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Hi people,

Got my fornt/dump 3" the other day and wanna have a go myself putting it in.

Any tricks i need to know about before bustin' somthing?

Looks like ....remove turbo cover to get at exhaust...pretty much undo there, undo cat......replace and that's it....

The guy I bought it of reckons it would take 2-3 hrs????

Also, the covering of the old frontdump, can that be used on the new?

Thanks.. :D

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i would also like to know a bit on this..

I got mine yesterday.. Looks great btw :cheers:

the current bolts that are holding the dump to the turbo..

I bet that if i try to undo them they will snap off in the process... I can see it now... then what the hell do i do...

could i loosen the bolts with some wd40 or something and tapping it lightly with a hammer?

yeah take your time

let some penetrator wd40 whatever soak in for ages and then loosen the bolts, dont snap them like mine snapped. u will be mega pissed if a bolt snaps, its a bitch to get them out. you probably cant use the old dump cover thing wrapped around it, maybe if you mod it. the old turbo heatshield can probably fit on again

YES definately soak them well...

I soaked mine for about 10 mins, constantly spraying heaps on, and they came off, went on OK!

You will also need to jack the car up and get to 1 or 2 bolts from under the car if I remeber correctly.

Do it in the following order, simply because it involves less stuffing around when it comes to holding the bits steady when doing/undoing bolts.

Removal - remove from turbo 1st, then cat

Install - bolt onto cat first (not too tight), then onto turbo

And make sure you take your time tightening / undoing bolts!

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