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hi my RB20det shits and farts between 2000 - 3000 rpm but if fine under boost and doesnt do it when its cold...

ok i took it out for a decent drive today and is (censored) it self it splutters but only when its hot

say ur in 4rd doing 50 km it starts to splutter but if u chop it down a gear and boost it, it goes fine all the way to redline.

also noticed when it splutters the water temp gauge jumps all over the place in time with the spluttering

here is what ive tried so far

cleaned the afm

new fuel filter

hooked up the cold start and idle controller

adjusted the tps voltage from .52v to .50 at idle

changed the plugs

changed the coils and igniter

what else can i do?

it was running mint then it went into storage for a year

and now it runs like poos

its got new 98 fuel in it too

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