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if i could go back and grow up and live in the 50's i would in a heartbeat. has all this technology you speak of really made our life any simpler?? lazier yes.. not necessarily simpler though... necessity is not the mother of invention, laziness is. i do not believe in the preservation of human life.. if it is your time to go, its time to go.. humans are of no more worth or value than bacteria or cancer.

what do i find unethical about real estate investing?? do you not feel a tad depressed when you see an old house that has been around for 50 years with many happy stories and seen many familys grow and move on, with a nice big yard etc, get knocked down and turned into a twin block for the sole purpose to make money by having two houses on one block.

do you not find it a tad depressing that people like myself, who just want to go to work, buy a 3 bedroom house with a garage in a nice safe neighbourhood, and be content with living.. cant buy a house at a reasonable price without having to fight with money hungry real estate investors, who just want to buy the house to add to their portfolio, and rent it out for the same price as the loan repayment would have been??

i know not everyone wants to own a house.. some people like renting and some people want to live in units and apatments.. and thats fine.. i can dig that.. but i believe houses are to be made homes.. and peoples dreams should come true in their own house, and everyone should be able to buy a house for what its worth... not for what some investor is willing to pay.

it seems strange to me, that a house that has stood for 50 years... the house hasnt changed, the ground it sits on hasnt changed, the materials of the house hasnt changed, the houses around it havent changed... then why can i buy that house for $300000 then in a year its magically worth $400000?? if i buy a block for $100000 and build a $150000 house on it.... why then can i sell that house for $400000??? i know there is inflation and the value of the dollar is constantly changing, but my wage hasnt changed for 2 years.. so the dollar is the same for me but to buy that house i now need 100000 more of them.

that is just people making money off real estate, the house isnt worth that.... but because joe bloe down the road gets $400000 for his house, i put mine on for $400000, then everyone in the area puts theirs up for $400000.. and some investor comes along and he can afford to pay that and scoops up all the houses, i feel they are taking houses away from hard working people who just want to buy their own house to raise a family in.. then offering them back to them for a stupid amount of rent.

things are worth whatever people are willing to pay.. like GTR's, people only want to pay 10g for an R32 GTR, yet a shitty old 4 door falcon that has no real claim to fame other than winning bathurst once.. is worth $800000 because some idiot is willing to pay that.. so everyone who owns a GTHO falcon thinks they are autmatically worth the same amount..

investors are willing to pay big bikkies for property, so the prices will go up and keep going up.. take the investors out of the equation and normal folk could pay what the house is worth and own their own house... therefore, the loan amount would be alot less, meaning cheaper repayments, less interest, which wouild make it easier on the family, they wouldnt have to work 2 jobs, or lots of overtime, which means less stress, more family time and more happy time for everyone.... they wouldnt have to struggle to make more money or find a better paying job just to pay for the simple things in life... or turn to drugs to cope with things.. there would be less anger, less depression and less broken familys or relationships. thats something everyone can benefit from.

anyway, this is waaaaay off topic and i apologise for that.

i very much dissagree with the highlighted part you said but we're all entitled to our opinions no matter what they are. also i am not going to read the rest of the post so back to main topic as i think if i reply to the post in more detail we will go way way way off topic.

You have a nice car Linton, i checked the pics out, it looks very mean and clean, good work

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Guys, I think the thread has wandered a little. Different folks in life have different goals. Money &/or assets do not bring happiness. While interstate this week my family pet (Twitch the rabbit) passed away suddenly after emergency surgery. This beautiful rabbit gave me more happiness than any car. Yes I like many others on the forum enjoy our toys. But having a 500K car vs a 20K car is not the be- all & end-all. Enjoy Christmas with your family & friends....I will be thinking of my rabbit (Twitch on the right, his brother Toff on the left)


RIP little Twitch. He looks very cute in that photo. Always devastating to lose a family pet. I hope it doesn't damper your Christmas celebrations.

If (and when) you feel like getting another rabbit friend and (adopted) brother for Toff we a have a several cute 'uns at the RSPCA in Adelaide (where I have volunteered for over a year). I'm sure there would be some in Melbourne.

Guys, I think the thread has wandered a little. Different folks in life have different goals. Money &/or assets do not bring happiness. While interstate this week my family pet (Twitch the rabbit) passed away suddenly after emergency surgery. This beautiful rabbit gave me more happiness than any car. Yes I like many others on the forum enjoy our toys. But having a 500K car vs a 20K car is not the be- all & end-all. Enjoy Christmas with your family & friends....I will be thinking of my rabbit (Twitch on the right, his brother Toff on the left)

Sorry to hear about the rabbit.

As you said, its about having life's priorities in order, health and family are first and foremost.

That said, Simon is still waiting on his Zipp 1080's. :cheers:

How is the GT2 travelling? Will see more of its progress on the 6 no doubt.

Hmmm...it's easy to say money doesn't bring happiness from green pastures. It's not so much the happiness it brings but the unhappiness it prevents that makes it worth having.

Your rabbits are quite cute, what did Twitch die of mate?

thats a bit rough dont you think champ?? i work mon - fri, have an ageing skyline, and a 30 yr mortgage and i choose this as my life.. are you saying there is something wrong with that??

its not what you own or how much you earn.. its who you are and how happy you are. the higher you aim, the higher you fall.. its your choice.

i love my skyline, i love my house, i dont care if i pay 4 times the house price in interest over the next 30 years because to me, having my own house is worth so much more than that so its a small sum to pay..and i love my skyline, it does everything i want it to do and i can change it to do whatever i want.

i will never invest in shares, or in real estate. i dont think this is an ethical way to make money.. i may start my own business, but only to supply people with custom fabricated parts, not to make a fortune and find the tax breaks.

you may look down on me because im one of the little people, and thats fine, ive worked hard and saved hard to get the little that i have.. i wouldnt have it any other way.

to quote the great Darryl John Kerrigan.. "you cant buy what ive got!"

This is exactly why less than 99% of people control more than 95% of all the money.

You make your own choices in life and if being a slave to money appeals to you, then keep doing what you are doing.

You can always admire the exotics from a far... unless you win the lottery.

you sound like a fun guy... you've been reading too many self help books on how to get rich and attract women... every time I meet someone who wants to talk about real estate investing, picking up or how to get rich I know I'm in for a boring 5 minutes...

people get rich for a whole host of reasons... number one being they are born into it!

You've already failed before you even got started.

number 2: they take calculated risks

Number 3: they arn't afraid to be different to the masses and think in a different way

number 4: they have balls or alot of good luck (one or the other)

I love how everyday people think with poor mentality.

When they see other people who own more than one house or drive something better than their 15 yo Skyline, they automatically think... "greedy rich pricks".

Sure some were silver spoon fed, but many others busted their balls, took calculated risks and had bigger dreams and goals.

Regular people just dont see how they can make the tax office work for them or how they can leverage and achieve more with less.

Its working smarter, not harder or longer hours that makes you wealthy.

Its very easy to get up, got to work, pay your bills, get up, got to work, pay your bills, get up, got to work, pay your bills. Buy a car on credit, buy a sofa, new TV and everything else on credit, then spend the next 40 years paying it off.

Screw that lifestyle.

Edited by Modena


Sorry to hear about your rabbit, they are cute little things.

As far as money doesn't make you happy. I can argue that till cows come home.

Money brings safety, security and comfort.

Lack of money brings poverty, fear, bad health, bad education, crime and famine.

sorry to hear about your rabbit mate... i love all animals, great and small.. and would do anything for my dogs.. hate people though, people are the scum of the earth.

modena.. you sound like a real toss mate.. hopes and dreams are different per person, noones are bigger or smaller than anyone elses... just different. taxes are meant to make the country better, not be dodged.. i hope the rumours about changing the tax breaks go ahead.

and i admire exotics from afar... thats what makes them exotic... if they were attainable... then they'd hardly be exotic.. they are just another car, no different from my ageing skyline.. just with 600bhp.

Mark is spot on the money, family, friends, and pets, and happiness is what really matters in life.

sorry to hear about your rabbit mate... i love all animals, great and small.. and would do anything for my dogs.. hate people though, people are the scum of the earth.

modena.. you sound like a real toss mate.. hopes and dreams are different per person, noones are bigger or smaller than anyone elses... just different. taxes are meant to make the country better, not be dodged.. i hope the rumours about changing the tax breaks go ahead.

and i admire exotics from afar... thats what makes them exotic... if they were attainable... then they'd hardly be exotic.. they are just another car, no different from my ageing skyline.. just with 600bhp.

Mark is spot on the money, family, friends, and pets, and happiness is what really matters in life.

I dont care what I sound like buddy. Like I said, some work smarter, others work harder.

As an example, last financial year I shelled out over $4000 to the ATO because I was lazy and didnt bother keeping receipts or writing things off on tax.

This year ATO gave me over 100 bucks back even though I made the same amount of money through personal sales... just an example.

No one is dodging anything.

Tax breaks? Bring them on, its again people like you who will have to pay more in taxes, the pensioners and the jobless need support and its guys like you who pay their way mostly.

Your skyline can have 1000 BHP, its still a skyline.

Yes, family, friends pets and health are very important to one's happiness but there are other things that can make life much sweeter...

Stuff like not having to get up and go to work everyday just to pay for rent/mortgage, bills and food. And going on holidays when you want to while your cash flow is still coming in without you being at the office or behind the counter. This may be hard for you to fathom, but you can make money passively.

Edited by Modena
I love how everyday people think with poor mentality.

When they see other people who own more than one house or drive something better than their 15 yo Skyline, they automatically think... "greedy rich pricks".

I love how some people continue replying to their own posts :) .

I can assure you most people don't think "greedy rich pricks", that only happens when you continue to bang on endlessly about people with less than you, and how awesome you are. Then they just think "What a wanker!"

If anything, this thread proves how much appreciation people have for others, who clearly have more or better toys, and how most people on here have a pretty finely tuned bullshit meter. I enjoy looking at the threads and pics from guys who have cars I can only dream of owning, but I'm still happy with my own life.

We get it, you've got money, so what? Whatever you've got, someone else is going to have a bigger/ better/ faster/ shinier one. A great story I heard once about Kerry Packer goes, he was playing blackjack in the high rollers suite of a Vegas Hotel, he chipped another player about something, and the guy fires back, outraged " You can't talk to me like that, I've got fifty million dollars!" Kerry pulls out a coin and says, " No worries mate, wanna flip for it?" The guy looked like a fool.

Someones always going to have more, it's whether or not you're a tool that makes the difference.

Of course, this is just my opinion. Cheers, Dale

I love how some people continue replying to their own posts :) .

I can assure you most people don't think "greedy rich pricks", that only happens when you continue to bang on endlessly about people with less than you, and how awesome you are. Then they just think "What a wanker!"

If anything, this thread proves how much appreciation people have for others, who clearly have more or better toys, and how most people on here have a pretty finely tuned bullshit meter. I enjoy looking at the threads and pics from guys who have cars I can only dream of owning, but I'm still happy with my own life.

We get it, you've got money, so what? Whatever you've got, someone else is going to have a bigger/ better/ faster/ shinier one. A great story I heard once about Kerry Packer goes, he was playing blackjack in the high rollers suite of a Vegas Hotel, he chipped another player about something, and the guy fires back, outraged " You can't talk to me like that, I've got fifty million dollars!" Kerry pulls out a coin and says, " No worries mate, wanna flip for it?" The guy looked like a fool.

Someones always going to have more, it's whether or not you're a tool that makes the difference.

Of course, this is just my opinion. Cheers, Dale

Im not discussing who is rich and who isnt, Im merely giving you examples of how an everyday Joe Blow can go all the way and achieve what seems 'impossible'.

Guys, I think the thread has wandered a little. Different folks in life have different goals. Money &/or assets do not bring happiness. While interstate this week my family pet (Twitch the rabbit) passed away suddenly after emergency surgery. This beautiful rabbit gave me more happiness than any car. Yes I like many others on the forum enjoy our toys. But having a 500K car vs a 20K car is not the be- all & end-all. Enjoy Christmas with your family & friends....I will be thinking of my rabbit (Twitch on the right, his brother Toff on the left)


I want to appologise for my post after the image, mate I did not read the words you wrote, I am sorry for the loss. I would delete my words if I could.


You've already failed before you even got started.

oh noes not the bunny!

the ONLY family pet we ever had was a crazy albino rabbit... called fluffy... you can thank my sister for the creative name

Modena: WTF are you on about... I have a well paying job that I LIKE going to everyday, a beautiful wife, great friends and family... what have I failed at? The OP has already stated money isn't everything and he's actually got some... I'll be taking his word over yours

I think its funny how the OP manages to sound humble and friendly whilst posting pictures of his Porsches and golf hole in his back garden... you come of sounding boring and arrogant, whilst listing a Corolla as your car... you must have a great talent for alienating people

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