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Erratic Fuel Issue


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hey guys hows it goin?

hope I'm in the right section, anyways I bought a r33 skyline s2 recently =D really happy with it ... but unfortunately I have a few issues... anyways last night when I got home after refilling a full tank I noticed my fuel light just appeared, thinking it would go away I left it there but it hasnt, its still on and I've done like 20km today ... next thing is my fuel gauge appears to be a lil erratic I was sittin on the side of the road for bout 10 minutes with the car running and I noticed that I lost a quarter of the fuel lol skylines arnt that thirsty are they ??? just wondering if any of u guys might be able to point me in the right direction, is it my fuel pump or something ? .... oh another thing is that my idle is a bit high too its around the 900 mark ? I read on the idle adjustment section that it should be around 650 am I right? I had ago at adjusting it but I cant see a idle adjustment on my ecu its just a hole where its meant to be I think and the idle screw under the bonnet is pretty much screwed all the way in now ? hmmmm know I'm askin for a bit much but any help would be greatly appreciated =D thanks ...

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you really need to adjust the idle with the ecu in base idle mode. the reason being that winding in the idle screw on the plenum without the ecu in idle mode doesn't alter the idle that much as the ecu will try to compensate to keep the idle where it is. it would be well worth getting a hold of a consult cable (either borrow off someone who has one, or buy one from newkleer on the forum). you can put the car into base idle mode without a consult cable, but it is much easier with a consult cable hooked up to a laptop as you can also check for fault codes and make sure things like the AFM and o2 sensor are performing properly.

i would wind the screw out a bit so it is about halfway, then put the car into base idle mode and alter the idle from there. it may also be worth cleaning the AAC/IAC before doing this as well.

as for the fuel usage, the fuel gauge sender could be dodgy and giving you false readings. as for the gauge dropping 1/4 of a tank, when you were on the side of the road was the car on a bit of an angle and not level? often if you park on a slope either pointing up or down the hill, or sideways so 1 side of the car is higher then the fuel gauge will change and then once you get back on level ground it will slowly come back to normal after 30 seconds or so. if you actually lost 1/4 of a tank in 10 mins i would've looked in the mirror for someone syphoning fuel out of your tank, LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the reply much appreciated mad082 =)

I'm lookin into getting the consult cable, saw one off ebay so hopefully that is on the way now... as for my fuel issue, pretty sure noone has been able to come near enough to the car to syphon my fuel I've been watchin it like a hawk since I got it lol well the gauge readings seem to have come clear now, its reading fine I guess its more the consumption side of things I'm worried bout, but I'll wait for the consult cable to readjust the idle, atm I'm lookin around 250km outta a full tank 100km of it was highway driving and the rest city, I'm not sure if that seems right seeing as I came from a honda and that thing was awesome on fuel... only mods I really have are catback exhaust system and k&n panel filter? oh and the fuel light has just totally died on me now, probably the globe doesnt even light up wen I switch to acc on startup ... but I'II get bak after I've replaced the globe =)

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Sounds similar to what a problem i had with mine, but mines a series 1 but shouldn't matter as fuel tank/system is the same.

The actual fuel level reader falls off (hard suspension can do this) the braket its mounted on inside the tank and just floats around at the top and gives off mixed reading's. Foudn that out when i replace my fuel pump for a walbro. Would read full tank when full, then 3/4 tank after about 250k's then all of a sudden drop to 1/4 tank. I'm also pretty sure that the fuel level low sensor (the dash light sensor) is attached to the fuel level sensor, so that is prob causing it to be on despite the full tank as the sensor is probably not picking up that the fuel is there due to the whole thing floating round in the tank

Just an idea ;)

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that sounds like my problem lol ... would u happen to know where bouts exactly its meant to be mounted to ? and would u have to drop out the tank to re-secure it or can I just do it with tank in place? thanks =)

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