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First of all, happy new (financial) year everyone :)

Second, they had Open Day at a private school near my house today, why must 80% of them drive SUVs or 4WDs when they (presumably) never take them out in the dirt or mud? To reflect their inflated egos perhaps?

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First of all, happy new (financial) year everyone :)

Second, they had Open Day at a private school near my house today, why must 80% of them drive SUVs or 4WDs when they (presumably) never take them out in the dirt or mud? To reflect their inflated egos perhaps?

because sometimes there are leaves on the street that they need to get over :)

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First of all, happy new (financial) year everyone :)

Second, they had Open Day at a private school near my house today, why must 80% of them drive SUVs or 4WDs when they (presumably) never take them out in the dirt or mud? To reflect their inflated egos perhaps?

You know I used to have this attitude also .... until I had a kid. Normal sedans just do not have the rear seat legroom for a bassinet and most don't even comfortably house a child seat with a child in it (which is why we just sold our Accord Euro and bought a CRV). Also of note is the higher seating/vision position of SUVs, which do make them safer for Mum's driving kids around (and let's face it - we want kids to be safe).

But of course the other side of the coin is that I spend all day out on the road, and BLOODY HATE the limited visibility all 4wds/SUVs make me suffer. And the driving of soccer Mums leaves a LOT to be desired ....

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Haha, my missus is a dead set soccer mum in one of the biggest 4WD's available..........they give her so much shit Sat mornings at my boy's soccer matches :)

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add them now.

Get digital before you get physical.

Adding them on facebook, not only shows off your detective skills, but shows that you are confident. Ladies can smell fear. Much like bears that smell the menstruation... :)

jake giving advice on women?

well i never...

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First of all, happy new (financial) year everyone :D

Second, they had Open Day at a private school near my house today, why must 80% of them drive SUVs or 4WDs when they (presumably) never take them out in the dirt or mud? To reflect their inflated egos perhaps?

So they can just drive over speedhumps (and small cars) without slowing down?

From what I understand, after talking to people who own them - they seem to get a sense of protection and superiority by sitting higher than other cars - that they're invincible. That many of these cars have a much lower safety rating than smaller cars, and that whilst in an accident they might be slightly better off, the other car (or pedestrian they hit) will be far better off doesn't seem to occur to them. Eh, anyway. I'm a huge SUV hater - if you take it off-road, sure - but 90% of them don't. They compromise the visibility for cars around them, and many of the drivers seem to be oblivious to the other cars on the road around them (I don't know if they just don't check their mirrors or their mirrors or they just can't see the other cars from larger blind-spots or something).

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