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yeh i know it sux :thumbsup:

cant believe my luck this month... i drive over that bridge at that time of night 3 times a week, for the last 3.5 years and never have i had a cop pull me over like that, its just ghey now i have to sell my car, which i was anyways, but cant get one till i get my licence back...

i ripped the fine n the cops face by the way, lol and chucked it in the bin at the servo hahahaha

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yeh i know it sux ;)

cant believe my luck this month... i drive over that bridge at that time of night 3 times a week, for the last 3.5 years and never have i had a cop pull me over like that, its just ghey now i have to sell my car, which i was anyways, but cant get one till i get my licence back...

i ripped the fine n the cops face by the way, lol and chucked it in the bin at the servo hahahaha

yeah i know :wave: me too! i average 80 across there.. it is stupid to have it as a 60.. NOONE DOES 60 ON THERE! NOONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cause i'll follow flow and traffic and thats what traffic does!

hahahaha.. nice one! but still sux bout the rest :dry:

ms also got owned across there.. thats what lost his licence for him :wave:

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damn!!! I go over that bridge at 80 all the time Mass... myabe I should stop now...
yeah i know :D me too! i average 80 across there.. it is stupid to have it as a 60.. NOONE DOES 60 ON THERE! NOONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cause i'll follow flow and traffic and thats what traffic does!

hahahaha.. nice one! but still sux bout the rest :)

ms also got owned across there.. thats what lost his licence for him :(

ohh mass thats mc f**ked!

Ill drive you around in your car if you want :O

Farken 60zone my ass!

thanks guys... :(

i know a lot of people do 80 accross there, thats why i told the cop, yes i was speeding but i was only doing 85kmh not 101, he said nope sorry get ur speedo checked... farkeeennn c**t!!!

i hate that bridge, im going to rip the biggest burnout on that bridge on wed night, just to get some anger out.... stupid work!!! i have not managed to go more then a year without losing my licence, thats 3 years in a row now :(

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hahaha sif trying look hektik :D I AM HEKTIK :)

hehehe yep that gelato has attracted some of the whores already in the past :(

ah the good old gelato runs.....

now on another note, i just got pulled over on my way home from work :(

i was speeding over that dam old anzac bridge, i copped a $590 fine and am going to lose my licence again for 3 months :( this is just not my month!!! stupid 60 zone, shud be 80 :O

Same road as Mansoor got caught on!

Sorry to hear dude :(

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spotted a real nice r33 gtst pinky/purple in colour at 1:00pm today on cumberland highway

and a r34 gtst it was silver at 2:20pm on cumberland highway as well. Gave waves to both but no reply. :D

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I got sone on Anzac bridge on Easter Sunday this year doing 105 in the 70 zone. He could have got me for over 30K's and tore my licence up for 3 months. Instead he was a nice guy and downgraded it to 15 so thats 3 points....Double that to 6 points being Easter Sudnay. Half my licence GONE. Just like the commercial says.

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I got sone on Anzac bridge on Easter Sunday this year doing 105 in the 70 zone. He could have got me for over 30K's and tore my licence up for 3 months. Instead he was a nice guy and downgraded it to 15 so thats 3 points....Double that to 6 points being Easter Sudnay. Half my licence GONE. Just like the commercial says.

Not because it was a "nice guy" at all mate . Because he knew if you went to court you would have won, by giving you a 15-30 k over he knew it would be less likely that you would fight it in court, thats the real reason .

Unless he followed you and checked your speed that way .

The silver eagle radar he used to check your speed SHOULD'T be used in traffic and under their guidelines( police) shouldn't be used if more than one target is within 200 mts , remember thats their guidelines.

I doubt you ever will have such conditions on Anzac bridge, even if you do other things efect the silver eagle radar's reading( mobile phones, other transmiters , even electricity wires).

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Not because it was a "nice guy" at all mate . Because he knew if you went to court you would have won, by giving you a 15-30 k over he knew it would be less likely that you would fight it in court, thats the real reason .

Unless he followed you and checked your speed that way .

The silver eagle radar he used to check your speed SHOULD'T be used in traffic and under their guidelines( police) shouldn't be used if more than one target is within 200 mts , remember thats their guidelines.

I doubt you ever will have such conditions on Anzac bridge, even if you do other things efect the silver eagle radar's reading( mobile phones, other transmiters , even electricity wires).

No traffic on Anzace bridge at 7AM Easter Sunday morning. Went straight from da club to da church. (Now THATS trashy!!!) I still consider myself lucky.

BTW Aren't they supposed to RBT everyone they stop? The gave me my ticket but no breath test.

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hahaha sif trying look hektik :D I AM HEKTIK :D

hehehe yep that gelato has attracted some of the whores already in the past :D

ah the good old gelato runs.....

now on another note, i just got pulled over on my way home from work :(

i was speeding over that dam old anzac bridge, i copped a $590 fine and am going to lose my licence again for 3 months :( this is just not my month!!! stupid 60 zone, shud be 80 :P

dude.. ur not the only one! i got done again on sunday night!... even though im loosing my license already for 3 months.. i got that court case to go to with the evo..

and now sunday night.. havin a lil race with an evo... fkn D car tried pulling me and the evo and a sss turbo over ALL at the same time.. the sss stopped.. n i kept going.. he got me @ my house and i got a court case for not pulling over.. worst luck!

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still no happier, sorry to hear rami, but man im over it, i just cant go a year without losing my licence!!!

not good to hear dudes, mass maybe u should get a "cruiser" and Chill around in that for a year and break your record of keeping your liscence :woot:

I suggest big black 4wd with 22s :nuke:

Rami man not good to hear either, everyone has to SLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW DOOOOOOOOOWNNNN

there are lots of cops out at the moment!!!!

I was driving through the airport tunnel heading north, sitting on 70, some shitbox lancer with red ps belts past me and i just ignored them, got past the speed cameras, cops sitting on right (common spot), with radar, hit the lights and ran out infront of the lancer pulling them over..... boy o boy did i laugh hahaha

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