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ok so did a track day yesterday. noticed when driving home there is an oil smell.

here's the senario. if you have windows down you can smell oil, when windows up no smell, windows up fan on no smell as well. it only seems to be when either window is down>

i've checked every thing, got my dad to take it work and put on the hoist and couldn't find anything. iv'e degreased everything front to back top to bottom and still can see nothing

does anyone have an idea.

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I had the same issue but I had some lumpy cams that produced a whole load of blow back into my catch can. My catch can had filters that oil fumes were coming out of. Not too sure if this is your issue but it may provide you with a starting point.

I had the same issue but I had some lumpy cams that produced a whole load of blow back into my catch can. My catch can had filters that oil fumes were coming out of. Not too sure if this is your issue but it may provide you with a starting point.

cams and blow are not related in any way shape or form.

How much boost do you run - stock or above 1 bar?

I found on my R33 GTR with steel wheel hi-flows that at 1 Bar you get oil vapor mixing in the crank case. This is because on the track you are on boost a hell of a lot longer than on the street. In my case I have a breather off the valve cover hoses that started to "ooze" oil out. The stock hoses also actually pipe the breather link into the plenum just below the throttle linkage which pipes the oil filled air back into the induction system.

Even though I now have a just jap catch can with return lines into the valve cover, on High boost situations I still get oil spitting out the back of the car. Check around your exhaust. If this is the case then what you are smelling is the oil in your exhaust system (coated inside). Also check where your breather lines go - in my case made a mess around the ABS unit.

But Trent, I removed my catch can and it had a fair level of oil (enough to tip out). It seemed that oil vapors were blowing into the catch can.

You have blow by, yes... Your cams won't cause it is what Trent is saying.

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