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Anyone read 2days newspaper??? http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0...87-2682,00.html

They are on about cyclists and Bicycle SA want all 50km/h residential roads to be 40km/h and all 60m/h high-capacity roads to be 50km/h, Because of the cyclists and car incidents. They even have their own thing going about where the worst places to ride a bike is due to 'dangerious' vehicles.


How many cyclists u see on the road and they are weiving all around the joint/ turning with out indication or even worse when there is a group of them, and they ride side by side! Where is our Black spot poll about the worst places to drive due to arrogant/d!ckhead cyclists.

From the artical

Senior Sergeant Paul Warren, officer in charge of the Traffic Training and Promotion Section agreed slower speeds gave drivers more time to stop, but he stopped short of supporting the lowered limits.

Sen-Sgt Warren said slowing down could be the difference between a pedestrian or cyclist being "bumped instead of stonkered".

I just find it stupid they want to slow the speed down even more, Soon walking will be faster (watch out they might put a speed limit on walking) Why dont they rego bikes or at least if they are goin to be on a main road they should do a drivers course so they know the rules of the road. Because i came arross this bloke never had his car license and he wonders why he keeps getting tapped or knocked off his bike (why dont they give way) How can THOSE ppl be allowed on the road, iv come arross LOTS of cyclists and they all share the road. Slowing down the speed is goin to sh!t all!

What have u got to say about this ppls

and who is going to pay for that? the cyclists? if so, then expect there to be a lot more cars on the road due to less people riding and more people driving. also expect hospital waiting lists to get longer because of less people getting fit. i have thought about the rego issue quite a bit (since i'm in the bike industry) and the negative effects it could have are massive, not just for the industry, but for people in general (as i said above with things like increased traffic congestion and extra pressure on the health system). while i think there needs to be some form of identification for cyclists so they can be booked for running red lights via the cameras, i honestly don't know how it could be done without having massive negative effects. there are too many loopholes.

yes there are some stupid cyclists out there, and they cause a lot of the accidents they are in, but there are also plenty of stupid drivers who don't know the rules and knock people off bikes because they don't know that a bike is considered a vehicle, so if you are at a give way sign, you have to give way to the bike. plenty of people think that cars have the right of way and just pull out in front of bikes. i've had many close calls when i have been going down a hill on the road and cars have just gone straight through give way signs because there was no cars coming, even though i was only about 10m from the intersection and travelling at about 50kmh. i've also had cars pull into driveways right in front of me. you also get dickheads that try and hit you with their side mirror as they go past you when you are riding on the shoulder. so for every bad cyclist out there, there are probably 10 bad car drivers that are putting cyclists lives at risk, some on purpose, others from pure negligence.

as for dropping the speed limits, that won't make much of a difference.

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and who is going to pay for that? the cyclists?

Why not? If theyre classified like a vehicle as you say, then they can pay for the maintenance and upkeep, same as us drivers do.

so for every bad cyclist out there, there are probably 10 bad car drivers that are putting cyclists lives at risk, some on purpose, others from pure negligence.

as for dropping the speed limits, that won't make much of a difference.

80% of all statistics are made up ;P But I agree with u on speed limits. Would like to point out that cyclists are in no way as visible as cars, sometimes Im driving at night and seeing cyclists without lights or reflective vests...

bottom line is, if we want people to get fit and ride n save petrol and coin (which we do) then lets invest the cash in dedicated bike trails like linear park and get as many cyclists off the road - everyone would win then


I see a bunch of cyclists most mornings on Militiary Rd, and most of the time they're only hogging the whole left lane which isn't really an issue at that time of the day. Occasionally a few get into the right lane too which shits me, there's almost an arrogance about the way they do it.

I honestly think cyclists are better in regards to being more aware of their surroundings and generally following road rules than they were years ago.

What on earth are these morons on about. They dont pay registration to use their bikes on the roads that we pay for to maintain, and now they want to have a say about our road speed. What a load of shit.

I see them down Anzac hwy every day riding side by side taking up a whole lane space and they have their own little designated area they should be riding on as its clearly marked.

So if someone runs them over for hoggin the road then so be it as they cant seem to read the sign which clearly marks a bike lane. We have to obey road signs why cant they. Honestly it seems to be an unregulated area of the road where they dont get punished for doing the wrong thing. I remember being pulled a few years ago, by a cop and got fined for driving in the right lane on a highway even though there was no sign of traffic anywhere. But yet they can ride side by side hog full lanes, and then abuse drivers and tell them to get off the road which they clearly pay for if it doesnt suit them.

top bloke bloody lycra wearing poofters.

^^^ agree 100% george.

cyclists can go get f**ked thinking they have a say when they dont pay rego or anything to use our roads.

cyclists, can u please do at least 30km/h in ur designated bike lane or walk, thanks. seeing us cars dont belong in ur designated bike lane, i still think we should be able to tell u guys how to use it.

foot path walkers. can u please skip when walking, it will make transportation much more efficient and entertaining. us road uses dont usually drive on the foot path, but we still like to tell u guys how to use it like the cyclists. thanks.

What on earth are these morons on about. They dont pay registration to use their bikes on the roads that we pay for to maintain, and now they want to have a say about our road speed. What a load of shit.

I see them down Anzac hwy every day riding side by side taking up a whole lane space and they have their own little designated area they should be riding on as its clearly marked.

So if someone runs them over for hoggin the road then so be it as they cant seem to read the sign which clearly marks a bike lane. We have to obey road signs why cant they. Honestly it seems to be an unregulated area of the road where they dont get punished for doing the wrong thing. I remember being pulled a few years ago, by a cop and got fined for driving in the right lane on a highway even though there was no sign of traffic anywhere. But yet they can ride side by side hog full lanes, and then abuse drivers and tell them to get off the road which they clearly pay for if it doesnt suit them.

top bloke bloody lycra wearing poofters.

Lol diplomatically said there george but +1 lol


4 - 6 riders abreast is what I hate.....if there is a dedicated bike lane (unless you're turning right)...STAY IN IT!!!

EDIT: or shove a 1000cc engine in it then you can share lanes with me :D

Pardon my use of French dialect but i cant help it, i seem to get on peoples nerves because i straight forward say what i think. My apologies if i offend anyone :D .

ah all good, thats what the profanity filter is for ;P


miranda devine is one person I actually feel dirty when I agree with her because she writes 95% tripe. This article she wrote however, I quite like :)



top bloke bloody lycra wearing poofters.

+ f**king 1

Cyclist think they own the road and everyone has to watch out for them and give them right of way, that's not the way it works. Roads are for cars, cars mow down cyclist, they should watch the f**k out and use some common sense. A cyclist cut my mum off once then had the nerve to abuse her when he got beeped at, legged it quick smart through a red light when a 6ft5 giant stepped out of the passenger side.

Edited by nicr4wks

i dont have a problem with cyclists until they f**k me off.....have seen it before where i was waiting on a red signal and the cyclist just rode through without looking and nearly got cleanned up by one of those road trains.....missed by an inch literally.....

lowering speed limits wont do shit in relation to cyclist fatalities......

What on earth are these morons on about. They dont pay registration to use their bikes on the roads that we pay for to maintain, and now they want to have a say about our road speed. What a load of shit.

I see them down Anzac hwy every day riding side by side taking up a whole lane space and they have their own little designated area they should be riding on as its clearly marked.

So if someone runs them over for hoggin the road then so be it as they cant seem to read the sign which clearly marks a bike lane. We have to obey road signs why cant they. Honestly it seems to be an unregulated area of the road where they dont get punished for doing the wrong thing. I remember being pulled a few years ago, by a cop and got fined for driving in the right lane on a highway even though there was no sign of traffic anywhere. But yet they can ride side by side hog full lanes, and then abuse drivers and tell them to get off the road which they clearly pay for if it doesnt suit them.

top bloke bloody lycra wearing poofters.

+ f**king 100 million! What a crock of shit, i understand that they ride bikes to get around thats fine but they don't pay anything to use that road so no they don't f**king own it!

its pretty arrogant

the roads were made for cars

car owners and other vehicles pay registration and other fees to keep the roads maintained

and when there ARE speed limits for cars, you see these lycra clad dickheads exceeding said speed limits. I've been overtaken by wankers when doing 50kph in a 50 zone. f**k cyclists, they should stick to linear park or piss off.


yeh and im not just ur typical bike hating guy, ive ridden both push and motorised on the road for years, and im not completely blameless of acting like a dick on them myself, but ultimately it was me that chose to ride a bike and put myself at risk.

+1 to telling all these cyclists to shut the f#@k up, they don't pay for anything to upkeep the roads yet they expect motorists to give way to them whenever they want.

Always see these wankers riding along next to each other having a chat and not paying attention to what's happening around them, sound familiar (mobile phones distract you when you drive!!) whats the difference to these morons riding around swerving in front of a car that can take your life in an instant...

I hate cyclists that think they own the road as all it takes is one wrong turn from a car and they are gone, if they don't care for their own safety get the hell off the roads before your in a wheelchair permanently.

+1 to getting them a linear path, but if they get that then they should be booked if they go on a road, as for slowing the speed limits down, get stuffed, aren't we going slow enough already with peak hour traffic, long waits at lights, which these cyclists seem to think is a chance to get in front of traffic.

As for abusive cyclists, if you abuse a motorist watch out as a car door opens rather quickly :(:D

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