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Thats sick Chad, AM do that? Looks fantastic man.

Someones going to have sore ears after leaving a drift prac day :P

Yeah its an AM Performance one :banana: Will be interesting to see if i get a headache from the noise like i do when i have the straight pipe on the skyline :banana:

I dare say so, Especially sliding. The gate will spend more time open then shut so it'll constantly be screaming the whole day but all in good fun man.

Is there a drift prac that your pushing to have the car done by or just taking your time before you take it out there sliding?

God I'd love a pure slide car, one day soon I hope :banana:

there's plenty of other events to do though the year.

Taken from GSR/EVO club

24-Jan-09 Mud Racing TEMRA Hidden Valley Club

08-Feb-09 Economy Run - Club Presentation SDCC Southern Hills Club

08-Feb-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity ASC/A7C Mallala Club

14-Feb-09 15-Feb-09 "Brekkie Bash" Off Road Promotional Day ASORRC Alice Springs Club

15-Feb-09 Supersprint - Rnd 1 PCruisingSA Mallala Club

15-Feb-09 Motorkhana, Club Series - Rnd 1 SEAC Mt Gambier Club

21-Feb-09 Mud Racing TEMRA Hidden Valley Club

22-Feb-09 Open Fun Day NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

22-Feb-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 1 NDCC Monarto Multi Club

27-Feb-09 28-Feb-09 Club Trial SEAC Heywood Vic Club

28-Feb-09 Race Meeting, SA State Championship, Rnd 1 - Twilight SCCruisingSA Mallala State

01-Mar-09 Motorkhana SDCC Lanac Park Club

01-Mar-09 Mini Meet MCruisingSA Wigley Reserve Glenelg Non Comp

01-Mar-09 Supersprint, Club Series - Rnd 1 MSCA Mallala Club

01-Mar-09 Motorkhana, Multi Club PCruisingSA Monarto Multi Club

07-Mar-09 G1 Drift, State Championship, Rnd 1 MMSP Mallala State

07-Mar-09 08-Mar-09 Street Sprint - 1/4 Mile KIMC Kangaroo Island Multi Club

07-Mar-09 08-Mar-09 Off Road NT Titles - Rnd 1 ASORRC Alice Springs Club

08-Mar-09 Mini Cruise, Touring Assembly MCruisingSA Adelaide Hills/Environs Club

08-Mar-09 Khanacross Practice - Ladies & Juniors SDCC Lanac Park Club

14-Mar-09 Motorkhana, Come and Try VWC Monarto Multi Club

14-Mar-09 15-Mar-09 Off Road, Baroota Night & Day Enduro SGORA Baroota Multi Club

15-Mar-09 Race Meeting - NAMSC NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

15-Mar-09 Khanacross, Club Series - Rnd 1 SEAC SEAC Park Club

15-Mar-09 Khanacross, Come & Try VWC Monarto Multi Club

15-Mar-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity ASC/A7C Mallala Club

19-Mar-09 22-Mar-09 Race, V8 Supercars Rnd 1, Clipsal 500 SAMSB Adelaide Parklands National

21-Mar-09 Mud Racing TEMRA Hidden Valley Club

22-Mar-09 Autocross Club Series, Rnd 1 SEAC SEAC Park Club

26-Mar-09 29-Mar-09 Formula 1, ING Australian Grand Prix AGPC Melbourne International

29-Mar-09 Sprint, Time Attack MGSR/EVO Mallala Club

04-Apr-09 Junior Development Program - 1 SDCC Lanac Park Club

05-Apr-09 ACM Motorsport Khanacross Series, Rnd 1 SDCC Lanac Park Multi Club

11-Apr-09 12-Apr-09 Race Meeting, National Historic SCCruisingSA Mallala National

12-Apr-09 Rallysprint, Rnd 1 WACC Walky Park Multi Club

13-Apr-09 Hillclimb, Historic SCCruisingSA Collingrove Multi Club

18-Apr-09 19-Apr-09 Hillclimb, Mt Alma SDCC Mt Alma Multi Club

18-Apr-09 19-Apr-09 Off Road, Sporties ASORRC Alice Springs Club

19-Apr-09 Race Meeting - NAMSC NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

19-Apr-09 Burnout, Rnd 1 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

19-Apr-09 Supersprint, Rnd 2 PCruisingSA Mallala Club

19-Apr-09 Khanacross, Club Series - Rnd 2 SEAC SEAC Park Club

19-Apr-09 Khanacross RSCruisingSA Palmer Multi Club

25-Apr-09 Motorkhana, Club EPAC Pt Neill Club

26-Apr-09 Hillclimb, Come and Try SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

26-Apr-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 2 MMCC Monarto Multi Club

26-Apr-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity ASC/A7C Mallala Club

02-May-09 Autocross, SA State Championship, Rnd 1 - Day/Night + Clubman Rnd 1 SDCC Lanac Park State

02-May-09 03-May-09 Race Meeting, SA State Championship, Rnd 2 SCCruisingSA Mallala State

03-May-09 Motorkhana, Club Series - Rnd 2 SEAC Mt Gambier Club

16-May-09 Club Trial SEAC Mt Gambier Club

16-May-09 17-May-09 Off Road, Parilla Enduro - Rnd 1 ORCC Parilla Multi Club

16-May-09 17-May-09 Fun Day ASORRC Alice Springs Club

17-May-09 6 Hour Modern Regularity MSCA Mallala Club

23-May-09 24-May-09 Race Meeting - NAMSC, NT Titles NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

23-May-09 24-May-09 Drift Australia Championship MMSP Mallala National

24-May-09 ACM Motorsport Khanacross Series, Rnd 2 MSCA/NDCC Tailem Bend Racecourse Multi Club

24-May-09 Burnout, Rnd 2 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

24-May-09 Motorkhana, Club Series - Rnd 3 SEAC Mt Gambier Club

24-May-09 Motorkhana, Multi Club PCruisingSA Monarto Multi Club

30-May-09 31-May-09 Rally, Adelaide Hills Tarmac, SARC - Rnd 1 SDCC Adelaide Hills State

31-May-09 Autocross, Club Series - Rnd 2 SEAC SEAC Park Club

05-Jun-09 07-Jun-09 Shannons Nationals Motor Racing Championships - Rnd 4 MMSP Mallala National

06-Jun-09 07-Jun-09 Motorkhana, Mini Nationals MCruisingSA Hay NSW Multi Club

06-Jun-09 08-Jun-09 Finke Desert Race, AORC Rnd 2 FDR Alice Springs National

13-Jun-09 Weekend of Motorsport - Motorkhana VWC Monarto Multi Club

14-Jun-09 Hillclimb, Multi Club SCCruisingSA Collingrove Multi Club

14-Jun-09 Weekend of Motorsport - ACM Motorsport Khanacross, Series Rnd 3 VWC Monarto Multi Club

19-Jun-09 21-Jun-09 Race, V8 Supercars Rnd 5 - Hidden Valley NT Major Events Co Hidden Valley National

20-Jun-09 Club Trial SEAC Mt Gambier Club

21-Jun-09 Burnout, Rnd 3 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

21-Jun-09 Supersprint, Rnd 3 PCruisingSA Mallala Club

27-Jun-09 28-Jun-09 Off Road, Mt Templeton GRKCC Mt Templeton Multi Club

27-Jun-09 Rally, Robertstown - SARC - Rnd 2 WACC Robertstown State

28-Jun-09 Hillclimb, Winter Cup Rnd 1 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Multi Club

28-Jun-09 Motorkhana, Club Series - Rnd 4 SEAC Mt Gambier Club

28-Jun-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity ASC/A7C Mallala Club

03-Jul-09 05-Jul-09 Off Road Club ASORRC Alice Springs Club

04-Jul-09 Junior Development Program - 2 SDCC Lanac Park Club

05-Jul-09 Supersprint, Club Series - Rnd 2 MSCA Mallala Multi Club

05-Jul-09 Khanacross SDCC Lanac Park Multi Club

05-Jul-09 Rallysprint, Rnd 2 WACC Walky Park Club

11-Jul-09 12-Jul-09 Off Road, State Championship - Rnd 1 + Multi Club - Rnd 2 WRORA Waikerie State

12-Jul-09 Rally Non Special Stage + Clubman, Rnd 2 RSCruisingSA Wirrina Multi Club

12-Jul-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 3 MGCC Monarto Multi Club

18-Jul-09 19-Jul-09 Autocross, SA State Championship - Rnd 2 +Club Series - Rnd 3 SEAC SEAC Park Club

19-Jul-09 Burnout, Rnd 4 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

24-Jul-09 26-Jul-09 Race Meeting NAMSC Hidden Valley Multi Club

26-Jul-09 Motorkhana Skills Enhancement Day MkAP Big W, Monarto Multi Club

26-Jul-09 G1 Drift State Championship, Rnd 2 MMSP Mallala State

26-Jul-09 Motorkhana, Club Series - Rnd 5 SEAC Mt Gambier Club

01-Aug-09 02-Aug-09 Off Road, 12 Hour Enduro ASORRC Alice Springs Club

01-Aug-09 02-Aug-09 Off Road, Haby's Place - Rnd 3 ABC Mannum Multi Club

01-Aug-09 02-Aug-09 Rally of SA + SARC Rnd 3 RallyOne Adelaide Hills Environs National

02-Aug-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity ASC/A7C Mallala Club

08-Aug-09 Junior Development Program - 3 SDCC Lanac Park Club

09-Aug-09 Hillclimb, Winter Cup Rnd 2 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Multi Club

09-Aug-09 Khanacross SDCC Lanac Park Multi Club

15-Aug-09 Race Meeting , HQ Enduro SCCruisingSA Mallala Multi Club

15-Aug-09 16-Aug-09 Off Road, Wynarka Enduro - Rnd 4 SRTCC Wynarka Multi Club

16-Aug-09 Race Meeting - NAMSC NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

16-Aug-09 Motorkhana, Club Series - Rnd 6 SEAC Mt Gambier Club

16-Aug-09 Supersprint, Club Series - Rnd 3 MSCA Mallala Club

22-Aug-09 Club Trial SEAC Mt Gambier Club

22-Aug-09 Khanacross, SA State Championship - Rnd 1 + ACM Motorsport Khanacross Series, Rnd 4 VWC Monarto State

23-Aug-09 Supersprint, Rnd 4 PCruisingSA Mallala Club

23-Aug-09 Burnout, Rnd 5 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

29-Aug-09 Wombat Trail Intro Rally, Clubman Rnd 2 WACC Walky Park Multi Club

30-Aug-09 Motorkhana, "Smart Wax" Multi Club Series - Rnd 4 SDCC Monarto Multi Club

30-Aug-09 Motorkhana, Club Series - Rnd 7 SEAC Mt Gambier Club

05-Sep-09 06-Sep-09 Rally Australia, World Rally Championship NSW International

05-Sep-09 06-Sep-09 The Pines Enduro, AORC - Rnd 4 + SAORC - Rnd 2 MSBC Mt Burr Forest National

06-Sep-09 Supersprint, Club Series - Rnd 4 MSCA Mallala Club

12-Sep-09 13-Sep-09 Off Road, Tour de Sand ASORRC Alice Springs Club

12-Sep-09 13-Sep-09 Off Road, Sedan Short Course - Rnd 5 GRKCC Sedan Multi Club

12-Sep-09 13-Sep-09 Race Meeting, SA State Championship, Rnd 3 SCCruisingSA Mallala State

13-Sep-09 Rallysprint, Rnd 3 WACC Walky Park Club

13-Sep-09 Motorkhana, SA State Championship + Interteams MkAP Monarto Multi Club

19-Sep-09 Khanacross, SA State Championship - Rnd 2, Day/Night SDCC Lanac Park State

20-Sep-09 Motorkhana PCruisingSA Monarto Multi Club

20-Sep-09 Race Meeting - NAMSC NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

20-Sep-09 Economy Run MGCC Adelaide Environs Club

20-Sep-09 Burnout, Rnd 6 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

26-Sep-09 Hillclimb, Come and Try SCCruisingSA Collingrove Club

26-Sep-09 Autocross Club Series, Rnd 4 SEAC SEAC Park Club

27-Sep-09 Hillclimb, Winter Cup Rnd 3 SCCruisingSA Collingrove Multi Club

27-Sep-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity State Championship ASC/A7C Mallala State

03-Oct-09 04-Oct-09 Off Road, State Championship - Rnd 3 + Multi Club - Rnd 6 SGORA Baroota State

03-Oct-09 04-Oct-09 Sandblast 2009 RSMS Walky Park Club

03-Oct-09 04-Oct-09 Historic Demonstration, Lobethal SCCruisingSA Lobethal Multi Club

04-Oct-09 Motorfest + Burnout Competition KIMC Kangaroo Island Club

04-Oct-09 Rally, Wirrabara - SARC Rnd 4 RSCruisingSA Wirrabara State

04-Oct-09 Vintage Tour SCCruisingSA Barossa Valley Multi Club

05-Oct-09 Sprint, Time Attack MGSR/EVO Mallala Club

05-Oct-09 Hillclimb, Vintage Collingrove SCCruisingSA Collingrove Multi Club

17-Oct-09 Club Trial SEAC Mt Gambier Club

17-Oct-09 18-Oct-09 Hillclimb, SA State Championship SCCruisingSA Collingrove State

18-Oct-09 Supersprint, Rnd 5 PCruisingSA Mallala Club

18-Oct-09 Race Meeting - NAMSC NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

18-Oct-09 Rallysprint, Rnd 4 WACC Walky Park Club

22-Oct-09 25-Oct-09 A1GP IMG Surfers Paradise International

24-Oct-09 25-Oct-09 Off Road, Denise Gosden Memorial - Ladies & Juniors GRKCC TBA Multi Club

25-Oct-09 Kuitpo Forest Rallysprint, SA State Championship + Clubman Rnd 3 SDCC Kuitpo Forest State

25-Oct-09 31-Oct-09 World Solar Challenge SAMSB Darwin/Adelaide International

25-Oct-09 Supersprint, Club Series - Rnd 5 MSCA Mallala Club

30-Oct-09 01-Nov-09 Race Meeting, National MMSP Mallala National

01-Nov-09 Motorkhana, Multi Club PCruisingSA Monarto Multi Club

01-Nov-09 Sponsor/Fun Day - NAMSC NAMSC Hidden Valley Club

01-Nov-09 Minis at the Mill MMCC Birdwood Club

06-Nov-09 Climb to the Eagle SCCruisingSA Adelaide Club

07-Nov-09 Junior Development Program - 4 SDCC Lanac Park Club

07-Nov-09 08-Nov-09 Off Road, NT Titles - Rnd 2 ASORRC Alice Springs Club

07-Nov-09 G1 Drift State Championship, Rnd 3 MMSP Mallala State

07-Nov-09 08-Nov-09 Hillclimb, Legend of the Lakes SEAC Mt Gambier Multi Club

08-Nov-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity ASC/A7C Mallala Club

08-Nov-09 Rallysprint, Rnd 5 WACC Walky Park Club

08-Nov-09 ACM Motorsport Khanacross Series, Rnd 5 SDCC Lanac Park Multi Club

14-Nov-09 Race Meeting, SA State Championship, Rnd 4 - Twilight SCCruisingSA Mallala State

15-Nov-09 Khanacross Club Series, Rnd 3 SEAC SEAC Park Club

18-Nov-09 22-Nov-09 Rally, Classic Adelaide Silverstone Events Adelaide Hills National

21-Nov-09 Autocross, Club Series - Rnd 5 - Twilight SEAC SEAC Park Club

21-Nov-09 22-Nov-09 Off Road, Presentation ASORRC Alice Springs Club

29-Nov-09 Motorkhana SDCC Lanac Park Club

29-Nov-09 Khanacross Club Series, Rnd 4 SEAC SEAC Park Club

29-Nov-09 Supersprint, Rnd 6 PCruisingSA Mallala Club

06-Dec-09 Superkarts + Modern Regularity ASC/A7C Mallala Club

you can still have your 'satin/matte' finish with a clear coat on it you realise. that is how the japs do it
the new Sportster 2010 Harley (that Craig posted up recently) is all in matte black with no sealer coat......must be a special paint or something, lol cause it will need regular touch ups.

Yeah that was my point, no clear coat means its gonna fade like a bitch.

All u single blokes should be here with dan inline 6 and myself at flashdance. Booty everywhere. Happy hr till 11. On my 10th drink now woohoo.

Ahahaha I got invited there by this chick and a bunch of my mates last night. Couldn't be f**ked heading out, but if I new you's were down there, I would of headed down!

Even though I hate flashies with a passion.

The crowd on a Wednesday night is sooooooooo different than the weekend crowd.

Just keep Sau updated with so much awesome booty. Dan and I are with these hot American birds. One is blonde and stunning the other has huge tits with tight ass.

no point for you then lukey boy as you will repeat Kadina :banana:

sounds like you boys are having some fun....if i was in adelaide i would have come and joined ya :banana:


its looking good chad looking good

I am wanting to replace my suspension and steering bushes, especially since i want/am going to the SAUSA Track Day. Can anyone recommend what type of bushes to get and where from? Also what price am i looking at roughly?

I was speaking to Shane the other day about this, and he suggested CarTorque. I am either wanting Nolathane or Whiteline bushes, depends on price and quality.

I am wanting to replace my suspension and steering bushes, especially since i want/am going to the SAUSA Track Day. Can anyone recommend what type of bushes to get and where from? Also what price am i looking at roughly?

I was speaking to Shane the other day about this, and he suggested CarTorque. I am either wanting Nolathane or Whiteline bushes, depends on price and quality.

I'd go with Nolathane. And the front-area bushes are like $500 to replace? That's what I got quoted? That was pretty much all of them, though.

Most suspension places would sell them, too.

I read in HPI or BOOST that Urethane bushes are only an advantge over stock if the standard rubber ones are finished.

ok, well i might as well replace them all, as one of my "lower control arm" bushes has burst, has been like this for....awhile :thumbsup:

EDIT: Also, the bushes may be about 13 years old, so surely they have lost some of there rigidity/function.

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