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well i finally picked up my rs4s :)

and i'm really happy

just a quick question about what fuel to run it on, i know 99% of imports like to run on 98 but under the bonnet i found this sticker (pic attached)

at the bottom it basically says 91-93 ron fuel

is that right? or is jap 91 ron different to aus 91 ron?

i intend to run premium but i will be going to tas for uni for 8 months and its hard to find 98 unless you are in a decent sized town

if someone can clear it up it would be awesome




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I was gonna suggest at first that maybe that Japan uses the average of RON/MON like America does:

(ever notice how Americans rate their octane ratings so much lower? ... this is why ...)

In most countries (including all of Europe and Australia) the 'headline' octane that would be shown on the pump is the RON: but in the United States and some other countries the headline number is the average of the RON and the MON, sometimes called the "roaDOctane Number" or DON, or (R+M)/2. Because of the 10 point difference noted above this means that the octane in the United States will be about 5 points lower than the same fuel elsewhere: 87 octane fuel, the "normal" gasoline in the US and Canada, would be 92 in Europe.

.. however, further reading suggests that Japan use the same RON fuel rating methodology as Australia/Europe/etc .. hrmm .. there goes that theory... I got no idea. I wouldn't run my import on anything less than 98RON.

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Part of compliance is "Fit Tune up Label" mate :happy:


so ignore it and run 98? or if that has been fitted maybe it has been tuned for 91-93?


its got bp ultimate in it cos that was my first reaction (i've had a couple of imports b4)

might reset the ecu and see how it goes

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