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Got Done For Turbo


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I find the retards in this thread entertaining.

That is until they run in to my car and their insurance wont come to the party because they were driving a turbo car on their P's. Kind of like the guy who recently ran a red light, wrote my car off and is facing an $18,000 bill.

The next person who runs in to me without insurance will not be receiving a letter form my lawyer, I'm going to take a more personal approach to retrieve the money owed to me....

Good example here...

It's funny how in 4/5 pages we already have several stories of the best and worst case scenarios occurring...supposedly slim chances. Why would you take the risk?

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Hey all,

I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this but I drive an r33 GTST and i'm on green p plates, i got my ps before July 1st.

Got a fine and points for driving it today.

Just wanting to know if anyone has had similar troubles and if there is anything i can do.

I will be defiantly garaging it until I get off the Ps.


It isn't a "trouble", you're in "trouble" for breaking the law, cop it sweet and don't drive it.

^ At Priestly, a guy I know drives an XR6T on red p plates, smashed his car while dragging, wrote it off and took out a power pole yet for some unknown reason his insurance covered all of his costs... I was hoping he'd be out of pocket to learn a lesson because hes a retard but he got really lucky.

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^ At Priestly, a guy I know drives an XR6T on red p plates, smashed his car while dragging, wrote it off and took out a power pole yet for some unknown reason his insurance covered all of his costs... I was hoping he'd be out of pocket to learn a lesson because hes a retard but he got really lucky.

He's a very luck man. Insurance companies will generally do anything to get out of paying.

The person who hit my car was driving LEGALLY in a fully insured car and his insurance company isn't willing to come to the party. So now I'm suing him personally, if he doesn't pay up I'll get a judgement against him and send the sheriffs office to his house to collect items to the value of $18,000 and auction them off. If they can't get that much I'll bankrupt him and have his house sold to reimburse me.

3 weeks before that accident I was driving my dads 4 wheel drive when a guy in his daughters car ran in to the back of me with no insurance. $7000 damage to my cay and his daughters car written off. He's looking at about $15,000 that he has to come up with.

People driving illegally and therefore uninsured or driving without insurance are really starting to piss me off. As mentioned above, next person who hits me without insurance is going to be dealing with all of the pent up rage currently accumulating. :)

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It isn't a "trouble", you're in "trouble" for breaking the law, cop it sweet and don't drive it.

^ At Priestly, a guy I know drives an XR6T on red p plates, smashed his car while dragging, wrote it off and took out a power pole yet for some unknown reason his insurance covered all of his costs... I was hoping he'd be out of pocket to learn a lesson because hes a retard but he got really lucky.

Are you sure he put in the claim himself / it wasn't in his parent's name? It just sounds hard to believe that insurance companies, somewhat reputable for trying to get out of claims, should process a claim with no attention paid to driver status...I wouldn't risk it myself because they had every legal right to refuse a payout on that claim. Shame he didn't get to learn his lesson.

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I find the retards in this thread entertaining.

That is until they run in to my car and their insurance wont come to the party because they were driving a turbo car on their P's. Kind of like the guy who recently ran a red light, wrote my car off and is facing an $18,000 bill.

The next person who runs in to me without insurance will not be receiving a letter form my lawyer, I'm going to take a more personal approach to retrieve the money owed to me....

Cool guy.

You would probably wanna hope that the person you decide to "take a more personal approach" to isn't someone 120kg of muscle and full of roid rage, or a member of the hells angels or a muay thai fighter who has had 40 professional fights and not lost one. I know you are just trying to be act all tough on the internet and i am sure you know not to go after randoms because you have no idea who they are :)

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Yeah that is a fair call mate... driving the car around atm means that insurance wont cover me and if i do happen to have an accident i will be forking out the cash out of my own wallet.

But again.... what are the chances of this happening? very slim.... And i am well aware of the consenquences but still choose to do so... you may call me dumb fair enough everyone is entitled to their own opinion, But i am in love with the car and will continue to drive it.

NEVER say the chances of an accident are slim

shit happens and in your case when it happens its going to be a bitch

but you have been told so best of luck public transport is shit these days :)

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Cool guy.

You would probably wanna hope that the person you decide to "take a more personal approach" to isn't someone 120kg of muscle and full of roid rage, or a member of the hells angels or a muay thai fighter who has had 40 professional fights and not lost one. I know you are just trying to be act all tough on the internet and i am sure you know not to go after randoms because you have no idea who they are :)

Mate, I'm not acting tough, just tired of being screwed over by people who don't have insurance. Its beyond a joke that a person can destroy someone elses car while running a red light and turn around and say "Too bad, just sue me, good luck!". I'm sure you'd be rather pissed and considering illegal ways of retrieving whats owed to you if someone had done the same thing to you. :)

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Mate, I'm not acting tough, just tired of being screwed over by people who don't have insurance. Its beyond a joke that a person can destroy someone elses car while running a red light and turn around and say "Too bad, just sue me, good luck!". I'm sure you'd be rather pissed and considering illegal ways of retrieving whats owed to you if someone had done the same thing to you. :banana:

Unfortunately that's the way it goes, the justice system is favoured towards criminals. I had 5 drunk idiots at a maccas car park start a fight with me and cause over $2,500 damage to my car. A year and a half later i still haven't received a cent. I'm not going to get revenge on them even though i know who some of them are and where they live because i will get into even more shit then they would.

Yep it sucks that there isn't much you can do about it.. life's a bitch, just go down legal avenues only. Take it from me, someone who has a bad temper and getting 'revenge' and copping it harder than the other guy :banana:

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Unfortunately that's the way it goes, the justice system is favoured towards criminals. I had 5 drunk idiots at a maccas car park start a fight with me and cause over $2,500 damage to my car. A year and a half later i still haven't received a cent. I'm not going to get revenge on them even though i know who some of them are and where they live because i will get into even more shit then they would.

Yep it sucks that there isn't much you can do about it.. life's a bitch, just go down legal avenues only. Take it from me, someone who has a bad temper and getting 'revenge' and copping it harder than the other guy :banana:

Its ridiculous that you should have to wear the cost of the damage (without at least getting some sweet, sweet revenge!) , but I do agree that its always best to go about everything in the correct and legal manner. Just hard to control the temper when retards keep running in to your cars :banana:

Lets just hope that any of the people on SAU driving without insurance/illegally are man enough to pay up if and when they screw up.

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3rd party property insurance should be compulsory with registration IMO.

You want some bullet holes in your Stag TJ? Don't push me boy...you don't know who I know from the Internets.

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i dont really care what alot of the "older" members on this forum have to say.. however i've done a bit of searching for yuou mate, and found this on vicroads website which you might find interesting for a way around not being able to drive the car..

1. Automatic Exemption

The Road Safety (Drivers) Regulations 2009, automatically exempt a probationary driver, from the probationary prohibited vehicle restrictions, who is driving the vehicle in the course of his or her employment and at his or her employer’s request or is self employed and an Australian Business Number (ABN) is in force in relation to the person's business. No exemption document is required from VicRoads in these circumstances. However, the onus is on the driver to provide evidence to the police if requested.

so start an "import" business, call it Joe Blows importing, hell even get a decal made up and stick it on the door of your car, register an abn... and you clearly require that import car to represent and help market your business!

... on that note, make sure everytime you are driving the car, its for business reasons!

perhalps not ethical, maybe your too young and inexperienced to be driving a turbo car, and hell the other members on this forum had to do it hard in a csx corolla, so you should to LOL... just my 2c

Edited by Ruffels
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3rd party property insurance should be compulsory with registration IMO.

+1, driving around with no insurance is just stupid.

Also when you pay for your road rego what does the 3rd party thing on that mean? Does it mean that they assume you have gotten 3rd party insurance when you pay for the road rego?

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if you like the car that much, keep it - do track days etc

but perhaps get a run about in the mean while for uni/tafe/work etc

edit: that was for the OP.

Great read though - the last few pages :/

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