dollars for 20litres of Roo 16

When you look at that price you start to think.... hmmm my car is cheap :down:

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To be honest the NRMA sh!ts me more than the price rise.

Every public holiday its the same crap coming out from them. We love the drivers we love consumers, yet they'll happily bend you over and jamb 3 bricks sideways up your ar$e when telling you it's justified to insure your $15k import for $4k a year.

Farking clowns, the government doesn't give a crap about the NRMA, and they have not achieved a sinlge price reduction in fuel even though they've been crapping on about this for decades!

Sorry - I just find it a bit rich for an insurance company to be going on about consumer protection/rif offs.





Can't wait for the banks to start telling us the NRMA is ripping customer off.

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To be honest the NRMA sh!ts me more than the price rise.

Every public holiday its the same crap coming out from them. We love the drivers we love consumers, yet they'll happily bend you over and jamb 3 bricks sideways up your ar$e when telling you it's justified to insure your $15k import for $4k a year.

Farking clowns, the government doesn't give a crap about the NRMA, and they have not achieved a sinlge price reduction in fuel even though they've been crapping on about this for decades!

Sorry - I just find it a bit rich for an insurance company to be going on about consumer protection/rif offs.PotKettleBlack?

Can't wait for the banks to start telling us the NRMA is ripping customer off.

How absolutely on the nail, I think they compete with the RACQ in the race to se who can jam thier tongues up the collective govt asses fastest and the spokesperson always seems to be a tweedy bearded clown to whom article 303 should be applied immediatly. :(

:mad: And whilst off topic, but on motor fluids--I just changed engine oil and filter 5LT Nulon 10/40 full syn (4.1 used)=$58.95. gearbox 5lt Penrite SIN 75 (4lt used) $111.98 and Diff 2lt Castrol SAF XA (1.6lt used)$58.96.

Thats a total of 12ltrs of fluids at a cost of $228.91 = $19.0758c per litre with wastage of 2.3litres thus rendering a real cost of $23.598c per litre.

And fark me I forgot to include the $10.00 for the Nissan oil filter :cool:

If anyone wants the left over bits (1lt nulon 10 40 sin Hi flow. 1lt penrite sin 75. 1/2LT Castrol SAF XE). you can have them if you want to pick them up, I'm in Labrador but best PM quickly before I slap them on Fleebay and make my fortune.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrkit :)

Edited by BASHO
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Every public holiday its the same crap coming out from them. We love the drivers we love consumers, yet they'll happily bend you over and jamb 3 bricks sideways up your ar$e when telling you it's justified to insure your $15k import for $4k a year.

They love "drivers", in a very narrow context.

If you're some middle aged person in a family sedan and buys in to the Current Affair attitude towards modified car drivers, they're awesome. Their lobbying is geared that way, as is their insurance, as is their roadside assistance.

Look at all the deals they offer as a part of membership. They're basically for old farts (who may or may not have kids) going on some road trip.

I'm a NRMA Roadside Assistance member for one of my cars, and so I get their magazine. The people who write in to it are, for the most part, the kind of people who'd consider the Bob Jane All Rounder to be a good tyre.

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Must have not being paying much attention as I haven't noticed much change to the price of RON 98 around my area. Ever time I fill up its always between 1.28 to 1.35 (take another 4c of that for the discount card thing).

But I do remember years (10years+) back when my parents & family friends went to Monkey Mia, the price of RON 91 were 90c & they were saying how expensive it was compared to Perth (which was between 55c to 70c... now if any station had any of those prices today I would be paying them a visit with not only my car but also several large gallon drums :P

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back when i first got my licence i never paid attention to the price of fuel, but it was usually around the mid 70 cents/L mark. oh to go back to the days when the litres numbers turned faster than the $$$

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Yikes :whistling: Caltex cnr Brisbane Rd and Olsen Ave Labrador QLD today ULP $1.09c Vortex 98 $1.29 , 20c per litre smac my ass diff AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGHH .

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i love how so many people complain about the price of fuel yet a large amount of people will buy bottled water. fuel companies are probably making less profit from a tank of fuel than the water companies do from a single bottle.

Not just water. You're forgetting:

Coke/Soft Drinks



Fresh Coffee

V/Red Bull etc

People buy all those things and pay anywhere up to $5 for 250ml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

None of those things make your car run and with the exception of milk, none of them really need to be bought at all (can make your own juice at home and the others are just luxuries). If you want your car to run. Buy fuel. If you don't want to pay for fuel, don't own a car. But don't cry poor when you can pay $3.80 for 600ml of Coke.

I never even look at the price of fuel. I don't give a rats. I hold the lever until it clicks off, then I go in and tell them what pump number, swipe my card, key my pin, and leave.

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  • 5 months later...

NRMA has done fark all...

Difference between ULP Vs 98 RON is now commonly 15c.

Perhaps you notice it's been worse?

N.R.M.A. = Nothing Really Matters Anymore :laugh:

...but should I be surprised?

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I don't know why anyone thought the NRMA or the ACCC would do anything about the price gap? There all shit toothless tigers like the department of Fair Trade. They are all made by the government to create jobs. NRMA has no power.

On the water subject, bottled water in sydney in the shops is over $2.50/600ml and average is $3. so thats more than $4 a litre, i'd rather buy petrol..... and i'm not an indiginous australian either :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

for some of the posts on page one, from a quick skim read was the AUD mentioned? if not, for those say why at $100 /barrel the price didn't drastically fall at the pump when it went to $30, that's because the AUD was massively strong and then piss weak... the 2 together kinda kept pace with each with regards to what you pay the pump, pretty simple really.

it's good and bad... aud helps stop the price getting really high at the pump when it's strong, but then doesn't help prices get cheap when oil drops, because 99%, aud will drop with it.

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there's ZERO competition in petrol prices, they have no need for it. i wouldn't be surprised if they just though of prices off the top of their heads.

but that's never going to change, what can change is the tax on petrol.

considering at least half the cost of petrol is tax.

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not quite half of the cost of petrol is tax. there is the 38c excise (or whatever it is), plus GST, so if fuel is $1.32 litre, then you are paying 50c in tax. if fuel goes up to $1.65 then there is only an extra 3c in tax.

but you have NO chance in hell of ever getting the tax on fuel drastically changed. and if you did, the government would only tax something else more in order to be able to still have the same amount of income, or they would make more things a users pays system to compensate for the loss of money.

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Yeah I agree Scathing, the NRMA are no friends of grey import / modified car owners. Don't forget that they SUPPORT a lot of these ridiculous road laws.

^^^... which why MLCrisis & myself have been forced to work independently from so-called motoring associations,

i) to gather > compile > collate information and

ii) set up petitions (like thin edges of wedges) to gain leverage

I'm not deluded into thinking that there isn't a bumpy road ahead - sigh (sorry for the double negative).

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