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If 600PS was defected ,and it was fully engineered, and regency said nar and 2 go and get ****ed, Im sure you'd be complaining too.

Exactly your WORDS, 'IF it was fully engineered'. Are we complaining that the cars are fully engineered? Man, before you post, I suggest you rethink what you want to say.

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no, even if your cars were engineered, it means nothing anymore.

further more, if it were, and you spend all that money on having your car engineered, only to have it fail because regency have their knickers in a knot, im sure you'd have a thing or two to say.

if you are driving round with a car that has been altered in such a way that doesn not comply with ADR's and you yet done, live with it, you know you have done it and one day you may get caught but that does not make you do it, just look at what I was driving for a short period, do you want to start with what was defectable on that??? That did not stop me driving, I knew on day I MAY get caught and have to face up to the penalties...

Sorry Dan for hijacking the thread hope you get the computer sorted (and the V2 belt fixed) Martin hope you can help him it is a damm fine s2000 with the v2 on

everyone relax. ive realised this week has been a cu nt cos every sapol asshole has made this the worst experience. They wouldnt even grant me an extension to drive my car till next weeks booking. Instead the **** defected my car again at holden hill police station. All he was meant to do was check that the necessary things had been done. But i think he wanted to b cop of the year or some shit, and then ****ed me up so i cant drive it anywhere. Why are people like this such wankers, i was so nice to him, and he wouldnt stop rammin my ass :D

everyone relax. ive realised this week has been a cu nt cos every sapol asshole has made this the worst experience. They wouldnt even grant me an extension to drive my car till next weeks booking. Instead the **** defected my car again at holden hill police station. All he was meant to do was check that the necessary things had been done. But i think he wanted to b cop of the year or some shit, and then ****ed me up so i cant drive it anywhere. Why are people like this such wankers, i was so nice to him, and he wouldnt stop rammin my ass :D

Sorry to hear that Enrico. What did they defect it on now?

This is exactly what i mean. Regency doesnt go out and defct cars. Infact they are feeling the strain of all the cars that are coming in. Would be great if they got all the facts right but thats another arguement. Its the super hero coppers out there that do this stuff. Hence, SAPOL suck.

i think the thing that pisses everyone off most isn't that you get defected ... (well we do :D) ... but its more the fact the we're ****ed if we do and we're ****ed if we don't ... and the seemingly ****ed up nature of the way regency is run with respects to the actual law ... the way the make bullshit up right on the spot ... etc etc .. u could go on for ages ... the point is ... there are people trying to get things done and sorted where there is a clear line between defectable and not defectable ... right now its up the the disgression of the cops to decide and are they qualified engineers?? NO ... hell even the dicks at regency aren't qualified engineers ... back to the point of this sidetracked topic ... we just want a clear line so we know and stop all this BS ... i think everyone agrees with that ... and some are just more passionate about it then others thats all ... no need for personal attacks ... we're all batting for the same team here ... except dean ... he's gay ... :)

dean... i think u need to learn how to handle people ... theres this really good book i read "how to win friends and influence people" by dale carnegie .. seriously its a good book ... and after reading it i think i can get out of any situation ... seriously!!! :D


Point 1: The XR6 has been drive cycle tested for ADR3700 and 2800 and passed type compliance on both fronts. It costs money, but it can be done. Speak to a consulting engineer and pay the expenses if you want to do the same for your car. Have a considered approach when questioning the legalities of peoples products and actions, particularly when you represent a business on this forum. My Soarer, like your car, was in full contravention of these same ADRs, and, no, should never have been driven on the road.

Point 2: I do not agree with the way cars are being defected at the moment. It would appear that minorities are being singled out for persecution, rather than the whole lot being treated as a level, and equally accountable playing field. Every car on the road has to meet its original ADR type compliance, or have proven engineering documentation to show same, regardless of brand or manufacturer, to in part avoid potentially being defected. That is, and always has been the law. My point is, and was, while there is so much unnecessary 'bling' around, they will look past the local heaps, and like blue hatted Bower Birds go straight for the bright shinies.

As for Cefiro scenario? RTA refused to make a comment. Publishing companies also arent too interested in the potential scuffle with the Police Media Unit - a VERY powerful group of lawyers. All I can suggest, is that if you dont want to be defected, then adhere to the law. If you dont want a legal car - and theres nothing fun about that - then dont draw attention, be careful where you drive etc. etc. Thats why my Soarer did 1500km in a year...which is one reason I got rid of it.

Just a couple of points,

As Dean has since pointed out, I was told by Tim Ireland, that even if it was engineered, and passed an emissions test, doesnt mean they will pass it. Seems like a total waste of the 5.5K it would cost (minimum) to get the car legal, esp when in other states emissions tests are free, or close to it.

I have been told by Regency (Tim Ireland) that I cannot have a programmable ECU or a boost controller, not matter who engineers it - kinda leaves most import divers high and dry - spose it goes back to 'buy a falcon'.

Mr Tim Ireland suggested I mod a car that predates ADRs, so I wouldnt have a problem - its ok to build up an old piece of crap, but not a modern car, and the most annoying of the lot - If I lived in Qld, I could fit a bigger turbo, without even having the car inspected, and have a Power FC, coilover suspension, infact just about what I want - and I dont even need an engineers cert or a full drive cycle test done - this state is a bloody joke, and yes, before you say, I do have every intention of leaving here.

Its a joke that a car has to be dead stock to pass over regency, and even then they can get harrassed (unless its a full sick monaro) - this is the only state that has such anal retentive laws, and its a crying shame that no one in a position to have any throw is getting this looked at, wants to have anything to do with it.

I am sure that even the readers of HPI, Zoom or Speed would love to see an accurate summary of what is legal in what state, and what is required to comply basic (and perhaps some not so basic) mods. This would be enough to assit in highlighting the debarcle that is Regency - with no legal ramifications as long as its totally factual. have you seen the approved person scheme in Qld?

N/AR, I have only been defected once in my life, when I was a young lad and drove a monaro, it was moddified, and the inspector just said 'nice car' after he finnished looking at it and I was on my way - I dont get pissed off at all this bullshit because I feel I am being harrassed. I have pulled up at lights next to cops, given a casual look and that is about all. the reason I dont like the system is because as far as I can see is ITS WRONG. It annoys me that someone cant enjoy the pleasure of owning a nicely modded car, such as Deans, and then get pulled over, defected for no GOOD reason, then have to go through the dramas associated. If he drove in my old home state, he wouldnt be looked at unless he was driving like a dick, if the vehicle was defected, he could get permits for his mods - issued by the inspection station.

But hey if you like the way things are, good for you, I dont, and its my right to protest.

I think everyone here is arguing the same topic but missing the point.

Every car on the road has to meet its original ADR type compliance, or have proven engineering documentation to show same, regardless of brand or manufacturer, to in part avoid potentially being defected. That is, and always has been the law.

No ones argunig this point, its about why South Australia has the toughest set of rules regarding modified cars in the COUNTRY. We all would here go get the tests done, if we lived in Melbourne and had the knowledge that the engineers report was worth more than just a piece of paper i could wipe my arse with.


I totally agree with your point about Dean getting pulled over for no reason except his car was seemingly too low and looked like it was defectable. I got no problems with that. Hey, I saw him that night and trust me, my car is lower and louder than his.. So im not saying he was in the wrong.

However back to my point. It's not regency that we should really have a problem with. Its SAPOL. Why? because rules and standard will always be there and car enthusiast will never like nor agree with the set rules and standards. However, there 'SHOULD' be some tolerance or give way from the cops for EVERYONE. Not just pretty looking girls or older drivers. Im sure if Deans dad or mum was driving the 33, the same cops would have not stopped him or her. See my point?

Yes I do, and I agree with you. I dont think someone should be descriminated against because they own a nice car, modifying a car to improve its performance doesnt make it more dangerous, it makes it safer - as long as its been done correctly.

where do you think SAPOL get their guidance from when they want to know what is defectable? Regency. I actually (as part of my research) rang Holden hill police station and asked what BOVs are legal - I was told 'no BOV is legal', and 'we will defect any car with a BOV' - I pointed out that cars come with stock BOVs, and was told the information they have is that ALL BOVs are illegal. When I asked him where they got the info from he told me it comes from regency.

I agree with getting mods correctly certified, but as pointed out look at the other states, you can do alot of mods yourself, if you go beyond those mods, you need an 'approved person' to inspect the mods to ensure they are safe.

Here, the cost of an engineer to get mods certified is 3 times more expensive than NSW, VIC is also alot cheaper, and Qld is open slather.

BUT, even if you attempt to do the right thing, you can still be bent over at regency - these retired tram conductors and disagree with your $2000 engineers report, and you have no recourse - period.

If it was a reasonable system, people could get mods certified and then it would keep the SAPOL off everyones back, but at the moment, as policy is 'the car must be stock', SAPOL can defect almost any car AND as Martin pointed out, they pick on the nice ones.

And to put things in perspective, I was told by a prominent engineer here in SA, that, 'they have changed the rules' and went on to say that he believes the current system is unfair, as he can prove a car is the safest, best handling car of its type on the road, and regency can still tell him no, you cant have it registered.

you say people will never like or agree with the rules - why not speak to people in Qld (I did via this forum) or NSW, you will find you are wrong. But yes there will always be those that whinge for no good reason.

ADRs were implemented to ensure cars were built to a minimum standard. I dont believe mods that enhance a cars performance means that the standards are depreciated - but regency dont care, so much easier to just tell everyone to stock out the car. They will let you fit $50 K-mart brand shocks, but not $2k plus suspension - fair eh?

Totally agree with u. How is it 50 buck kmart shocks are fine, yet any 2k suspension is not. Its all bs, and although the main problem is regency, it has rubbed off onto SAPOL. Yesterday when i went to get my defect extended to my regency booking, they had to get a traffic cop to come look at my car because i had no receipts to show the work had been done. Anyway the cop was the biggest wanker. He didnt even know where the BOV was, he questioned me about the boost controller even though it had been removed, and then he made me start my engine, and proceeded to tell me it was too loud and was going to get a db meter. Dont get me wrong but the only thing he was meant to do was just check the stuff on the defect had been fixed, yet he wanted to get super cop of the year and make this as painful as possible. Now there is another defect on my car so i cant drive it until next weeks booking :D

Another experience happened when i was at work: A cop comes into to look at some stuff for his house. I was talkin to him and tellin him about my car and what happened. At first he was really nice but then he totally turned on me. He reckons he loves pullin over cars like mine, and then he said quote " why modify ur car at all. No matter what u do to ur car, like susp and engine mods, my stock v6 cop car with "fe2" susp will always keep up" (at this time i was thinkin mate are u serious). He then went on about how the aftermarket suspension will stuff all the ADRs in relations to ur car, and will infact make it dangerous to drive. I told him that people like me who own nice cars dont go around cuttin springs and such, we modifiy our cars properly and make them safer. He said if i cut my springs or put on coilover suspension, it would only make the car handle worse...This cop had no idea wat he was goin on about, yet said he has defected over 20,000 cars! Then he goes on about if u want a fast car, buy somethin that was made like that, like a monaro. I was so pissed off. Its typical that an aussie cop would presume that a monaro is the best car in the world. He seemed to also say that he wouldnt defect them aswell cos he likes pickin on us. He also said there is a blitz goin on and they are targettin car clubs...

What im tryin to get at is that the cops who are meant to be educated cars and what is and isnt legal have no idea, yet thet assume somethin is illegal, or even if they arent sure, they just tick VIS.

2 months ago I drove down north trc, left onto west trc and into Mc Donalds. I noticed a cop car following me all the way from the Casino. Wasnt speeding. When I came out of the drive thru, there he was. Pulled me over and defected me.

Didnt look at anything else on my car. Coilovers, Exhaust, Racing Seat, FMIC etc... but defected me. On what? A slighty blue tiny number plate bulb. When I questioned his judgement and told him i noticed him following me all the way prior he responded "I was actually following that VN commodore with the green neon." But the copper decided to let him go and come find me instead?. So again my point. The problem is with the ones enforcing the STUPID rules.

Bl4cK32, they got out of it through Road Traffic Act 1961, para 163K (from memory) Limitation of Liability.

It states that the police, and Regency have no liability for any action as long as they believe they were doing the right thing.

As I said, the info was hearsay through a contact at the AGs office and one of the engineers I have spoken to.


If i get a car that has rego from QLD, can cops in SA defect me?

Thats if i was driving down anzac highway etc


What i really hate is when the cops get told they have to get a "Quota" of cars defected. WTF? a quota?!?!

Police = $$$$

Thats all the government wants!


Im sure people would pay a small price to get mods complianced etc, but not $5,500 FFS!

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