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so how are we going with media coverage? anyone coveryng this event? i just realised that Andrew pulled out due to a matter that to a club member my self, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

club organisers are to maybe reconsider their initial decision, for the clubs sake and think about what is at stake here. our club is about to miss out on a global exposure, cant be justyfied by reason previously given.




There IS more to this - but essentially...

We need to pull ourselves out of a "THEM & US" attitude and start adopting a "WE" attitude > then the future is our oyster!


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further to that point...

one ponders the future of the club & it's direction as the R series age more

will we have the same vintage restorers & parts support in the next few decades as the muscle cars do now?

back on topic I was considering getting a full detail professionally, but I think I'd enjoy it more to take an afternoon to chamois & sponge the outside then vacuum the interior & put dash/leather cleaner myself, won't be anywhere near the level of a professional job but my car is a daily so it's gonna get dirty again anyway

In XS of 24 hours & the silence is deafening!!!

I think Duncan put it well:

interesting way to put it.

you aren't covering the event because the not for profit club running the event won't give you a free trader stall and free access to content for you to sell on your dvds.

A number of businesses have been very enthusiastic and supportive of the show and the club overall, and this will be by far the biggest import event in sydney this year.

Its been brilliant to see the number of entrants and businesses interested in the show, so businesses without attitudes like yours are better not being there at all.

The one "sponsor" who WILL make the most money... And he wants it for free? $10 per DVD, sell to ten people (Damn straight he's going to sell them) there's his $100 coverage back.

I think we should all be standing behind our club, and not letting them be pushed around... If they allow it for one sponsor, they have to do it for all.

Edit: Also, if he's spending a few thousand to make DVDs, I'm sure he's not doing it only for $100 profit... Hence, the cost of a trader stall is nothing. He's making profit off his DVDs already, and he knows it.

Damn, you know more about my business than I do.

We get paid to make DSPORT and Powercruise DVD and are allowed to put that content into Motive DVD as part of the deal. THis makes Motive financially possible. If i did nothing but exclusive Aussie content it would not be cost effective, no where near it.

Motive DVD has been funed OUT OF MY OWN POCKET since it started in May, and in no way has even come close to returning me a profit yet.

I'll say it one more time so people can understand - OUT OF MY OWN POCKET.

The corporate and contract work has paid for Motive DVD to exist.

Why would I do it at a loss you ask? Well, thats how it works for the first 2 years in a business and I wanted to keep ads out of the DVD for as long as possible on behalf of the viewers.

So, when it comes to content in the DVD I have a choice. Use the features from DSPORT and Powercrusie, which are already paid for so costs Motive DVD nothing, or , spend money OUT OF MY OWN POCKET to film features in Australia for exclusive content.

Now, the decision on what to film in Australia goes like this.

1. Will covering this event help sell more DVDs ( i mean a hundreds, not ten) or provide valuable branding? If no, go to question 2.

2. Is someone paying for us to be there?

If the answer is no to both then we dont go to the event. Period. Simply because putting together a feature on an event will cost a few grand OUT OF MY OWN POCKET

I didnt want all this to be public but I guess people need ot know.

Motive DVD is NOT owned by a larger organisation like Express, APC or Autosalon, it is totally independent. There is also no big investors or silent partners or sponsor backing it all. It comes OUT OF MY OWN POCKET.

Video production takes days, not hours. Magazines can pay a photographer a couple of hundred bucks ( if that ) for the photos an write in article in a couple of hours. Easy. Magazines also make enough advetising dollars that the magazine is paid for before it goes on sale. It takes two people a day to film and 3 to 4 days of post production per feature. And MOtive DVD is not paid for before it goes on sale. All of the money comes from sales. Magazines are half ads, would you liek teh DVD to be that way?? Exactly.

Why am I doing it then? To help make the car scene I've been in for over 10 years better and support it. Thats why I build cars and that's why I held the GTR challenge, and will be holding a lot more challenges in the future. Obviously I want it to make money, and it eventually will, but for now I need the car scene that Im helping to help me.

So, if you want to charge me to have a trade stand that wont pay for itself, then I'll charge for the production and air time in the DVD.

I charge sponsors, advertisers and corporate clients to produce features and air them, so if this event wants coverage for the entrants and traders then I will charge for it.

Now do you see my point?

You need to bear in mind that covering this event will provide more branding for all of your traders and sponsors, giving them better value for money and making them want to support it again in the future. The magazines will not do much of this, if at all.

So if a trade area to display some of our project cars, put up some banners and maybe sell a few DVDs to cover the cost of the staff manning it for the day ( not the production) isn't worth the coverage, well, there's plenty of other events who think its worth it.

And before the " we'll give you good content" line comes out, remember DSPORT pays us to go to Formula D, SEMA, Tokoy Autosalon, D1 plus many more major events. We're also a media partners with Powercruise, Drift Australia and Jamboree. So I want attending to get the world's best content, I offered to attend to help support the local, grass roots car scene.

Edited by JET200

JET2OO, So its like when guys come and take photos at trackdays and if we like some photos we can by them, (most we can get for free as the guys do it for the love of it not the money)

You need to spend money to make money, You want to make money and we want to keep the club running smooth for our members, any cash made by the club goes back to the members in subsidised track days and the like this is why the freebies is a mute point.

I honestly think you could sell alot more than "10" DVDs as alot of punters will see you taking photos and will buy it for the memories of the day, me I have never bought one of your DVDs but if the event was covered I would get that one.

These are my personal views.


OK please keep the off topic stuff elsewhere (and yes, sorry, I was also guilty of taking part in it).

This show is going to be the biggest thing in the import scene this year by a long way, and the various publications will choose whether to cover it or not. We have invited many of the relevent guys to report on the day and I'm sure some will - in the past we have received coverage in 2-4 publications per SNS. It is entirely up to each publisher to decide what to cover - but the current committee are not willing to spend member's funds on paid-for coverage.

Anyway...only 7days to go - I hope you guys all spent the weekend polishing cars. God knows I spent it racing up a mountain in Victoria :P

I have a lovely old guy that sells me tools,,,he's coming and he may or may not sell a thing but he loves the idea.

Spotting him will be easy,,,Mel's Skyline on one side and my Radical on the other.


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