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Got Done For Turbo


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There's nothing in the website disclaimer about us making new members feel welcome despite obvious deficiencies in brain cell count. I don't even know where to start with you. It's unprofessional to use forum posts as evidence? WTF kind of defence is that. Your honor, that knife forensic scientists found in the victim's back is severely damaging to my client's case...please discard it from the evidence because a knife is just unprofessional. I think you underestimate what is actually revealed by posts on an internet forum. They always say more than their user intends them to.

Who needs IP tracking? Police can request information from website moderators...your IP has been logged for every post you have made. Do you have a dynamic IP address? LOL, I'm impersonating police am I? I don't want to see you in real life, close proximity to people like you ain't a favourite past time. Also, I'm assuming here, but I'm thinking your staring down would probably be more of a glance up.

Yes, like almost everyone I've done something illegal in my life. The difference between what I've done and what the high powered vehicle P platers have done, is that the latter can land someone in an infinite dollar lawsuit with potential to destroy their life and the lives of others. But you need to familiarise yourself with the law better, because you have it so very wrong. It's illegal for someone under the age of 18 to purchase alcohol, not to consume it. If you are in your own home and your parents have purchased you alcohol...go nuts as far as the law is concerned. So what help do you suggest we give someone who has clearly broken the law? There's no defence for it. I gave him some help. If he listens to what I say he'll never have another high-powered vehicle related trouble again in his life.

Well we've already established that what you've noticed and what actually happens are two very different things, so there's no need for rebuttal here. Oops I just did :D

1st Bold: Ok a knife is physical evidence, a forum post is virtual. A knife has finger prints, a forum post has an IP. A Knife has no flaws unless we're doing a SAW VI here and using other peoples fingers on the knife. But realistically, NOKTHNX. Anyway a forum post can't proove shit.

2nd Bold: Typical, just as i said before, an E-Thug scared of a little life confrontation. If we do meet someday ill be sure to bring some egg noodles to satisfy you. Anti Socials these days... Jeez.

3rd Bold: Yeah you've done something illegal, this P Plater HSV Killer did something illegal too. Doesn't give you the right to go down his neck. Furthermore take a seat and whilst you're at it, Donate more money to become respected. Wouldn't suprise me in them accepting more considering half the moderators on these boards are indian.

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Except everyone you are around is running the risk of you plowing your high powered car into someones child. Slim chance? Sure. Chance of it happening ONLY due to your car having more power than you are legally allowed to drive? Even slimmer, probably astronomical.

It's still higher than the allowable level of risk.

Sorry but now your talking like i am changing gears at 7000RPM? As i said i do stick to the speed limit wether it be a 40k zone 50k zone or 60k zone.... When you are driving at this speed it does not make a difference if you have a high powered car or a family f#$% sedan.... The only difference is the sound of the BOV making TSS TSSS noises when you shift gears... i am sensible and not a f#$## who overtakes and swurves in and out of traffic like something out of the fast and furious..... I am young and dumb yes but not dumb enough to ram my highly appreciated skyline which i have worked so hard for into the back of another persons car.....

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1st Bold: Ok a knife is physical evidence, a forum post is virtual. A knife has finger prints, a forum post has an IP. A Knife has no flaws unless we're doing a SAW VI here and using other peoples fingers on the knife. But realistically, NOKTHNX. Anyway a forum post can't proove shit.

2nd Bold: Typical, just as i said before, an E-Thug scared of a little life confrontation. If we do meet someday ill be sure to bring some egg noodles to satisfy you. Anti Socials these days... Jeez.

3rd Bold: Yeah you've done something illegal, this P Plater HSV Killer did something illegal too. Doesn't give you the right to go down his neck. Furthermore take a seat and whilst you're at it, Donate more money to become respected. Wouldn't suprise me in them accepting more considering half the moderators on these boards are indian.

Virtual? Have a look at your previous posts mate. They're still there. They can be printed out, accessed at any time...linked back to you...

No...I'm not scared of confrontation, or you, or anyone else for that matter. I just don't like being around people like you. If you really HAVE to meet me because you want to get a good look at me then by all means come to the next SAU Vic general meeting...we can talk more on the topic if you like. But as a warning, I don't like noodles and I don't like violence, so don't bring either to the meeting.

You know what, it does give me the right to criticise him. Even hypocrisy doesn't negate the usefulness of one's advice. LOL, racial stereotypes? Fun, fun. I don't know if they are, but what does it matter if half the moderators on these boards are Indian? What has that got to do with anything? There goes your argument's credibility out the window, not that it had much to begin with.

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Well in the end I can't take your keys off you but I've done all I can. I've had a couple of friends on option notices...one got fined for speeding 5km/h over the limit and one got done for talking on a mobile phone...both in their last week of a 12 month option notice. It happens more often than you think. It's not just you taking a risk, it's all of us taking a risk at the same time. Your actions affect others on the road...maybe we don't want to take the same risk you do. Maybe think about the other people who don't have a say in the matter next time you go to drive your car?

Yeah and your words of wisdom are appreciated.... Also understand that others are not willing to take the same risk as me but i am just sharing with everyone my experience driving around in a turbo with a provisional driver's license.... It is intense and you are on the edge but i have had a lot of police cars pull up next to me and behind me with out pulling me over.... As i said if you do not drive like a maniac you will not attract any unwanted attention to yourself... However in saying that i also do realise that i can be pulled up at any time for no reason and get done... I am just in love with the car

Also should have added that i do not drive around at night time... I feel at night you run more of a risk

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Sorry, next time we'll meet i'll shout you some Tandoori. We sweet?

Did you need to go this low? Just because you are running out of things to support your arguments, you don't need to get racist about it.

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Virtual? Have a look at your previous posts mate. They're still there. They can be printed out, accessed at any time...linked back to you...

No...I'm not scared of confrontation, or you, or anyone else for that matter. I just don't like being around people like you. If you really HAVE to meet me because you want to get a good look at me then by all means come to the next SAU Vic general meeting...we can talk more on the topic if you like. But as a warning, I don't like noodles and I don't like violence, so don't bring either to the meeting.

You know what, it does give me the right to criticise him. Even hypocrisy doesn't negate the usefulness of one's advice. LOL, racial stereotypes? Fun, fun. I don't know if they are, but what does it matter if half the moderators on these boards are Indian? What has that got to do with anything? There goes your argument's credibility out the window, not that it had much to begin with.

- Printed, Edited, Photoshopped, Linked to another forum. Yeah. Ok. Bahahahahah you're a regular comedian.

- I wouldn't bring violence, and i wouldn't come to a SAU Vic General Meeting, they'd try rawt me for $70 to become a member. Then i would have to look like an idiot and say Yes i'll pay then when really i'm saying to myself NAH IDIOT. Too late for you though.

- Nah, you don't have a right, and it's not advice you're giving him, it's a show of male dominance in which you think you are superior to him, which you are most definitely not as I, and probably that P Plater, and Chibs just to add it in there, would shit on you. As i said before, sit down.

P.S. Racial Stereotypes are just fun. Damn Ghandis these days.

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- Printed, Edited, Photoshopped, Linked to another forum. Yeah. Ok. Bahahahahah you're a regular comedian.

- I wouldn't bring violence, and i wouldn't come to a SAU Vic General Meeting, they'd try rawt me for $70 to become a member. Then i would have to look like an idiot and say Yes i'll pay then when really i'm saying to myself NAH IDIOT. Too late for you though.

- Nah, you don't have a right, and it's not advice you're giving him, it's a show of male dominance in which you think you are superior to him, which you are most definitely not as I, and probably that P Plater, and Chibs just to add it in there, would shit on you. As i said before, sit down.

P.S. Racial Stereotypes are just fun. Damn Ghandis these days.

So you're saying that when a member of the police (let alone a court official) an independant 3rd party observer with no inherent bias to the situation...accesses this website...it's going to make a difference whether this is written on paper or computer? By your logic witnesses don't count for anything either, given they can make up their stories. It's not just about the post content either. Meets, meet photos, profiles, IPs, part purchases, time/date of post...it's all good.

Rawt? $70 ain't much for membership in a CAMS affiliated club, this being the least of membership benefits. Not that you would know much about that; it sounds to me like you get your kicks from doing track work on the public roads. You don't have to be a member to attend a general meeting, and we won't force you to join up. You might get a better view of what the club is about instead of just speculating some sort of ignorant opinion of it. But after what you've shown here in this thread I don't think SAU Vic would welcome you to the club...I believe you and your not-so-desired vehicle are on the blunt end of a ban from these forums too.

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So you're saying that when a member of the police (let alone a court official) an independant 3rd party observer with no inherent bias to the situation...accesses this website...it's going to make a difference whether this is written on paper or computer? By your logic witnesses don't count for anything either, given they can make up their stories. It's not just about the post content either. Meets, meet photos, profiles, IPs, part purchases, time/date of post...it's all good.

Rawt? $70 ain't much for membership in a CAMS affiliated club, this being the least of membership benefits. Not that you would know much about that; it sounds to me like you get your kicks from doing track work on the public roads. You don't have to be a member to attend a general meeting, and we won't force you to join up. You might get a better view of what the club is about instead of just speculating some sort of ignorant opinion of it. But after what you've shown here in this thread I don't think SAU Vic would welcome you to the club...I believe you and your not-so-desired vehicle are on the blunt end of a ban from these forums too.

You're a little mad.

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Wouldn't suprise me in them accepting more considering half the moderators on these boards are indian.

Oh dear - i think i slipped over the suspension button. How ever did that happen?

Hopefully the 2 week ban will give you time to think before attacking the team that spend many weeks a year ensuring this website runs FOR FREE so that people may have discussions. Nothing wrong with a solid discussion... but attack the team here and... well... it won't really go so well for you.

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I find the retards in this thread entertaining.

That is until they run in to my car and their insurance wont come to the party because they were driving a turbo car on their P's. Kind of like the guy who recently ran a red light, wrote my car off and is facing an $18,000 bill.

The next person who runs in to me without insurance will not be receiving a letter form my lawyer, I'm going to take a more personal approach to retrieve the money owed to me....

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