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Artwork needed for SAU-NSW Show and Shine day !

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Who's up for doing the Artwork for an advertisment for HPI, AutoSalon Mag, Zoom, etc -

The ad will be to feature/advertise the upcoming SAU-NSW Show and Shine day in February 2004.

Of course SAU-NSW can't afford to fund the ad 100% so we are soliciting sponsers to help pay for the advertising - eg Meguiars, UAS, etc,etc,

What it comes down to is that if we don't sponsers, the ad won't go forward - And if we don't have and ad to show pontential sponsers - then the ad won't go ahead either - Chicken and Egg syndrome !

So if you feel like you can do a bit of a job on this - we are looking for a quarter page or half page ad :

Include as many of the details below as possible:



I'll do it for a small tag on the corner of the ad (very small) or a firstborn child...

Yeah OK !

What would you like , a girl or a boy !! ;)

ha ha

Yeah - go for it - if you want ! WE got no other takers !!!

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