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need some advise,

the fan that sits onfront of the rad has the mesh around it..

does that need to be connected? mine is running consistanly and is pissing me off..

can i disconnect it?

thats the aircon fan mate, confirming you're talkin about the one thats in front (and by front we'd mean closest to the front of the car) of the radiator?

if so, definitely a/c fan, and its probably still sitting in front of the aircon radiator anyways (have you gone that extensive when the actual radiator was out, and get the other radiator (which tucks in under the rad support panel) out?

R32's dont have A/C fans, its an emergency fan for when the water temperature goes over 95 degrees. So Im thinking the relay or trigger for it might be f**ked.

^^^ wow have never seen an R34GTR engine bay looking brand new like that .... and Millennium Jade MSpec, so has the black leather seats ....SUPER DROOL. Is 3.5M yen the buy price or current bid price? If so, that would be a super buy for under $60k delivered and complied. Lately I have seen some pretty good cond R34GTRs with around 100k on the clock on Japanese auctions for around $35k-$40k complied .... darn tempting.

3.5million is the starting bid but says the lowest bid has not been reached. Did u scroll down further on the page and see all the other pics? Can basically see inside the wheel arch, soooooo clean.

this is absolute gold reading

I received your Arigatou御座Imasu view.

程度良好の33Rです、下記詳細となります。 The 33R is a good degree, and details below.

■ 車両詳細■ More ■ ■ Vehicles

使用に伴う小傷、クリアくすみ等御座います、 Use a small wound with slightly, dullness and clear

修復暦はありませんが、年式相応の使用感は Repair calendar, but the feeling was a reasonable expression

各所にあります、高額商品ですので Located in various places, so expensive items

現車確認をお勧め致します。 We recommend checking the current car.

エンジンですが、平成22年3月にR34の The engine, the R34 March 2010

ノーマルエンジンに乗せ換えしております。 We put the engine replaced normal.

搭載エンジンは、 With the engine,

ウォーターポンプ・タイミングベルト交換済みです。 Water pump timing belt been replaced.

走行距離は8万キロ台の非常に調子の良いエンジンです。 Mileage is a very well-oiled engine, 80,000 miles cars.

ボディの使用距離も8万キロ台です。 80,000 km is the distance units used in the body.

320キロメーターに交換してある為、 Have been exchanged for 320 kilometers,

走行距離不明での出品となります。 The exhibition will be unknown mileage.

クラッチはHKS製ツインプレートを装着しています HKS clutch plates are fitted with twin-made

滑りなどは全くありません。 And there is no slippage.

駆動系に異音等の無い、非常にコンディションの Noise-free drive system and the very conditions

良い一台です。 It is a good one.

ノーマルショックに、テインのダウンサスを Normal shock, the Thane of Daunsasu

装着しています、抜け等はありません。 Has been installed, and not missing.

マフラーはHKSのリアマフラーに、メインパイプは HKS muffler on the rear muffler, the main pipe

ワンオフにて作成した物で、車検には対応します。 The object created by one-off, to support the inspection.

現在スタッドレス(235/45/17)トーヨーを Studless now (235/45/17) to Toyo

装着しています、夏タイヤは付属しません。 Has been installed, the summer tires are not included.

アルミホイルはウェッズのRS5です、 The foil is the RS5 Wedds,

オフセットは不明です。 Offset is unknown.

室内は前後34シートに交換してあります、 Replace the seat room is around 34,

状態は綺麗です。 Beautiful state.

車検証上、2名乗車になっていますが、 On car registration, the car has Nanori 2

車検取得する際、5名に戻すことも可能です。 When you get inspection, it is possible to revert to five.

ご希望でしたら当方にて車検取得後渡しも After passing inspection can get at me if you wish

可能ですので、ご相談下さい。 It is possible, please contact us.

当方にて整備してあります車両ですが、 There is the vehicles in our development,

商品発送後のキャンセル・クレームは Shipment was canceled after complaints

お受け出来ませんので We can accept

慎重にご検討下さい。 Please consider carefully.

売切りますので、現車を見たい方は It sold off, to see how the current vehicle

お気軽に質問欄よりお問い合わせ下さい。 Field questions please ask us.

その他気になる点など御座いましたら More worrisome and points御座Imashitara

ご質問下さい。 Please question.

よろしくお願い致します。 Thank you.

R32's dont have A/C fans, its an emergency fan for when the water temperature goes over 95 degrees. So Im thinking the relay or trigger for it might be f**ked.

Wrong, its def a fan for the A/C. It only comes on when the A/C is on, it never turns on without the A/C being on. I've had mine re wired so that it now comes on whenever the A/C is on.


A/C :P

Edited by DSTROY
Wrong, its def a fan for the A/C. It only comes on when the A/C is on, it never turns on without the A/C being on. I've had mine re wired so that it now comes on whenever the A/C is on.


Not what Ive read, but okay - learn something new everyday. Like Adrian, I dont use A/C.

Just did some more searching, and I believe I am right in saying it is an emergency fan.

Have wired mine back to the way its sposed to be an can now confirm it is driven by the temp. switch

Still have no A/c at this point so can only assume, an look at the wiring diagram, the A/C has nothing to do with the overheat fan!

thats correct its just an aditional engine overheat fan triggered by the sensor in the bottom of the radiator on the drivers side

only comes on in extreme conditions

Not what Ive read, but okay - learn something new everyday. Like Adrian, I dont use A/C.

The AC will be coming out of my 180 before the engine goes back in.

I have only used it twice in 5 years and both times was only to see if it worked; besides i might need the room to fit a bigger turbo, maybe :D

Edited by D_Stirls

All you need working is demisters man.

Don't you guys ever drive when its raining and the windows start fogging up and you need an A/C working? I hated the fact my VLCT's aircon didnt work broke ass fpos lol

i drove a dato that didnt even have a fan. when the windows fogged up from rain i had to drive with the window down freezing my ass off. or when i first got in if it was really bad, head out the window ace ventura style.

didnt matter that much when your roof was leaking on you anyway.

Edited by Inline 6

My fpos Dato 210Y was like that lol. mornings with the sun in your eyes the window was that badly scratched the whole window glared from the sun light and the deep scratchs. Driving fpos' are so much fun lol.

I want another one

i drove a dato that didnt even have a fan. when the windows fogged up from rain i had to drive with the window down freezing my ass off. or when i first got in if it was really bad, head out the window ace ventura style.

Alllllrighty then!


Ugh .. that kinda angers me.

1. Take promo girls

2. Try and teach them to drive

3. ???

4. Profit

... Why can't they just take actual female car enthusiasts, or ones already in the scene and look at those instead. This is just pure sensationalism and really all about 'looks' and attracting the male audience rather than something 'real'. My 2c.

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