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Ben, the guy was a murdering weasel that got others to do his dirty work for him.

No shit pete.... I never said anything about the guys conduct now, did I? Far as I'm concerned, Karma got him


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Ben, the guy was a murdering weasel that got others to do his dirty work for him.

Can't believe the amount of peeps on other forums that are saying RIP, like he's a hero or something.........Mother Theresa didn't get this sort of attention, lol.

Just hope he made his peace with the big fella in the sky before biting the bullett.

If it wasn't for underbelly, thered be a 5min slot on the news for him, and maybe a page 10 article.

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Ben, the guy was a murdering weasel that got others to do his dirty work for him.

+1. He wasn't a gangster, he was a two-bit dealer who got rich enough to pay gangsters.

lol @ Channel 9 managing to air a documentary on him last night, maybe they had the inside word on the hit lol

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+1. He wasn't a gangster, he was a two-bit dealer who got rich enough to pay gangsters.

lol @ Channel 9 managing to air a documentary on him last night, maybe they had the inside word on the hit lol

Nah they just would have yanked whatever else was scheduled for that time cause they knew they would never get the same ratings otherwise


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Can't believe the amount of peeps on other forums that are saying RIP, like he's a hero or something.........Mother Theresa didn't get this sort of attention, lol.

Nothing new there. Australians have always rallied behind stupidity and dumb causes (Ned Kelly, Eureka Stockade, Chopper Read, Brendan Abbott etc)

Maybe something to do with convict past and anti authoritarianism, but its hardly surprising

hell some women out there go out of their way to try and 'make good' inmates guilty of violent crimes... they're attracted to something, fk knows what it is tho


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Ben, the guy was a murdering weasel that got others to do his dirty work for him.

Can't believe the amount of peeps on other forums that are saying RIP, like he's a hero or something.........Mother Theresa didn't get this sort of attention, lol.

Just hope he made his peace with the big fella in the sky before biting the bullett.

RIP in regards to his poor kid... I couldn't give 2 shits what happened to him or Roberta, but his kid has to now be put through the whole ordeal. I'm guessing they'd put his kid into some form of protection services or something.

There's only his father George and Roberta remaining now on his side of the story. On the other side, you still have Mick Gatto and the rest. And as the lawyers said in a statement today, Carl was a goldmine of information in regards to police corruption, etc hence maybe why he got killed.

But at the end of the day, the guy was piss weak. He made his moves via large sums of money.

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+1. He wasn't a gangster, he was a two-bit dealer who got rich enough to pay gangsters.

lol @ Channel 9 managing to air a documentary on him last night, maybe they had the inside word on the hit lol

I actually thought it was disgraceful the time they spent on that story like he was a rock star of some sort! Just a drug dealing murderer.... that's takes talent I'm sure!!!

In the end he got what he deserved and now tax payers don't have to pay for his existence! No sympathy here, except for the daughter who now has to deal with the fact she was unfortunately brought into this world by these irresponsible parents

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daughter is destined to a life of crime too, unfortunately, unless she goes into a nice foster family or somehow manages to see the light and choose a good life.

Carl williams dad, jailed for drug dealing, his mum committed suicide, and ex wife is also a con.

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:( Done Mister! I posted 1:23.30 Last Monday week. Will be heading out there again soon, it's on! :(

I know what time you got - I wouldn't have thrown down the gauntlet if you were faster than me already :)

Let me know when you head back out, I'll come out with you.

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I know what time you got - I wouldn't have thrown down the gauntlet if you were faster than me already :(

Let me know when you head back out, I'll come out with you.

I was suprised with all the evos actually! Some running quicker than Chad with alot less power! Goes to show how important brakes and tires are over outright power

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daughter is destined to a life of crime too, unfortunately, unless she goes into a nice foster family or somehow manages to see the light and choose a good life.

Carl williams dad, jailed for drug dealing, his mum committed suicide, and ex wife is also a con.

She'll probably become a pornstar LOL

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daughter is destined to a life of crime too, unfortunately, unless she goes into a nice foster family or somehow manages to see the light and choose a good life.

hopefully she grows up thinking her parents were losers rather than heroes and goes in a totally different direction.

I was suprised with all the evos actually! Some running quicker than Chad with alot less power! Goes to show how important brakes and tires are over outright power

yeah I've always said that you don't need alot of power for Malalla, just big boots :)

On another note, who's watching FOX Sports 3 at the moment........R35's are getting spanked by the Vettes in the Abu Dhabi FIA GT1 Championships.

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I know what time you got - I wouldn't have thrown down the gauntlet if you were faster than me already :)

Let me know when you head back out, I'll come out with you.

Done! I'll hold you to that. Speaking of which, up for a hillsy in the R one night this week?

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