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Had a strange noise start to show itself.. at idle I get a pronounced whirring noise which sounds like it's coming from the top of my engine. Seems loudest above the cam covers and only does it at idle, at higher RPM it goes quiet. Also only happens when the engine is up to temp, I think. Will have to check next cold start.

It definitely seems to be loudest above the engine, rather than at the front.. so I wouldn't think it would be any of the external belts (alternator etc). The engine's done 118k and the timing belt was done at 100k by the prev owner.

Any ideas? I'll try and grab some hose and do a bit of listening to see where it's coming from but I should probably take it to someone to find out what's going on. Suggestions would be helpful :D

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It's not the clutch, it's not the injectors it's coming from the front of the motor.

Took it to a mech who agreed and said it could be the cam belt, could be the idler bearing. Also had someone else suggest water pump. But it is a belt/bearing noise IMO. Either way it doesn't look like it's possible to diagnose without pulling everything apart, and that won't happen before christmas...

Winds down? Mine will spin for a few second after the engine has stopped, that's normal unless the clutch is engaged in which case it should stop instantly.

It's not coming from the fan belt or clutch fan region, sounds like the front of the block, and if you listen closely it sounds like the noise is coming out from underneath the timing belt cover.

Mine does exactly what Damo's does and most other's do, just the gearbox turning over/clutch.... hope thats all it is.


It's usually the thrust bearing (the bit that actually presses on the fingers of the pressure plate). In my experience it's not a critical, must-fix, sound.

Try the old screwdriver stethiscope trick(tip against part & handle to ear). You may find that it is just the aircon belt idler pulley. This is quite common and can sound like it is coming from somewhere else. Once you have listened through a screwdriver you should be able to pinpoint the noise easily.

cheers, i will try it.. hopefully it's coming from somewhere trivially nonimportant like the air con pulleys.. which isn't even gassed so I should probably just remove the belt if that's what it is lol.

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