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So i was lucky enough to get pulled over for one of those "random" breath tests. Police car was 2 cars infront, put on the sirens/lights pulled into a side street did a u turn then came straight after me... :(

Well anyway they got me pop the hood and had a look, and gave me a defect and a $141 fine for not having the pod filter in an inclosed box(its not secured either but didn't say anything about that)

So my question is what do i do next? I have until friday to get it fixxed and then i was told by the officer to take it down to local RTA (Penrith Rta) where they will do an inspection.

But talking to someone at work i got the impression all i need is an engineers certificate and i can just show them that? I'd much rather take it to a mechanic and get a engineer cert and then stuff that in theyre face so they leave me alone than have someone from rta going all through my car, and finding a whole bunch of other things too? exhaust is possibly not 100% illegal so id rather not give myself more complications. And an engineer certificate i can keep in the glove box and whip out everytime i get pulled over.

Talking to my co worker he said there are mechanics who will just give you a cert without even bothering to go through everything? That would kinda be ideal, the pod filter/exhaust is only aftermarket performance parts.

Anyone who could shed some light on the subject/share theyre similar experiences/solutions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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mate get engineering certs.... they are the best thing when it comes to defects!

Find a dodgy mechanic and slip him a bit of dosh he will make up a cert for you =)

Or get a box made for the filter....

mate get engineering certs.... they are the best thing when it comes to defects!

Find a dodgy mechanic and slip him a bit of dosh he will make up a cert for you =)

Or get a box made for the filter....

yeah id like to get an engineers cert idealy, i guess ill just have to ask around mechanics? If anyone knows of err a "good place" to get an engineers cert a pm would be greatly appreciated

getting a box is last alternative does a heatshield for a pod filter count as a box? if so ill just do that i guess.

Either way you would be best to get a box for it. Not only will it be legal in the eyes of the law, you will shield it from heat soak.

It would also look better in the eyes of the law as it shows that you have taken steps to comply.

ahh i feel ur pain mate sorry to hear :D ... i got pulled over last australia day n had the car inspected, got me on the pod not being enclosed, exhaust too loud n P plates being "hidden"... i only got the $81 tho in just a ticket, no canary or red or nuffin so i was lucky... after that i made a basic metal box 4 the pod n had no trouble since

best thing i guess would be just wack the stock airbox back in to clear the defect, sell the pod, n buy a hi flo panel filter like k&N or sumtin

ahh i feel ur pain mate sorry to hear ;) ... i got pulled over last australia day n had the car inspected, got me on the pod not being enclosed, exhaust too loud n P plates being "hidden"... i only got the $81 tho in just a ticket, no canary or red or nuffin so i was lucky... after that i made a basic metal box 4 the pod n had no trouble since

best thing i guess would be just wack the stock airbox back in to clear the defect, sell the pod, n buy a hi flo panel filter like k&N or sumtin

I don't have the stock airbox, pod filters been in the car since i bought it otherwise a good idea :) Sux been on green P's as im sure you know we get picked on alot, i didnt have a front P plate, i have a tacho on the A pillar (aparently thats illegal too?) and a somwehat loud exhaust which is pointing slighly upwards which is also aparently illegal but luckily no-one noticed :D

anyone have any pics/descriptions of what the box has to look like? The police officer was very vague and non helpful, is just a metal sheet bent to shape betweeen the filter and the engine good enough??

Yeah it's pretty much sheet metal, or plastic, that the pod is enclosed in.

You can get one from Just Jap if you don't feel up to making one, though I'm not sure how well it will fit up on an R34 RB25DE NEO without modifying it a bit.

Few pics here to give you an idea:


Even with a turbo set up I had issues with the pipe under the charcoal canister getting in the way of the box Appears to be slightly different from an R34 GTT.

engineer will not sign off on pod filters... they are an emissions thing.. nor will they sign off atmospheric blow off valves.. chances are, if you rang an engineer, they will tell you to put the airbox back on or make one up and dont waste their time.

police will still defect your car if they want to... on the premise that you may have changed it since the engineer signed off on it.. yes it says you have a modified intercooler... but we deem that unsafe and dont think an engineer would sign off on it, heres a defect, now you have to go see your engineer friend again.

getting your "friendly mechanic" to make up a cert for you wont work... cops know who the engineers are.. and they know the dodgy ones.. a mechanic is not an engineer.. an engineer knows all the adr's and what has to comply and how.. they go to uni, not tafe, and most of them take their job seriously.. they wont put their names to anything unsafe or flat out illegal.

some blue slip places are great... they will hardly look at the car... some see defect and dont want anything to do with you unless you have an engineers certificate.

if they are the only mods, then borrow an airbox off someone, and get the exhaust checked for decibel limit (under 90db) and height (must be 100mm off the ground at its lowest point)

the exhaust isnt a drama unless its too loud or too low, as it doesnt change the emissions (providing it has a cat in place) it just expels them... its the air filter and tune that determines emissions.. which is why pod filters get defected.

also... why do you have a tacho on your a-pillar?? what is it there for and yes it is illegal.. for reasons that a)you have one in the instrument cluster, and b) it is not sunken in to the dash or out of the collision course if you have an impact..

you'll notice that all instrument clusters are nicely rounded and usually softish... so if you have a crash, your hands wont get cut off or have loose things flying around the cabin if your windscreen smashes and your a-pillar bends.

if your only performance mods are a pod an exhaust... i hardly think you need an extra tacho.. and the cops probably pulled you over purely on the tacho placement... putting you in the stereotype that goes with having extra gauges that arent necessary.. or having a full house engine that does require extra gauges.

defects and skylines go hand in hand... either deal with it, or dont own a modified car.. there are lots of threads on here about this so hit the search button.



engineer will not sign off on pod filters... they are an emissions thing.. nor will they sign off atmospheric blow off valves.. chances are, if you rang an engineer, they will tell you to put the airbox back on or make one up and dont waste their time.

police will still defect your car if they want to... on the premise that you may have changed it since the engineer signed off on it.. yes it says you have a modified intercooler... but we deem that unsafe and dont think an engineer would sign off on it, heres a defect, now you have to go see your engineer friend again.

getting your "friendly mechanic" to make up a cert for you wont work... cops know who the engineers are.. and they know the dodgy ones.. a mechanic is not an engineer.. an engineer knows all the adr's and what has to comply and how.. they go to uni, not tafe, and most of them take their job seriously.. they wont put their names to anything unsafe or flat out illegal.

some blue slip places are great... they will hardly look at the car... some see defect and dont want anything to do with you unless you have an engineers certificate.

if they are the only mods, then borrow an airbox off someone, and get the exhaust checked for decibel limit (under 90db) and height (must be 100mm off the ground at its lowest point)

the exhaust isnt a drama unless its too loud or too low, as it doesnt change the emissions (providing it has a cat in place) it just expels them... its the air filter and tune that determines emissions.. which is why pod filters get defected.

also... why do you have a tacho on your a-pillar?? what is it there for and yes it is illegal.. for reasons that a)you have one in the instrument cluster, and b) it is not sunken in to the dash or out of the collision course if you have an impact..

you'll notice that all instrument clusters are nicely rounded and usually softish... so if you have a crash, your hands wont get cut off or have loose things flying around the cabin if your windscreen smashes and your a-pillar bends.

if your only performance mods are a pod an exhaust... i hardly think you need an extra tacho.. and the cops probably pulled you over purely on the tacho placement... putting you in the stereotype that goes with having extra gauges that arent necessary.. or having a full house engine that does require extra gauges.

defects and skylines go hand in hand... either deal with it, or dont own a modified car.. there are lots of threads on here about this so hit the search button.



Thanks for your imput, the pod filter was put on before i bought the car, therefore i dont have the original air box to switch back to if anyone wants to lend me one before friday that would be great but i don't like my chances of that. At this stage i just want to pass the inspection i can worry about making a more permenent solution afterwards.

As to your rant about my Tacho, i agree with you completely, its a cheapo dodgy looking guage which has been secured quite horribly, i didn't put it on and don't see the point of it as it doesnt even work, however the alternative is to take it off cut some wires i know nothing about and leave them hanging out....

I did do a search for similar posts and did read through them, though none of them gave me the answer i wanted, just alot of "i thinks" and "am pretty sure" opinions of what the law about pod filters is and how to deal with it.

Yeah it's pretty much sheet metal, or plastic, that the pod is enclosed in.

You can get one from Just Jap if you don't feel up to making one, though I'm not sure how well it will fit up on an R34 RB25DE NEO without modifying it a bit.

Few pics here to give you an idea:


Even with a turbo set up I had issues with the pipe under the charcoal canister getting in the way of the box Appears to be slightly different from an R34 GTT.

Thanks alot ill check out just jap, i got a r33 RB25DE hopefully they make them to suit.

Those pics of your car are pretty nice!

I don't have the stock airbox, pod filters been in the car since i bought it otherwise a good idea :D Sux been on green P's as im sure you know we get picked on alot, i didnt have a front P plate, i have a tacho on the A pillar (aparently thats illegal too?) and a somwehat loud exhaust which is pointing slighly upwards which is also aparently illegal but luckily no-one noticed :)

anyone have any pics/descriptions of what the box has to look like? The police officer was very vague and non helpful, is just a metal sheet bent to shape betweeen the filter and the engine good enough??

up on the coast long as u dun make a fool of urself they pretty much leave u alone, but all it takes is one... i got a stock airbox, just keepin it 4 a rainy day when this might happen lol :D

up on the coast long as u dun make a fool of urself they pretty much leave u alone, but all it takes is one... i got a stock airbox, just keepin it 4 a rainy day when this might happen lol :)

+1 for that statement - Tell them what happened last time we encountered the cops up the coast Jas :) - ill give you a teaser, over 15 patrol cars and a couple of paddy waggons and all we got was a friendly hello and a pretty funny coppa, great bloke :D

+1 for that statement - Tell them what happened last time we encountered the cops up the coast Jas ;) - ill give you a teaser, over 15 patrol cars and a couple of paddy waggons and all we got was a friendly hello and a pretty funny coppa, great bloke :happy:

i can finish that story!!! haha

The cops were looking for a crazy lady that had escaped and then came up to us asked us for drugs and did a burnout in a van :)

yeah the day i see a engineer sign a pod off .......

They do bigger jobs like roll cages and turbo stuff

There is a shop on Ebay that make pod covers for r33 RB25de's

i have one and i have been pulled over 5 times and it has passed everytime

Thanks for your imput, the pod filter was put on before i bought the car, therefore i dont have the original air box to switch back to if anyone wants to lend me one before friday that would be great but i don't like my chances of that. At this stage i just want to pass the inspection i can worry about making a more permenent solution afterwards.

As to your rant about my Tacho, i agree with you completely, its a cheapo dodgy looking guage which has been secured quite horribly, i didn't put it on and don't see the point of it as it doesnt even work, however the alternative is to take it off cut some wires i know nothing about and leave them hanging out....

I did do a search for similar posts and did read through them, though none of them gave me the answer i wanted, just alot of "i thinks" and "am pretty sure" opinions of what the law about pod filters is and how to deal with it.

ive seen a guy make up a box out of firm thin cardboard... paint it black... and get away with it for a blue slip inspection. theres a quick fix for you.

follow the wires from the tacho... chances are they arent even connected, someone probs just fitted it for "street rep".. hence it not working.. otherwise, its ok to cut them as they will only be spliced into the original tacho wires.. and if it works, then it will keep working. just make sure you tape off the cut ends so they arent exposed.

cops are trying to spruke you.. p plater, skyline, they want to give yo a bad taste before you get a turbo'd skyline.. they want to make hassles now so you wont want the hassles later and buy a corolla instead.. thats their idea... get em while they are young.

if you want to know what IS and what IS NOT illegal... ring an engineer and ask a few questions.. dont rely on forums as there is alot of misleading info around here.

+1 for that statement - Tell them what happened last time we encountered the cops up the coast Jas ;) - ill give you a teaser, over 15 patrol cars and a couple of paddy waggons and all we got was a friendly hello and a pretty funny coppa, great bloke ;)
i can finish that story!!! haha

The cops were looking for a crazy lady that had escaped and then came up to us asked us for drugs and did a burnout in a van :P

yeah the day i see a engineer sign a pod off .......

They do bigger jobs like roll cages and turbo stuff

There is a shop on Ebay that make pod covers for r33 RB25de's

i have one and i have been pulled over 5 times and it has passed everytime

hahahahahaha!!! aww i dun get 2 tell none of the story :( cept i nearly T boned the copper at the lights ;)

that was so

So i was lucky enough to get pulled over for one of those "random" breath tests. Police car was 2 cars infront, put on the sirens/lights pulled into a side street did a u turn then came straight after me... :(

Well anyway they got me pop the hood and had a look, and gave me a defect and a $141 fine for not having the pod filter in an inclosed box(its not secured either but didn't say anything about that)

So my question is what do i do next? I have until friday to get it fixxed and then i was told by the officer to take it down to local RTA (Penrith Rta) where they will do an inspection.

But talking to someone at work i got the impression all i need is an engineers certificate and i can just show them that? I'd much rather take it to a mechanic and get a engineer cert and then stuff that in theyre face so they leave me alone than have someone from rta going all through my car, and finding a whole bunch of other things too? exhaust is possibly not 100% illegal so id rather not give myself more complications. And an engineer certificate i can keep in the glove box and whip out everytime i get pulled over.

Talking to my co worker he said there are mechanics who will just give you a cert without even bothering to go through everything? That would kinda be ideal, the pod filter/exhaust is only aftermarket performance parts.

Pod filters are not illegal, even if u have a intercooler.   The law on intake modification states 1 intake modificatio only.   I have a non enclosed pod and a standard intercooler and its legal.   Most cops dont know what theyre talking about.  Ive seen them can stock pedal pads just because theyre ignorant and in informed

Anyone who could shed some light on the subject/share theyre similar experiences/solutions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

you can buy a box of ebay to fit a pod inside. its a stupid law honestly dont get why we cant have a pod out in the open. but then again most rules are fairly wankerish like apperently there trying to make it illeagle to have a gps on your windscreen.


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