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Nah saddest thing is I am now paying the installments for last fin year's earnings, when I earnt considerably more - is a double knife in the back! No PAYG as I own my own company.

Ah yes, sorry, forgot it was a company. But if the company has reduced financial earnings, you vary your quarterly PAYG-Is down to a smaller amount to reflect the true current earnings of the company. Or you get it the difference back in the 2010 IT Return. Or even claim back a 5B credit for previous instalments in your Jun10 PAYG-I if it's been significant.

glenelg? and wicked weasel ftmfw.

ooooh yeah. A stripper giving us lads a private dance at Goldfingers in Melbourne on the boy's footy trip had WW gear on (for a short period) and she was amazed I knew what it was :thumbsup: ..... it was the teeny, tiny variety too :thumbsup:

well i just crashed the 32 a lil bit

got out the driveway, and noticed the squealing of cold belts slipping wasnt stopping, so i pulled over and had a look. what i thought was the air-con belt had jumped over one spline and was sitting on an angle. so i thought i would nurse the car around the block and pop it back in the shed....

this belt turned out to be for the power steering pump, and when it went i coasted gracefully into a stobie pole and munched my passenger wing mirror cos i could barely move the fkn steering wheel. it took me 15 min to get the car 1/2 a block then in the driveway to the the round the back. i could have crawled faster using only my tongue.

**** note to self..... remember which is power steering, and which is air-con

bahahaha, f**k i love www.tshirthell.com

From: Former Customer

I have never been offended by any of your products no matter how offensive the message, because they are just products and are not attacking any one thing.

However, I just read your "Editor's Response" here: (http://www.tshirthell.com/miscpages/nsn/newshirt_052410_nsn.php#sec3), and I'm appalled at what you've written. A crazy t-shirt is one thing, as is a crazy, humorous email, but this serious sort of bigotry has lost you my business forever. Neither I nor anyone I know will ever order from you again.

Also, I don't care about Catholicism, but you are dead wrong about "Jesus." Please, read the book "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist." Regardless of what you think regarding the supernatural claims of Christianity, you are completely ignorant of history if you believe that Jesus was "made up."

There are more historical references to him, from his enemies alone, than there are to the Roman Emperor at the time. You only make yourself look foolish when you say things like what you have.

Anyway, goodbye.


Oh good, another douche who takes what I tap out in an ether-induced stupor as my sincere beliefs. I don't want to sound like a pussy who backs off what she says, I'm just mocking the kind of person I'm hoping to offend; the kind of person who takes the bullshit they believe so seriously they don't understand those of us who only have a casual interest in the bullshit that is omnipresent in all our lives. And even then we're only interested for the sake of pissing off and laughing at the rest of you assholes.

Look, I don't know what I wrote two lines ago, let alone two weeks. I assume I wrote something about Jesus not existing. That was a mistake. What I should have said is I don't care if he existed. And just because he existed doesn't mean he wasn't some ancient think tank's creation. Okay, so he was real. So are George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and millions of tools believe those fags are significant. And this is in the modern age, with audio and video and everything.

Now consider the circumstances under which Jesus was written about, when the world's smartest man didn't know as much as a modern kindergartner (not living in the South). Compound that with the fact that we are a couple millennia removed from then. I mean, think how distorted things become in a decade. People actually believe something called the "Twin Towers" existed a few years ago. For all you know, "Jesus" could've been a turd Mary squeezed out and called mankind's savior because she lost her mind when the village crazy guy ripped out her uterus with his teeth.

Point being, just because something is written, whether on stone tablets, in the Bible, in "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist," a textbook or anywhere else, doesn't make it so. For instance, I can write "Whoever sent this email makes a good point and isn't a huge douche whose floss has removed far more sperm than it was meant to," but that doesn't make it so.

Anyway, Christian moron, thanks for maintaining the line of decency that separates Jesus from all other things. God knows the retards, children, rape victims, minorities and everyone else I've made fun of totally deserved the thrashing they got; but the fully grown man who died a couple thousand years ago and got whipped and nailed to a cross, yeah, that pussy can't possibly endure a juvenile email. Jesus Salad-tossing Christ.


From: Oscar

Dear Sir or Madam.

I like your t-shirts but i don't like the Mexican t-shirt, because i think there are racist and not funny. Please remove it from your catalog.

Yours faithfully


Okay, I've been pretty heavy-handed and rambling up to this point, so allow me to keep this response brief and silly.

How many Mexicans does it take to Mexican a Mexican?

Mexicans stink.

f**k off, Oscar.

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