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Things Your Kids Say At Arkward Times


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Driving home the other day and i spot the po-po litterally hiding in a scrubby area getting people accelerating from 50-60. they were standing 10m in front of the 60 sign. Soooo, anyway, i say 'God some police are wankers' and sure enough, i get waved over for an rbt. Much to the officers enjoyment i have a 2 year old in the back seat chanting 'Police wanker daddy!'

Copper had a laugh, i had an embarrasing moment, we went on our way, times like those i wish i had a cam-corder :)

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Sometimes my kids spell things weird... like "Arkward"


You've got kids ? :rofl:

My daughter went out for dinner with my sister to a indian restaurant. Whenever the waitress would come around to get their orders or ask how things are going my daughter would respond with a very thick indian accent.

I so would have loved to have been there.

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My son Kyle came home from school with this "Really well done" Aboriginal accent. He wouldn't stop for days. we were out having Dinner one night and walking back home we walked through a park with a few of the locals sitting at a table..He looks at them and then comes out with "Gota 'moke dare fella?"...MY GOD :)

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we were out having Dinner one night and walking back home we walked through a park with a few of the locals sitting at a table..He looks at them and then comes out with "Gota 'moke dare fella?"...MY GOD

LOL Winnah!! woulda been an embarrasing moment im sure! Well, for a 2 year old i must admit, she makes a GREAT dictator, everything you say is repeated for hours afterwards, includuing the things that really need'nt be said or heard lol :)

Oh well, off to golf to get shitfaced, ciao!

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while my godson was getting picked up by his mum after daycare, a sudanese father was also there to pick up their child. my godson had never seen an african man before. he runs up to the man, points at him and calls out at the top of his lungs "hey mummy look, that man has black face". needless to say his mum was horrified, called for her son and promptly exited stage left.

another one of my friends had just taken her daughter to the zoo a couple of days earlier, they were at the beach and a very hairy european man was walking past. my mates daughter sees the man and goes "daddy...gorilla!"

kids say the funniest things

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Driving home the other day and i spot the po-po litterally hiding in a scrubby area getting people accelerating from 50-60. they were standing 10m in front of the 60 sign. Soooo, anyway, i say 'God some police are wankers' and sure enough, i get waved over for an rbt. Much to the officers enjoyment i have a 2 year old in the back seat chanting 'Police wanker daddy!'

Copper had a laugh, i had an embarrasing moment, we went on our way, times like those i wish i had a cam-corder :thumbsup:


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one of the guys at work was telling us the other day, when he was out shopping for groceries at woolies, he was walking down one of the isles, and there was this mum with her 2 or 3 yr old son, and as he walked passed them they boy said to his mother "you take sex up the bum don't you mum??"

apparently the mums facial expression was priceless :banana: ..... and to add fuel to the fire mate from work turned around and gave her a wink and a little nod of the head with a smile on his face... :)

gotta love the awkward situations kids get people into... :P

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one of the guys at work was telling us the other day, when he was out shopping for groceries at woolies, he was walking down one of the isles, and there was this mum with her 2 or 3 yr old son, and as he walked passed them they boy said to his mother "you take sex up the bum don't you mum??"

apparently the mums facial expression was priceless :D ..... and to add fuel to the fire mate from work turned around and gave her a wink and a little nod of the head with a smile on his face... :(

gotta love the awkward situations kids get people into... :)

now thats funny :)

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  • 2 years later...

Thought id revive this with a recent experience, again with one of my won. Had the police come up to the house the other day to ask about any suspicious activities i may have been witness too. As i see them walking down the pathway i said "What do these dihckeads want" So i go to the door, little one on tow, she says "hello mr Dihckead" to the female officer at the door. That was arkward.

A week or so ago the youngest one, 20 months, is starting to repeat everything now. Im waiting at the checkouts with the brother in wollies getting some stuff for a family BBQ and i said to my brother "Wish they would pay these lazer sults more so they would hurry up" We get to the register, he says "Hurry lazer sult" pretty fierce looks ensued from the checkout birds lol

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