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$1700 Fine And 6 Month Suspension ...yippee

Wacky Dee

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if they were under a bridge behind bushes and you were going past them at 90KMH's then fanged it.... how can they catch you with the radar?? There is a range//radius where the radar can go up to and by the sounds of it you were past them by quite a bit?

I have heard of a case where somoene had been pulled over doing 170 in a 60 zone and there was a highway patrol at a set of lights at the intersection.. the person flew past them and the pursuit was on, The person eventually got pulled over and the police officer had said he was travelling at a distinctive speed and had been caught on the radar... The person had protested and said he was doing the speed limit and asked to see the reading on the radar.... Police officer had NOTHING on him and let him go

If they cant prove it they got nothing on ya.....

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they'd pointed the lidar towards oncoming traffic .. as I was passing them I was already slowed down to 90-100kmh or so and I saw the front bumper sticking out of the bushes - the rest of the car was parked up a concrete slab (45deg angle lol) inside thick bushes. Anyway, I'm sure they got me on radar as I was overtaking ..the whole speeding thing was for maybe 100-200m but still I'm sure that's where they got me. But anyway, I'm not gonna discuss my defence strategy on SAU as there are obviously too many experts on here who've already convicted me of genocide plus if a cop reads it, it might come back to bite me in the ass.

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If they cant prove it they got nothing on ya.....

Wrong. Police are allowed to 'estimate' your speed and book you on it. If you take it to court it becomes the Police's word against yours (and since HWP/TMU are 'trained' to estimate speed and are ALLOWED to do this) that makes you pretty much stuffed.

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Wrong. Police are allowed to 'estimate' your speed and book you on it. If you take it to court it becomes the Police's word against yours (and since HWP/TMU are 'trained' to estimate speed and are ALLOWED to do this) that makes you pretty much stuffed.

Actually, that's wrong.

They can estimate it, they can pull you over for it, if they book you for it, and it goes to court, these fines get thrown out, UNLESS the copper gets you to say how fast you were going... And they book you on that...

This is why coppers so often ask you "Do you know how fast you were going back there?" or other such tricks to get you to say a speed above the speed limit...

And their estimations are often way wrong... That ones from personal experience... And not one I'm going to share.

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That supercop on NS is such a fine example of eveything that's wrong with the system .. he proudly states just how much joy he gets from handing out fines for all sorts of offences incl. minor speeding, defecting imports, fog lights and whatnot and people still thank him for his "advice". What a bunch of nice folk Victorians must be.

He even goes to say he has never lost a contested claim in court - yeah sure, that's like saying you've never once made a mistake at work. Not many people can make that claim. Just where would we be without fine officers like that, it'd be anarchy and half the population would be decomposing corpses from these terrible accidents lying by the roadside...

If only they put half as much effort into solving serious crimes like armed robberies, rape, break-ins etc

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Actually, that's wrong.

They can estimate it, they can pull you over for it, if they book you for it, and it goes to court, these fines get thrown out, UNLESS the copper gets you to say how fast you were going... And they book you on that...

This is why coppers so often ask you "Do you know how fast you were going back there?" or other such tricks to get you to say a speed above the speed limit...

And their estimations are often way wrong... That ones from personal experience... And not one I'm going to share.

Good son of rajab. Internet legal advice!!!!!!! Speed estimation is a legitimate method and used commonly. It is accepted by courts. It all comes don to how the officer presents his evidence and whether they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the offence was committed.

If only they put half as much effort into solving serious crimes like armed robberies, rape, break-ins etc

Dont worry. The detectives etc look after than. HWP look after traffic. Thats is why the police have all these wonderful departments to do different jobs.

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Seems the traffic police are the most efficient department then. I remember back 10 years or so when my parents had bought a house in western sydney .. it got broken into and burgled, along with about 15 other homes in a 1km radius - all within days/weeks of each other. No one ever got busted for any of that.

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Seems the traffic police are the most efficient department then. I remember back 10 years or so when my parents had bought a house in western sydney .. it got broken into and burgled, along with about 15 other homes in a 1km radius - all within days/weeks of each other. No one ever got busted for any of that.

Might have something to do with traffic offences are the easiest to enforce. You aren't very anonymous when you have number plates flagged for speeding where as one could break into a house when no one was home and if careful enough not leave any trace of ever being there aside from a pile of stolen stuff.

Honestly, I have been in your position before, licence suspension under circumstances that I deemed unfair. Long story short I decided not to fight it as I was pretty sure it would sink alot of money into a lawyer just to lose any way. As an electrical apprentice at the time as well as living in an area with shit public transport it was difficult to get places without a car but I managed.

So what do I suggest? Take everything said in this thread with scepticism and get someone more qualified to give you advice if you are considering fighting this. Otherwise, pay the fine, do your 6 months and when you do get your licence back drive like little Miss Daisy for a while.

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Seems the traffic police are the most efficient department then. I remember back 10 years or so when my parents had bought a house in western sydney .. it got broken into and burgled, along with about 15 other homes in a 1km radius - all within days/weeks of each other. No one ever got busted for any of that.

LOL, if the crim never had finger prints or DNA on the system, (And he would have had to have already had a prior) then they have NO WAY of catching anyone.

As Cassbo said, they have your number plate, they have you caught in the act..

If coppers could walk on into houses as they were being robbed, I'm sure more arrests would be made,

The detectives and Crime Scene coppers HATE shows like CSI and what not, as they're so damn full of shit in the way people are "caught"

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Seems the traffic police are the most efficient department then. I remember back 10 years or so when my parents had bought a house in western sydney .. it got broken into and burgled, along with about 15 other homes in a 1km radius - all within days/weeks of each other. No one ever got busted for any of that.

Mybe it justs points out that traffic offenders are stupider than most break and enter offenders. :)

The detectives and Crime Scene coppers HATE shows like CSI and what not, as they're so damn full of shit in the way people are "caught"

Never a truer word spoken.

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I had car impounded, was accused of exceeding limit 45 and over reckless driving neg driving etc etc. It took 5 days, in court, $2000 and 3 months with no car but the case was dismissed in court.

I don't like hearing the attitude to 'just cop it sweet'. The police have way too much power as it is and by giving in to what may be wrong you pave the way for them to walk all over the limited amount of rights we have left.

It's not a matter of beating the system. If you're innocent then fight, guilty then cop it. If you honestly thought you were only doing 110 give it a go. Mate got done the other day speeding, officer went through readings on lidar till he found one close to the speed he thought he was doing, then showed it to him. Said he was doing 117 under brakes, showed him 116 on unit display. Mate was not rude agreed he was speeding and was let off with a lesser charge. He wasn't going to lose his license, though.

Good luck and hope it works out.

Cheers Matt.

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I had car impounded, was accused of exceeding limit 45 and over reckless driving neg driving etc etc. It took 5 days, in court, $2000 and 3 months with no car but the case was dismissed in court.

I don't like hearing the attitude to 'just cop it sweet'. The police have way too much power as it is and by giving in to what may be wrong you pave the way for them to walk all over the limited amount of rights we have left.

It's not a matter of beating the system. If you're innocent then fight, guilty then cop it. If you honestly thought you were only doing 110 give it a go. Mate got done the other day speeding, officer went through readings on lidar till he found one close to the speed he thought he was doing, then showed it to him. Said he was doing 117 under brakes, showed him 116 on unit display. Mate was not rude agreed he was speeding and was let off with a lesser charge. He wasn't going to lose his license, though.

Good luck and hope it works out.

Cheers Matt.

Matt, you say that they're taking away our limited rights?

The issue is, people can take anything on and argue it, and then the coppers have to do more and more, to the point, policing, is just paper work... Why do you think coppers can't just go grab the crim now and give em a stern talking/beating... because gee, everyone would whinge...

The coppers have lost their rights I say!

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you mean why can't they be above the law like in the good old days ...of 100% corruption? Atleast the corruption in recent decades has dropped somewhat but just doing my research last night, I came accross this article where a nsw minister recently stated that he thought nsw cops are almost all corrupt so hmm. Maybe if we give them the beating sticks back they'd back off with bs fines ?

but seriously where is the justice in fining someone who's never been a crook or criminal or has anything on their driving record, close to $2k AND taking away their driving privileges for 6 months ? What the f**k ? Makes me think they're under the impression everyone's a god damn drug dealer and can afford to pay $2k for a first offence and change their whole life around due to depending on car. Where's the friggin crime that deserves such punishment?? Did I harm or endanger anyone except myself maybe for 3 sec? Am I that precious that they're just doing it for my good by trying to hurt me financially AND otherwise ?

Seriously might as well be a criminal in this country if the law can't differentiate between otherwise law abading citizens who make a mistake once off AND dickheads. No it's not an expensive lesson, $600 fine and a "do it again you lose your licence" would have been an expensive lesson. This is just a rort.

But anyway, I'll see how it goes. If nothing else this whole thing has given me plenty of time and opportunity to consider all the shit I've been putting up with for years. Maybe I'll just hit one of those one foot deep pot holes on my bike and sue to local council and get them to buy me a GTR in return for all this over the top bs.

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A nun doing over 45 is committing the same offence as a mulitple murderer doing over 45. No cop is going to put their job on the line and be placed under scrutiny for not issuing the penalty. It is not their job to decide the punishment or to consider your soci-econimic status. That is set by courts and governments. They merely enforce the law and when doing so they have guidelines they HAVE to follow.

PS. I have only just read the bit where they got you on Lidar. I was thinking ti was purely radar.

If it is Lidar, they got you well and truly before you even saw them.

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