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HELP!.. recently I have cleaned my panel filter and wiped my AFM with a cloth. Now once i have done this the car seem to have problems starting. I turn my key and nothing happens, no noise at all but after a few turns the car cranks and shes going again. This only happens after leaving the car overnight when the engine is cold.

Can anyone explain why?

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i dont know if this helps but my car was having trouble starting when cold but that was the battery. i replaced it and now its fine. it sounds like you might have done something to it when you cleaned the filter and AFM??? might just be a coincidence. my car seems to be one problem after another just got my clutch fixed and now my water pump has died. its getting rather annoying.

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Try cleaning the ground wire in the engine bay. I've had the same kinda problem where the starter motor would just click, click and nothing would happen. After lots of troubleshooting a found that the ground wire in the engine bay was so dirty it was heating up and not connection properly. was only making 12.6 at the battery and 13.6 at the alternator. She starts with one turn of the key now.

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Pushead: the starter motor earths through its brushes, and if they are significantly worn, the car will only start intermittenly. See if tapping the starter with a hammer helps, if that is the problem - u need an auto electrician or someone who knows what they are doing to rebuild it, usually doesn't cost much, but its well worth it - your starter will feel like a new one :(


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