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Adm Vs Jdm - Pros And Cons Of Each

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Hey guys,

Trying to weigh up the pros and cons of each option.


Local Nissan dealer support on parts

Immediate delivery

Easier insurance

More expensive to buy initially - suffers greater depreciation

Easier to finance / novate

More choice of colours


Possible higher annual insurance x years of ownership

Saving on ADM price

Waiting for import process

Extra features (?) - voice recognition (does that even work here?)

'Black' spec option / additional Titanium colour (which I don't like anyway)

Nissan Australia denying access to parts (although last time I needed them I ordered parts direct from Nissan Japan on my R34).

A few Japanese labeled buttons

Did someone say auto-wipers and auto-headlights?

Obviously this isn't a complete list. What else am I missing? Still learning about the R35.


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i'm not an R35 owner and shouldn't comment buttttttt i cant help myself

auto wipers is a myth (i've heard) auto headlights are on the JDM though

but is that something you really can justify getting denied access to parts and servicing by nissan?

extra colours??? what colours do we have that JDM doesn't???

and furthermore

...can you even import GTR's now? i thoguht that would not have been allowed once the ADM gtr commenced sale??

if you're looking for a saving there's a 2nd hand gtr in perth... it's in a yard... dunno what would make someone wanna sell so soon into the ownership

and lastly - the nissan debacle... has any JDM owners even so much as tried to get nissan to work with theM??? is it even true or was it all just a hoax?

in my eyes until a JDM owner gets turned away by every nissan dealer within range.. then it's true,

..but if it's NOT a hoax - can nissan DO that??? legally?

Hey guys,

Trying to weigh up the pros and cons of each option.


Local Nissan dealer support on parts

Immediate delivery

Easier insurance

More expensive to buy initially - suffers greater depreciation

Easier to finance / novate

More choice of colours


Possible higher annual insurance x years of ownership

Saving on ADM price

Waiting for import process

Extra features (?) - voice recognition (does that even work here?)

'Black' spec option / additional Titanium colour (which I don't like anyway)

Nissan Australia denying access to parts (although last time I needed them I ordered parts direct from Nissan Japan on my R34).

A few Japanese labeled buttons

Did someone say auto-wipers and auto-headlights?

Obviously this isn't a complete list. What else am I missing? Still learning about the R35.


yeah not to mention no warranty with JDM.

Though that doesnt seem to be even worth much these days from what i gather.

JDM Spec are speed limited ?, though modding not an issue (warranty i mean)

AS i understand the JDM SPEC was mainly the first spec, rather than the update, though i could be wrong on this one.

AS far as nissan working on JDM, they will not period.

Funnily enough they are happy to work on the v35 skylines ? figure that one out.

Also my understanding is that you cant import the gtr any further , you can buy whats in the country and thats it.

JDM has GPS , which works in oz?

AS far as immediate delivery , i can only speak from my own experience. I waited approx 4 M for mine,

only got it earlier as a friend who ordered the same spec, delayed his order.

Titanium colour as far as im aware is not available anymore

certainly i would expect the jdm to be slightly cheaper, not sure by how much

after taxes the gtr adm new (premium) is around 175 from memory

regarding warranty - my phone was purchased in singapore, therefore the warranty is honoured in singapore. so if something goes wrong with it, sony ericcsson singapore in held liable

would this be the case with JDM gtr??

would warranty be served by nissan japan?

personally i think there's no contest between the ADM vs JDM.. only advantage is JDM is much cheaper. however... the fact you can't import them anymore is a bit of an issue. even if you CAN import series one gtr - it makes it very rare find and very dicey to get the "correct" (eligable) model

I own a JDM here are the facts on JDM's


- You can't import JDM GTR's anymore, that was only available because of a loophole and Nissan Australia closed it when they started importing the car's to Australia

- JDM's do not have auto wipers

- Yes the JDM's do have warrenties in Japan if something really bad goes wrong you can ship it back. A guy in NZ did this when his transmission died. That would suck though.

### Advantages to JDM's

- Cheaper to buy in OZ

- DVD player included

- CF card input included - Plug in a 16 gig memory card with your MP3's on it. (this one's a huge point for me, not for most though)

- Auto headlights yes they are on the JDM

- You can fit official Nissan rear view camera as standard wiring is preinstalled, Its not on the ADM. Although ADM can have it done as well now by Brisbane guys.

- The JDM HAS GPS - yes it does, its really really great, and shows a lovely picture of Japan LOL

- Yes JDM has Voice recognition, say "Tyre" and tyre pressure comes up everytime, thats the only feature that works unless you speak Jap that is.

### Disadvantages to JDM's

- NISSAN WILL NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING YOUR JDM!!! - Dealers have been warned never to use a Consult 3 on a JDM and NEVER to help anyone or even look at a JDM EVER EVER EVER!!! Nissan Australia has a BIG STICK!!!

- The GTR is a complicated beast that runs on a computer and when it doesn't work properly you need a Consult 3 to plug it into to find the errors. You need a consult 3 to readjust clutch settings as an ongoing maintinance as well at least thats what Nissan says. Only a couple of race teams have the few Consult 3's in Australia. Nissan highly restrict these devices so only Nissan dealers are meant to get them, although some get them anyways.

- Pretty sure Nissan Australia won't sell you certain parts, basic ones like fuel oil pumps for services they will but nothing important, you can order from Japan though no problem.

- No Warrenty - if you trust 3rd party warrenties good for you.

- Not updated to 2009 TCM update so no launch control 2 (stuck with overly aggressive launch control 1)

- Speed limited to 180 I think or 200? dunno but you just plug in cobb access port and it removes any limit and gives you 60HP more. (highly recommended)

- A bunch of stuff is in Japanese, but NONE of the important stuff is in Japanese, all the important stuff is in English (IE "Boost, Accelleration G's, fuel Economy etc etc").

- The JDM might not have GTR Mats, mine didn't not sure why.

- Can't pickup radio on the music system unless you get a band expander fitted.

Bad things about ADM's that I know of.

- No CF card - memory stick reader

- No DVD player

- Only way to move music to your car is through putting CD in, letting it rip to MP3's automaticly onto the 8-9 gig inbuilt harddrive. (will not read mp3's on a CD, needs real CD's or burnt CD's).

- No auto lights

- No GPS, not even a pretty picture of Japan ;-)

- No voice recognistion - not even the special tyre pressure voice feature the JDM has above ;-)

Let me just say this, if the music system on ADM being a bit of a pain doesn't matter to you then get a ADM with a nice peace of mind warrenty and full service for the life of the car from Nissan dealers.

I love my JDM and wouldn't trade it for a ADM cause I love my flexible music transfer options, but not having a warrenty and not having someone who can read error codes if something goes wrong kinda sucks.

Good luck man

As far as I'm aware you CAN still import a brand new JDM R35 GTR as long as it was built before Feb 2009 and has less than xxxkm. (I believe the limit is 200km but wanted to check for certain. Unfortunately the RAWS website is currently stating "The RAWS Web Site is currently unavailable due to regular maintenance. It will be available again at 01:30 (Eastern Australian time)." However when it's back up and running you should find the info linked from this page).

David the real question you need to ask yourself is do you intend to modify the GTR? If the answer is yes then get a JDM R35. If the answer is no then you need to ask yourself do you intend to track the car regularly? Again if the answer is yes then get a JDM car because to maintain your Nissan Australia warranty you need to have pre & post trackday inspections and this can add up to a lot of $. Lastly is a warranty important to you? Personally I would get the JDM and then go visit the people at Willall (as I live in Adelaide) but I know that there as other aftermarket R35 GTR specialists in Australia (Just Jap, CRD etc).

Either way you will probably join the list of people I envy - those that own a R35 GTR.

Writeoff thats very interesting, from what I read around it was all stopped after Nissan AU started importing. If your right the exchange rate would sure make a nice time to import a JDM.

i believee you still can import the early model r35 GTR , as i get emails from prestiage and other guys selling JDM r35's

Jap R35 GTR around $122k landed ?!

aus spec R35 GTR $175 K on the road ?!

50 odd k difference....i know which one i would get.....

i believee you still can import the early model r35 GTR , as i get emails from prestiage and other guys selling JDM r35's

Jap R35 GTR around $122k landed ?!

aus spec R35 GTR $175 K on the road ?!

50 odd k difference....i know which one i would get.....

I see what you're saying but the average $175k car buyer probably isnt concerned about that $50k. Not trying to sound arrogant but if you were to scale it to a regular car purchase you're talking about the difference between $30k to $40k car, of which most people dont really care that much, they jus buy whatever they like more and/or is convenient and/or whatever has the best finance deal.

FWIW i know of people buying ADM cars simply so they can get parts for JDM ones. Nissan Australia don't want to know about JDM cars. I've had to buy some trivial R35 parts and i can tell you they go to some length to verify the parts are intended for an ADM. Having said all that all you really need to do is find a friend with an ADM and use their VIN.

I see what you're saying but the average $175k car buyer probably isnt concerned about that $50k. Not trying to sound arrogant but if you were to scale it to a regular car purchase you're talking about the difference between $30k to $40k car, of which most people dont really care that much, they jus buy whatever they like more and/or is convenient and/or whatever has the best finance deal.

FWIW i know of people buying ADM cars simply so they can get parts for JDM ones. Nissan Australia don't want to know about JDM cars. I've had to buy some trivial R35 parts and i can tell you they go to some length to verify the parts are intended for an ADM. Having said all that all you really need to do is find a friend with an ADM and use their VIN.

hmm mayb we value money differntly....but to me 50k is quiet a difference for what your getting....its almost a 3rd of the price....

lol?.. You sure?

It;s not the intent. Sorry if you see it that way. I know a few guys who've bought very expensive cars (some north of $500k) and i am 100% convinced they CBF buying grey imports to save money (let alone one with Jap screens and no local support). They just wouldnt entertain the idea. I can understand why some people think that's nuts, or a waste of money though.

If I end up buying an R35 here in Japan, I will ask that Nissan Japan honour their warranty for the car back in Aus. Im guessing or hoping that they will. It might be different as I will have originally owned it here. Also going to look at whats needed to change the screen back to English.

extra colours??? what colours do we have that JDM doesn't???

No, not extra colours, what I meant by 'more choice' was that if I buy locally (either new or 2nd hand) it will be more likely that I can choose the colour I want, compared to importing a JDM.

and lastly - the nissan debacle... has any JDM owners even so much as tried to get nissan to work with theM??? is it even true or was it all just a hoax?

in my eyes until a JDM owner gets turned away by every nissan dealer within range.. then it's true,

..but if it's NOT a hoax - can nissan DO that??? legally?

Hmmm... yeah I wonder what the ACCC would have to say about this.

yeah not to mention no warranty with JDM.

Yes, that's a huge one I forgot to write down. I'd have to ship my JDM to Japan if I blow a piston that would be a pain, but probably still worth the cost saving.

i doubt nissan aus would turn away business because they are JDM GTR's, most of dealer's money is made in after sale support anyway.

True. Will be interesting to see if they'll maintain their stance once the ADMs vastly outnumber the JDMs. I mean maintaining a list of which VINs were sold in Australia just to deny service to the 1% that are JDM is a pretty costly exercise with no real benefit (I mean, it's not going to make them any money, which all business are driven by - all it would do is prevent people bringing in JDMs and make them more money 'in the future', but it's only a strange rare case that these JDMs were allowed in anyway and would be unlikely to be repeated).

I own a JDM here are the facts on JDM's


Let me just say this, if the music system on ADM being a bit of a pain doesn't matter to you then get a ADM with a nice peace of mind warrenty and full service for the life of the car from Nissan dealers.

I love my JDM and wouldn't trade it for a ADM cause I love my flexible music transfer options, but not having a warrenty and not having someone who can read error codes if something goes wrong kinda sucks.

Good luck man

Awesome. Thanks for the list. I'd have to say though, for $500 you can get a pretty darn good Clarion head unit with all those features. Obviously it wouldn't sit nice in the dash though, although I haven't seen one up close.

For me the real reason is the savings.

i believee you still can import the early model r35 GTR , as i get emails from prestiage and other guys selling JDM r35's

Jap R35 GTR around $122k landed ?!

aus spec R35 GTR $175 K on the road ?!

50 odd k difference....i know which one i would get.....

Correct. In fact I'm first in line with Prestige.

Note - that $122k price you have to add LCT which is over $10k, plus $5k stamp duty (in Vic) + rego etc before it's on the road. You're at around the $140k mark. Hence why I'm considering also just waiting a year and get an ADM for that kind of money.

Let's fast forward >> to 2011

Lat's FF >> to 2013 even...

Would a 2nd hand ADM after its initial depreciation carry a greater ongoing value over the JDM (overall condition being equal)?

Is the R32 GT-R a decent yardstick to compare with?

Let's fast forward >> to 2011

Lat's FF >> to 2013 even...

Would a 2nd hand ADM after its initial depreciation carry a greater ongoing value over the JDM (overall condition being equal)?

Is the R32 GT-R a decent yardstick to compare with?

I'd say it would, although obviously the difference getting smaller and smaller after each year.

Would the average person pay an extra $2k for an Aussie delivered R32 GTR over a JDM one? I'd say probably.

regarding warranty - my phone was purchased in singapore, therefore the warranty is honoured in singapore. so if something goes wrong with it, sony ericcsson singapore in held liable

Strictly speaking thats not true :P I grabbed my Sony Ericcson in Australia and last week got it fixed in the UK under warranty :P

If only a global car manufacturer like Nissan was the same :)

lol?.. You sure?

I am with Duncan on this, I had the option of buying a JDM for quite a bit less than the ADM, the JDM would also have got to me in December last year rather than April this year, but I was happy to pay more for the ADM.

It is all about headaches, if something goes wrong I want to be able to call the dealer and say "Come get the car...here is the problem". With a JDM there is no such assurance.

I have enough on my plate with running a company without having to worry about who is going to fix my car if something goes wrong.

It is a convenience thing that is all.

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