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Okay let me start by saying I do not condone speeding on the street, most of us have been guilty of it from time to time but yes it's wrong


wtf is up with dawdlers? it seems to amplify depending on the number of cars and lanes

for eg. I was driving on the M4 today on the stretch of road just past kingswood station heading to st marys/blacktown direction, I was following traffic probably about 3-4 cars in front on each lane ALL travelling 50/60 on a 80 road, anyone familiar with that road will know there is a small uphill going under a bridge where the tafe is and I was even seeing people tapping the brakes on the UPHILL. As I was further back I couldn't really see ahead past the cars, I thought, maybe there was some traffic after the crest or maybe a mobile speed camera? we got over the hill and absolutely nothing in front of the group of 4-5 cars ahead of me empty stretch of road as far as you could see, still they were all doing 60 in a 80 zone

why was everyone going 20km/h UNDER?

What are your theories?

ebb & flow

sheep mentality

rip in the space time continuum?

mindless a>b drivers

again, not trying to sound like a leadfoot because it's quite the opposite, I just don't understand why some or entire groups of cars dawdle under the limit for no apparent reason other than they just feel like driving slow?

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Couldn't have somed it up better myself, god they shit me 3 lanes of traffic all full of cars doing 15-20km under the limit.

The LEFT lane is for you slow bastards.

It's actually people like this who cause accidents, because they get everyone else so uptight and impatient they do stupid things and have accidents them selves.

Deep breaths everyone deep breaths!!!!!!!

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I know wat your talking about Yo-Yo.. but when u mention the tafe and hill are u sure u dont mean the great western heading towards st marys.

It happens all the time, 95% are housewives they dont know that they need to accelerate more when going uphill, and because its auto they dont know that the car is struggling.

Dont be afraid to use the godly loud skyline horn, it usually scares the crap outta them and they move left.. especially if u give them a bit of a salute.

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I also just LOVE how people hit the brakes and slow right down when they drive through a tunnel - mainly the M2 tunnel at Epping..

true that , oh no its going get darker quick where are the breaaaks?? , bloody accident waiting to happen :)

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In Europe the coppers would actually go out and find people going slower than the speed limmit while driving in the fast lane (which is on the other side than ours) and book them for dangerous driving.

@ 80km/hr or over in Australia you have to be on the left hand lane unless overtaking.... back at the beginning of this decade they brought it in that its a bookable offence.... but i have never heard of anyone being booked for it. If i drive to the city or to sutho shire, i will be stuck behind a slow driver on the overtaking lane, every time. Unless its after midnight when its just p paters driving.... but atlast most p platers know the new rule and generally stay out of the overtaking lane unless there speeding lol.

I have to be a stereotype, but its usually women drivers (all ages), Some asian men (usually in a $300k merceedes), anyone on a mobile phone, old people are chronic with this problem (i live near 3 retirement homes and they casue the most accidents around the hills),

GRRRRRRRR and some days it is just everybody doing it, usually the bloody Sunday drivers, i hate the sunday drivers!!!!!!

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oh and its brought about by ignorance, or by a mentality of people who think that "they are better than you" on the road, and you have to wait for them because they are so important....

how easy is it to put a bullbar on a skyline..... good investment i think lol

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people in this city are f**king stupid and don't know how to drive.

I also just LOVE how people hit the brakes and slow right down when they drive through a tunnel - mainly the M2 tunnel at Epping..

true that , oh no its going get darker quick where are the breaaaks?? , bloody accident waiting to happen :)

LOL, so true - WTF are they slowing down for? The tunnel is lit, and if someone still thinks the lighting is insufficient, then surely they can use enough fore-thought to turn on their headlights for that 10sec period they're driving through it, right? Oh wait, clearly they can't, otherwise we wouldn't be here writing these comments... Bah!

happens everywhere i hate it if im doing speed limit i stick to left , but there's people in fast lines driving way under and causing traffic you flash them and they slow down even more and be smart asses about it

Some dip-shit did that whole "hit the brakes because the person behind me is flashing their lights at me" thing to me the other day. By that time they'd slowed down enough that I could use SECOND gear to go around them.

old people are hoons lol they drive slow once you overtake they speed up and overtake you again lol

i know someone that got fined for driving slower in 100km zone and in overtaking line

I had a teacher at school who used to take forever to accelerate to the speed limit, but she then continued accelerating to end up driving 20km/h over it.

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oh and its brought about by ignorance, or by a mentality of people who think that "they are better than you" on the road, and you have to wait for them because they are so important....

how easy is it to put a bullbar on a skyline..... good investment i think lol


Hmmm, I was hoping the Stagea was intimidating enough without a bullbar, but clearly after my experiences the other day with a Mk 5 Golf driver (as outlined above), that doesn't seem to be the case.

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@ 80km/hr or over in Australia you have to be on the left hand lane unless overtaking.... back at the beginning of this decade they brought it in that its a bookable offence.... but i have never heard of anyone being booked for it. If i drive to the city or to sutho shire, i will be stuck behind a slow driver on the overtaking lane, every time. Unless its after midnight when its just p paters driving.... but atlast most p platers know the new rule and generally stay out of the overtaking lane unless there speeding lol.

FYI: It's only Over 80KM/H... You dont' have to keep left in an 80 zone...

But, it's down right rude not too!

And coppers will only book you for obstructing traffic in lower zones if you're doign like 20km/h in a 60/80 zone...

It's bullshit, and down right dangerous to be 20 odd km/h below the limit for no reason!

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old people are hoons lol they drive slow once you overtake they speed up and overtake you again lol

i know someone that got fined for driving slower in 100km zone and in overtaking line

Oh dear i know what you mean,slow in single 100,crazy in double lanes,like 140 plus,stupid ol goats,then 150mtrs before the end hit the skids an move right,an do 80 in the single even though it's a 100. Grrrrrrr.

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What I hate is as a green pplater in a 110km i have to stick to 100 so i go in the left lane but then i have everyman and his commowhore about 3inches from my rear bar because i am going 10ks under(I already get way to much attention being a pplater in a skyline so theres no way im speeding..). GO ROUND OVERTAKE use the right lane!

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Yes... I'll admit to being one of my many pet hates when it comes to driving :happy:

I have given up on hitting the horn or flashing lights. Close proximity while driving past seems to get the best results, especially since my front bar is a completely different colour to the rest of the car :blink:

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I've found that problem as well.

But another thing that pisses me off is when I do the speed limit so many people want to do 15km+ over and almost tailgate trying to make me go faster!!, seriously you can't win these days, people going so bloody slow in front and people behind you that think they are schuie!

And if you are lucky enough to be driving a 'hoon' car it's 10x worse, as they think you are doing the wrong thing!!, when you just want to get to were you want to go some time today. :happy::blink::cool:

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Australian's by and large have some of the most atrocious road 'craft' imaginable

Pretty much everyone in a car couldn't care less about the process of driving well, and certainly doesn't give a flying f**k about how their driving affects the person behind them's progress/sanity.

I do over 1000 kays a week in the Sydney metro area, and the appalling driving standards you see just boggle the mind. I could go on for hours about the sort of shit I have to put up with every day, but what's the point?; it's preaching to the converted here. Here's a (miniscule) few anyway...

Would it kill these morons to use the indicators BEFORE you start turning or you get to the lights? You constantly see people lining up in the left lane at the lights because you can always count on some muppet in the right lane not being bothered to indicate the right turn they want to make before they get to the intersection. Ffs why?

Could you maybe not turn left/right from the middle of the f**king road? Why swing the opposite way before making a turn?- Your Corrolla doesn't need the turning room of a mother-effing b-double ffs

Might you be able to use that loooooooooong merge lane of the freeway on-ramp to get up to speed and blend in with traffic?, rather than driving down to the end and almost coming to a stop while looking for a gap (which there won't be, coz it's a freeway and everyone's doing 100/110)

And no, it's not cool to pull out in front of me when almost I'm about to pass you, 'cept just because you haven't planned ahead and you've now decided your lane sux balls you think you'll just jump out in front of me and give me a free ABS test, you ferkin' douchebag

And let's not even mention the M5 east tunnel...

Europeans that drive here while on holiday must be sent mad at how shit Oz drivers are. I'm sure there's 90 y.o Italian great grandmothers that would shake their heads in disgust at us

why was everyone going 20km/h UNDER?

that's just what numpty retards do. there's no rush to get from the shops back to boring old home, y'know. too bad if other people actually have places to be in a timely fashion

people in this city are f**king stupid and don't know how to drive.

I also just LOVE how people hit the brakes and slow right down when they drive through a tunnel - mainly the M2 tunnel at Epping..


oOoOoOo, Big scary tunnel. 400 metres of straight road that hosts a crash nearly every afternoon peak period monday to friday.

Sydney-siders are so useless at driving in a straight line through a well-lit hole that the RTA had to drop the speed limit on the approach AND put a camera right before the entry AND prohibit lane changing in the tunnel AND make the area a 'daytime headlight zone'. Yet people STILL find ways to crash there :happy: I mean, srsly.

And cheers to the truck driver that over-took me on the M7 the other day when there wasn't really any other traffic around (i was doing 100, the speed limit, in the left lane), cut back in real close, then got on the brakes. Tops effort, cretin.

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    • I know right. It baffled me. There's no way when the engine is off, key is in ignition, (coils are dissconnected aswell), also my sound system was dissconnected (I don't run any audio capacitors), battery reads 12.2v and with the 10amp fuse blown I was measuring 24 to 30v. The reading would move a bit from 30v to 24v which was weird. I took a pic of the multi meter reading 🤣: (This is a brand new single channel digital oscilloscope that also has a multi meter mode).   Before when the fuse was blown, I had one lead on the 12v supply (green/white wires) of that brown relay and the other lead on the negative battery terminal. When I turned the key on ignition (engine off), it would read 30v. Then when I removed that relay from it's plug and tried putting ignition on again, it would read 12v, but I think it's because it can't turn on the ecu now that I removed it. I asked Chatgpt and this is what it had to say:   Not sure if those theories would be possible but, any auto sparkies here? welcome to confirm. 🤷‍♂️  No idea, but if it happens again, atleast I know what type of issue it is, unlike last few months where I didn't know what was causing all my issues and I was just taking stabs in the dark to figure out what type of problem it was. If it does happen again I'm going to investigate futher and trace back the source even more and inspect more circuits. I drove it to work this morning and the car drove and boosted fine. Yeah I was thinking the same, so I've imported my back up saved map (which is the map that I saved when it got done tuning) back onto my haltech with the base fuel pressure set to 43.5psi.
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    • Sorry yes, this is what im after Also, that jpjdm site appears to be offline
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