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Question About Rental Properties And Cars

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Hey guys,

As you may or may not know, I moved out of home about 10 months ago. I have absolutely loved living away from parents - the freedoms are fantastic.... bills suck... but I already knew that.

Anyway, I have always wanted a daily run around, my Skyline is my pride and joy and I hate driving it into the city or leaving it in car parks. As it is holidays for me (uni) I now have a chance to work and save up a couple grand.

My question is, am I aloud to have more then one car or is there a rule when renting? the gf seems to think that I can't and that she doesn't want the place to look like a car dump, but I'm not convinced. She has 1 car, I have mine in my lock up garage (essential) so its out of the way, but surely I could have another in my driveway?

I have checked our agreement, it says nothing of it, the closest things relating to it are:

"The tenant agrees not to carry out any mechanical repairs or spray painting of any motor vehicles, boats or motor cycles in or around the property" - which I have done, but in my garage with the door closed


"Park or leave a vehicle on the common property so as to obstruct a driveway or entrance to a lot or in any place other than in a parking area specified for such purpose by the body corporate" - which I spoze if I ever had a complaint, I would just park it on the street.

I would ask the real estate agent, but we just bugged them last week so we could install an aircon for this heat and 2 months ago we were also alloud to put in a dryer, so I don't want to be a pain and be kicked out.

Thanks in advance,


As long as you don't park on the lawn and ruin it I can't see it being a problem. I've had up to 4 cars on a rental property at once, and I know people who've had a lot more.

I'd just call them and ask them politely, I'm sure they'd rather you ask first and get the information, as opposed to assuming.. and then having them crack the shits IF it's not allowed for some reason.

I had previously purchased a unit and sometimes the units are usually allocated a number of vehicles depending how many bedrooms they have (e.g 1 & 2BR = 1 car space, 3BR = 2 car spaces) etc.

But I am not sure if you are renting whether there are allocated spaces.

As long as you don't park on the lawn and ruin it I can't see it being a problem. I've had up to 4 cars on a rental property at once, and I know people who've had a lot more.

I've been renting on/off since I was 18 - this is spot on.

You may park extra cars etc. Even on the lawn.

However - if there is damage done you will need to fix it.

So if its only the driveway, there is no issue what do ever unless it is listed in your agreement (which it appears is not the case)

im a real estate agent, above advice is correct as long as its registered and basically not a "car yard" look then you dont need to ask them for any permission.

Thanks for that, great to know.

I rent too (although will be homeless in a month *cries* but thats another story.) I have my skyline in the garage (alarmed, its narre after all) and I have my s13 out the back on a concrete area. However my agent says I am not meant to have it there. The garage has two roller doors and you can drive through, but they are not happy about it. I guess it all comes down to who you rent through. My chick is a right bitch, so given I only have a month left here and its not like its doing damage, leaking oil or moving far(its currently unregistered)...I'm not moving it until I move out. :P

I am a body corporate manager so I have to deal with this regularly.

You need to check the plan of subdivision to determine which areas are common property. You cannot park on common property unless the body corporate generally agrees for residents to park a car outside their respective garages. In the absence of such an agreement (formal or informal) you cannot park anywhere but on private property (generally inside your garage and that's it), otherwise you are in breach of the regulations and can be served a breach of duty notice.

Best to consult your rental Agent they should have answered this question for that particular property previously.

Thanks everyone, and I am so upset to say this....

Can you believe, I mean seriously...can u believe this.....

I asked all you blokes who have been so helpful and nice to answer my question....

I had a random call from the real estate agent today to book in an inspection in 2 weeks... I thought ah cool, I'll just quickly ask them then and not be a pest....

I tell the gf....

BAM!... argument from the sh*test side of hell a poor man and his car ever have to witness!

Turns out... SHEEE just didn't want me having 2 cars....even when I said we would be sharing it, as her car is a piece of crap (89 charade) which just made the next wave of fire hit me in the face like a fisherman's friend add..... :P

she just told me all this stuff as she didn't think i'd get any further....

Ive spent like 2 days researching.......

apparently if I even think about asking the agents when they are here, she's gone.... so its her or a second car.... sometimes I think what an easy choice it could be...............

Thanks all again and very sorry to waste all your time, but women can be so conniving and I am truely upset I have to keep leaving my baby in dangerous areas!






to be continued? :happy:

Dude that is some seriously messed up shit, jesus christ how do women get from us guys wanting 2 cars to going ape and threatening to leave I really wanna see like a diagram for that thought process. Who knows what shes really up to I mean, most women not all mind you, would not risk there relationship over a stupid car issue (unless the guy wanted to spend the house deposit on a 911 or something). So shes either pissed with you about something else or its a powerplay to see exactly what you will be willing to give up for her. Anyway dude condolences either way it seems you will lose one of your dreams for the future. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully it all works out for the best

dude, be a man. tell your gf to get f**ked and do what you want..... don't let her manipulate you like that. if she was being reasonable about it then maybe you could compromise, but sounds like she's just being selfish so let her go.

dude, be a man. tell your gf to get f**ked and do what you want..... don't let her manipulate you like that. if she was being reasonable about it then maybe you could compromise, but sounds like she's just being selfish so let her go.


and chances are if you just do it anyway, she wont leave. she is just using it to try to manipulate you.

That's messed up mate, but as mentioned I suspect there is something more sinister at play here. If it wasn't going to be an argument about the 2nd car it would have been about something else. Keep your eyes out and good luck!

Thanks everyone, and I am so upset to say this....

Can you believe, I mean seriously...can u believe this.....


holy crap man! no joke as i read the first post i thought "wouldn't it be funny if the bitch was lying to him just cos she doesn't want him to have another car? hehehe". sux balls that my sense of humour is prescient.

seriously though. get the car. if she leaves over something like jealousy that you have two cars while she has a shit one, she wasn't worth keeping in the first place, end of story. if it was financial issues then maybe she has a right to be worried, and a sane person would try to discuss it wit you.

quick question; is she living with you, or are you living with her?

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