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ok so the story goes like this.....

i put on status about a sligtly angry convo with my manager on facebook

couple of my workmates replied obviosuly and i said something along the lines of "safeway is gonna go down and i'll just watch and laugh" in the sence that its turning into a shit place coz of the retarded workers....

anyway my manager had a chat with me and apparently i have breached conduct about "honesty and trsut" bull which says how i am not allowed to post sh1t on websites (if anyone can find me woolworths code of conduct that would be greatly appreciated)..... anyway so i am meant to have this meeting with managers and stuff with someone from the union representing me.

now i am not sure as to where i stand as far as facebook goes coz i thought status was wat u were thinking lol as if i dont have freedom of speech on there lol

i am not 100% sure if thats wat its about but pretty sure thats it however it is definately facebook related and related to that status

now wat i am asking is that if any of you could shed some light as i am not sure if i have a leg to stand on

also if anyone knows how to copy and paste a status with all the comments like a pic then that would be great as it would probably explain alot more


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Delete all work colleagues or custom your privacy settings so they can not see. For your employer to know, someone has ratted on you? Or your profile is not friend only viewing? Either way your kinda screwed. Might have to cop this one, but during meeting def focus on how hurt and upset you were by the situation which resulted in the irrational posting, and show remorse but failing that, cry. ?? haha

All the best with it.

Imagine the updates you can do after they fire you?


Is your boss on your facebook, if so that is your first mistake, secondly i agree with nismoid, check out any employment contracts you have signed, if this rule that you alledgedly breached is in there then they probably have the right to sack you, thirdly i use to know a few people who worked for safeway, by there accounts its always been a shit hole, good to see nothing has changed.

Delete all work colleagues or custom your privacy settings so they can not see. For your employer to know, someone has ratted on you? Or your profile is not friend only viewing? Either way your kinda screwed. Might have to cop this one, but during meeting def focus on how hurt and upset you were by the situation which resulted in the irrational posting, and show remorse but failing that, cry. ?? haha

All the best with it.

Imagine the updates you can do after they fire you?


already deleted most work people... profile always on private but i know its some1 who ratted me

i am not worried about wat i said as i am not 100% sure wat the contract is telling people not to do... wether its dissing the company or the workers or the customers... i have read studd about people being sacked coz they broke the contract but its mostly coz they talk crap about the customers and how dumb they are, and when people changed medical certificates lol idiots...i will try to pretend i was hurt but the people who know me would know i am putting it on coz i am never remorsefull lol

Is your boss on your facebook, if so that is your first mistake, secondly i agree with nismoid, check out any employment contracts you have signed, if this rule that you alledgedly breached is in there then they probably have the right to sack you, thirdly i use to know a few people who worked for safeway, by there accounts its always been a shit hole, good to see nothing has changed.

na boss is not.. aint that dumb lol

ye but if the sign doesnt match then was it really me signing it???

ALSO my facebook name is totally different to my real name, u think that makes a differnce? lol

Most standard employment contracts now include "code of conduct" clauses etc. I must say, you should always try to separate your private life with your work life. Posting a comment about your manager on Facebook in your personal time is quite unprofessional. Moreover, posting it where you know other people that work with you can have access to is even worse. All it takes is one person to tell on you and it's done.

If I were you, I'll go in pleading guilty and just ask for their understanding as this is your first time and you meant no harm.

Lesson to be learnt. Do not post stuff about your work on the internet where other people that work with you can have access to. It's basic, really it is.


Lesson to be learnt. Do not post stuff about your work on the internet where other people that work with you can have access to. It's basic, really it is.

And that's really it. Hopefully he's learnt this for next time.

If it's someones word against yours then you can try the line that it was taken out of context etc and was not publicly accessible. Therefore it is only whoever ratted yous word vs yours. I can't see how they can carry a strong case against you for that, and you certainly can take your case through unfair dismissal. However if you hate the place, why bother?

If I ever worked for a company that would sack me over stuff like that I would be out of there asap. Bugger that for a joke. There are so many suck up loosers out there that try to climb the chain and shit on everybody below them on the way up. This world really needs a reality check! A good manager IMO would have had a go at you. Made you feel bad for half an hour. Let you think about it and then came back and discussed the problem in a nice way so settle everything back down. They have by far been the best types of people who I have worked for. You hate them for a bit and then its back to normal and its off your chest and thiers.

By your comment your not intending to do anything. Your just watching as the people above you run the company into the ground. Not you fault the employed a bunch of monkeys. Sounds like the manager is intimidated by you and doesn't want his position to be comprimised so he want you out of the picture. I have worked for a few of them and thats the way they work!

Go in there with a can of "Harden the F up" for them and resign if thats what the meeetings about. It only Safeway anyway! If your a good worker its thier loss!

If you do have a meeting with your boss over it, call an S.D.A. rep (Union rep) and get their opinion and generally they are more than willing to come into the meeting with you to help you out. I used to be a union delegate for Woolworths a while back. If you need the number, just shoot me a pm.

We got a thing to sign over a facebook group. I work for dan murphys (woolworths) and the facebook has a thread in it about stupid customers you have encountered and stuff like that. They said that it is against the code of conduct and if anyone is caught posting anything they will be in a whole bunch of shit or even fired.

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