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Sau Vic Night Shoot Pics By Joelstrick


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I'm well aware we have a big mix of non Skylines but the most popular cars in the club are Skylines. The club wouldn't exist if it weren't for Skylines. And well, Skylines Australia Victoria...it's in the name. I don't think any car should have been front and centre to be honest, nor have a heap of cars pointing towards one...but if you're going to do that then it should probably be a Skyline. I'm not trying to Nazi the photoshoot; just putting forth my opinion that I didn't agree with the setup of cars. Forgive me for having the honesty to give you guys some constructive criticism. I'd have purchased a full sized print if I could see more than 15% of my car, as would others I'm guessing. The time of night was probably better suited to individual car shots IMO.

key word.

I think the shoot looks great, and having the only car that there wasn't two of as a centrepiece works. The conditions weren't ideal and you still managed too pull off some great shots, with some clean cars up front.

Thanks for donating your time Joel/Sarah.

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Yep on here too, been on here for a long while

Hows the 34 going ?

It's a hilly ride owning one but hopefully it's up from here! :down:

Always admired your photos, wish I could do that haha!

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Well like I said, You cant please everyone

Well if i know what people were expecting or wanted then I could have planned better, but as we had virtually no light I worked with what I had.

It is this kind of non appreciation that makes me wonder why I should give up my time to do this for the club and its members

I can not belive Joel has had to respond to this thread.

Let me start by thanking Joel and Sarah for giving up alot of there time to make this photoshoot happen.

And im talking picking the location doing the maps getting there before everyone and still being there

packing up after you all left not to mention still being up at 1.40am putting these photos up.

And as for who's car should of or should not of .....f@#k grow up..

This is a thread with a link. Lets leave it at that.



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i disagree with birds, but i think you guys are getting entirely too defensive over his comment. its his opinion, and if its critical, well i think a professional shoud be able to handle a bit of that. Joel does awesome work, and im sure that everyone appreciates his efforts.

TJ, car looks good man.

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im gonna put my 2c in it, probably shouldnt coz i didnt rock up, but those photos are really good and dont know why Birds is having a sook about it. if u think u can do better why dont u do it next time and let the people decide!!

Joel those photos are tops mate. ill speak for everyone who agrees, we all appreciate u giving up ur personal time and talent to take photos.....TOP WORK MATE

Sorry but had too...

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i disagree with birds
if u think u can do better why dont u do it next time and let the people decide!!

i dont. i KNOW joel is a better photographer than i am. i wasn't commenting on the quality of his work, or the effort and time he puts in for SAU.

the last i will say in this thread. this is getting too close to a shit fight for my liking

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It is this kind of non appreciation that makes me wonder why I should give up my time to do this for the club and its members


Im confused

Look if the photos were free then I would be 100% on your side and telling Birds to shut the hell up :)

But seeing as you are requesting payment for the photo ($200 for an original size), I can see where Birds is coming from cause after all its a business transaction.

He said he isnt going to spend $200 to see a bit of his car....

I personally dont see a need to threaten the club of leaving because Birds couldn't justify purchasing a photo which barely had his car in it?

Im sure if the photos were released for free, then Birds would have no reason to complain! Its the price tag associated with the photos which is causing the issue me thinks...

On another note;

Very nice photos!

Note: Birds and I love a good discussion on the interwebz :)

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un-grateful people annoy the shit out of me...lets not forget the "limiter and gate" whinge!!!

lets all jump on the hate Birds band wagon....

he hasn't said a word on this page, all he was doing was putting his opinion across, and in this country he is allowed too. if people get up set with what he thinks? big deal, get over it, you can't change his opinion, he is a very forward spoken person, if he has something to say, as you can see he will say it.

and we dont need people coming into this thread quoting and then having there say.

this fire is out, stop re-lighting it, people who dont let things go shit EVERYONE.

lets try keep this on topic yeah?

Joel and Sarah put there own free time, to take a group photo for us, and i would hate them to think all were doing in Joel thread, show some dame respect for his work and stop on like school kids.

got nothing on topic to say in here, don't say it.

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im not pissed off because its Birds, i would of done it to anyone who rekons they can do a better job than a pro, by all means if he can do better, go for it....no1 said u have to buy the prints....they are really good pics not "nice try". doesnt sound very appricative......

i can go on forever, but the fact is Joel came out for this club and some people complain about his work. i would not be suprised if he doesnt come back again

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