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Congrats on the GT2, in my opinion, the Porka is on a totally different level to the R35.

And Sammy... mate, Ferraris are for folks who'd like to use the vehicle as intended, Porshes are for the guys who actually do it, rather than flap their jaws.

In all my years being around motorsport, I've never, ever seen a privately driven ferrari driven anywhere near it's true limit.

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All I can say is :drool:

I think Im more jealous of the green out the back!

need a greenkeeper to maintain it? it'll cost you a few laps in the GT2! LOL

p.s. GT2 FTW!

Congrats on the GT2, in my opinion, the Porka is on a totally different level to the R35.

And Sammy... mate, Ferraris are for folks who'd like to use the vehicle as intended, Porshes are for the guys who actually do it, rather than flap their jaws.

In all my years being around motorsport, I've never, ever seen a privately driven ferrari driven anywhere near it's true limit.

yes the GT2 is made for the track, barebones lightweight. But not everyone tracks their GT2's

I guess my question was did he buy this for tracking? Or for his love of Porche's?

yes the GT2 is made for the track, barebones lightweight. But not everyone tracks their GT2's

I guess my question was did he buy this for tracking? Or for his love of Porche's?

lol does it matter? no matter how you look at it, it'll always be an amazing machine

yes the GT2 is made for the track, barebones lightweight. But not everyone tracks their GT2's

I guess my question was did he buy this for tracking? Or for his love of Porche's?

not everyone needs to track their track car... theres alot in the novelty and fun of owning such a pure bred machine, its like being a kid again.. i dont have experience with track porsches... or even track cars... but ive had a few "race use only" motocross bikes... and even though i dont race, and i very rarely rode them as is... i loved having them just for the nature of them being created.. their purpose in life is none other than to go as fast as possible.. riding them through the bush or a mates property was pretty pointless, keep stalling, no engine braking, too light and too fast/aggressive.. but give me a few jumps and/or an open bit of ground to open it up and holy hell... it all just made it worth it.

im currently in the process of rebuilding my r32 and im getting so much enjoyment out of building it and making my shopping list that im happy just to have it sit in my garage and maybe come out once or twice a year.. i just love it that much and i dont need to thrash it to get the enjoyment out of it.. even though it will be completly stripped out, undriveable, unbearable, and completly useless for anything other than thrashing.. its the novelty of having such a beast at my disposal and that it has no other purpose than ringing the neck out of it.. and i can do so at any time i see fit. thats what gets me through those hard days at work.

when it comes to happiness vs cost... happiness wins no matter what the cost. just people with bigger budgets have more expensive toys... but just because their toy costs 10x more than yours.. doesnt necessarily mean they are 10x happier than you..

Two Porsches are nice... but a an F car, either a 360 Modena or an F430 would be even nicer. :D

Guys who are asking what he does for living... its called investing and waiting for it to grow.

You will not get to buy 1 let alone two Porsches by working 9-5.30 at your accountant or IT helpdesk job or any other job that pays less than 100 K PA.

There are really 3 ways to make the big bucks:

1. Real estate investing.

2. Share market (more risky and less profitable in short and long run)

3. Your own business

There are others, but these are the main ones.

If you get up and go to work Mon-Fri or even Sat and Sunday to chase a mediocre salary, you will never own more than an aging Skyline and have a 30 yo mortgage on an average suburbian house 40 mins out of the CBD.

Its your choice.

Edited by Modena
Two Porsches are nice... but a an F car, either a 360 Modena or an F430 would be even nicer. :P

Guys who are asking what he does for living... its called investing and waiting for it to grow.

You will not get to buy 1 let alone two Porsches by working 9-5.30 at your accountant or IT helpdesk job or any other job that pays less than 100 K PA.

There are really 3 ways to make the big bucks:

1. Real estate investing.

2. Share market (more risky and less profitable in short and long run)

3. Your own business

There are others, but these are the main ones.

If you get up and go to work Mon-Fri or even Sat and Sunday to chase a mediocre salary, you will never own more than an aging Skyline and have a 30 yo mortgage on an average suburbian house 40 mins out of the CBD.

Its your choice.

I thought he said he was an MD of a multinational? Mark is most likely is also an avid investor but he is actually a salaried employee albeit at the top rung of the organisation and no doubt on a 7 figure salary....The vast majority of wealthy individuals are indeed investors of some sort of another but there are also a small minority that do earn enough money to purchase items of such value such from their own exertion.

And I do challenge the assertion that the share market is more risky AND less profitable in short and long run. Over history the share market has delivered stronger returns than the general real estate market at the expense of higher volatility (short term risk). Usually the appearance is of lower returns from the share market because investors are not able to gear as highly as in the real estate market due to the better loan to valuation ratios achievable with real estate than with shares where the equities are the form of security for the loan.

Two Porsches are nice... but a an F car, either a 360 Modena or an F430 would be even nicer. :P

Guys who are asking what he does for living... its called investing and waiting for it to grow.

You will not get to buy 1 let alone two Porsches by working 9-5.30 at your accountant or IT helpdesk job or any other job that pays less than 100 K PA.

There are really 3 ways to make the big bucks:

1. Real estate investing.

2. Share market (more risky and less profitable in short and long run)

3. Your own business

There are others, but these are the main ones.

If you get up and go to work Mon-Fri or even Sat and Sunday to chase a mediocre salary, you will never own more than an aging Skyline and have a 30 yo mortgage on an average suburbian house 40 mins out of the CBD.

Its your choice.

1. and 3 ticked...... actually you missed the best one number 4

4: Government contracts (the owner of the sub contracting company, not some shit kicker)..... they have no idea how much money to give us for jobs, Government and medical field in the last year or 2 are the only areas with money. Real estate is going to go good for people wanting to buy (like me) with the increases of RBA loan rates, (i was still hoping for a 1/2% increase last month, oh well this month is sure to go up, might find something good in the new year.

I don't like shares, way too risky, if it was risky and you got heaps back for the risk, then yeah i'd do it, but ive been following it for a while and i still think there are better places to invest at the moment. But if i was going to get shares it would most probably be a green energy company or related to green energy somehow, you'd be crazy not to with the new gov changes (not ETS) that should be comming in the next year or 2. But not any old green company lol

Two Porsches are nice... but a an F car, either a 360 Modena or an F430 would be even nicer. :P

Yeah this is true, but as we have seen in the GTR vs 360 F1 thread there are allot of people who think the sun shines out of nissans ass no matter what anyone else says lol

I thought he said he was an MD of a multinational? Mark is most likely is also an avid investor but he is actually a salaried employee albeit at the top rung of the organisation and no doubt on a 7 figure salary....The vast majority of wealthy individuals are indeed investors of some sort of another but there are also a small minority that do earn enough money to purchase items of such value such from their own exertion.

And I do challenge the assertion that the share market is more risky AND less profitable in short and long run. Over history the share market has delivered stronger returns than the general real estate market at the expense of higher volatility (short term risk). Usually the appearance is of lower returns from the share market because investors are not able to gear as highly as in the real estate market due to the better loan to valuation ratios achievable with real estate than with shares where the equities are the form of security for the loan.

Yes he is on a salary, but he also has properties in QLD and VIC... therefore he invests in RE.

Sharemarket is much more risky, for ex: marginal lending.

Zero cost financing with RE investing is much more appealing...

I have an index fund, but thats for my retirement, not to make me money right now. Hence why I am getting into RE investing asap since I have already got my primary place of residence (a house).

Edited by Modena
Two Porsches are nice... but a an F car, either a 360 Modena or an F430 would be even nicer. :(

Guys who are asking what he does for living... its called investing and waiting for it to grow.

You will not get to buy 1 let alone two Porsches by working 9-5.30 at your accountant or IT helpdesk job or any other job that pays less than 100 K PA.

There are really 3 ways to make the big bucks:

1. Real estate investing.

2. Share market (more risky and less profitable in short and long run)

3. Your own business

There are others, but these are the main ones.

If you get up and go to work Mon-Fri or even Sat and Sunday to chase a mediocre salary, you will never own more than an aging Skyline and have a 30 yo mortgage on an average suburbian house 40 mins out of the CBD.

Its your choice.

Some good points there, I would go business and real estate.

Yeah this is true, but as we have seen in the GTR vs 360 F1 thread there are allot of people who think the sun shines out of nissans ass no matter what anyone else says lol

Sadly this is oh so true.

While i do favour Nissan, if a better car, no wait, a more appealing car comes to the table, i wont say no (i.e in this case the GT2)

  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah this is true, but as we have seen in the GTR vs 360 F1 thread there are allot of people who think the sun shines out of nissans ass no matter what anyone else says lol

Funny that - on a skyline forum and all. :)

I've seen the opposite, ppl will bag nissans to impress the rich guy (NOT referring to the starter of this thread) - although comments in this thread have been pretty fair mostly...on both sides.

I think what you have to remember is that the cars people prefer are not often the best in their category. Many of us like nissans because we own and relate to them. Whilst most of us couldn't afford an R35, we still feel proud that the same company that built the car we drive now could build something special like the R35. Sometimes this proudness clouds the better judgement and thats why people (myself included) will stick up for nissan well past the point where its competition is better.

If you get up and go to work Mon-Fri or even Sat and Sunday to chase a mediocre salary, you will never own more than an aging Skyline and have a 30 yo mortgage on an average suburbian house 40 mins out of the CBD.

Its your choice.

thats a bit rough dont you think champ?? i work mon - fri, have an ageing skyline, and a 30 yr mortgage and i choose this as my life.. are you saying there is something wrong with that??

its not what you own or how much you earn.. its who you are and how happy you are. the higher you aim, the higher you fall.. its your choice.

i love my skyline, i love my house, i dont care if i pay 4 times the house price in interest over the next 30 years because to me, having my own house is worth so much more than that so its a small sum to pay..and i love my skyline, it does everything i want it to do and i can change it to do whatever i want.

i will never invest in shares, or in real estate. i dont think this is an ethical way to make money.. i may start my own business, but only to supply people with custom fabricated parts, not to make a fortune and find the tax breaks.

you may look down on me because im one of the little people, and thats fine, ive worked hard and saved hard to get the little that i have.. i wouldnt have it any other way.

to quote the great Darryl John Kerrigan.. "you cant buy what ive got!"

Two Porsches are nice... but a an F car, either a 360 Modena or an F430 would be even nicer. :)

Guys who are asking what he does for living... its called investing and waiting for it to grow.

You will not get to buy 1 let alone two Porsches by working 9-5.30 at your accountant or IT helpdesk job or any other job that pays less than 100 K PA.

There are really 3 ways to make the big bucks:

1. Real estate investing.

2. Share market (more risky and less profitable in short and long run)

3. Your own business

There are others, but these are the main ones.

If you get up and go to work Mon-Fri or even Sat and Sunday to chase a mediocre salary, you will never own more than an aging Skyline and have a 30 yo mortgage on an average suburbian house 40 mins out of the CBD.

Its your choice.

you sound like a fun guy... you've been reading too many self help books on how to get rich and attract women... every time I meet someone who wants to talk about real estate investing, picking up or how to get rich I know I'm in for a boring 5 minutes...

people get rich for a whole host of reasons... number one being they are born into it!

i will never invest in shares, or in real estate. i dont think this is an ethical way to make money..

Fair enough and good on you for doing it that way but may i ask whats unethical about realestate?

Also if people throughout history don't aim high, we would still be living in caves, We wouldn't have modern medicine... if you have had to go to hospital in your life, you wouldn't have been able to be alive today if it wasn't for doctors, drug companies, chemists, scietists.... the internet or the computer you are reading this on?

I'm just saying that if everyone shared your ideaology life as we know it would have been very different to what we know today.

people get rich for a whole host of reasons... number one being they are born into it!

number 2: they take calculated risks

Number 3: they arn't afraid to be different to the masses and think in a different way

number 4: they have balls or alot of good luck (one or the other)

Fair enough and good on you for doing it that way but may i ask whats unethical about realestate?

Also if people throughout history don't aim high, we would still be living in caves, We wouldn't have modern medicine... if you have had to go to hospital in your life, you wouldn't have been able to be alive today if it wasn't for doctors, drug companies, chemists, scietists.... the internet or the computer you are reading this on?

I'm just saying that if everyone shared your ideaology life as we know it would have been very different to what we know today.

if i could go back and grow up and live in the 50's i would in a heartbeat. has all this technology you speak of really made our life any simpler?? lazier yes.. not necessarily simpler though... necessity is not the mother of invention, laziness is. i do not believe in the preservation of human life.. if it is your time to go, its time to go.. humans are of no more worth or value than bacteria or cancer.

what do i find unethical about real estate investing?? do you not feel a tad depressed when you see an old house that has been around for 50 years with many happy stories and seen many familys grow and move on, with a nice big yard etc, get knocked down and turned into a twin block for the sole purpose to make money by having two houses on one block.

do you not find it a tad depressing that people like myself, who just want to go to work, buy a 3 bedroom house with a garage in a nice safe neighbourhood, and be content with living.. cant buy a house at a reasonable price without having to fight with money hungry real estate investors, who just want to buy the house to add to their portfolio, and rent it out for the same price as the loan repayment would have been??

i know not everyone wants to own a house.. some people like renting and some people want to live in units and apatments.. and thats fine.. i can dig that.. but i believe houses are to be made homes.. and peoples dreams should come true in their own house, and everyone should be able to buy a house for what its worth... not for what some investor is willing to pay.

it seems strange to me, that a house that has stood for 50 years... the house hasnt changed, the ground it sits on hasnt changed, the materials of the house hasnt changed, the houses around it havent changed... then why can i buy that house for $300000 then in a year its magically worth $400000?? if i buy a block for $100000 and build a $150000 house on it.... why then can i sell that house for $400000??? i know there is inflation and the value of the dollar is constantly changing, but my wage hasnt changed for 2 years.. so the dollar is the same for me but to buy that house i now need 100000 more of them.

that is just people making money off real estate, the house isnt worth that.... but because joe bloe down the road gets $400000 for his house, i put mine on for $400000, then everyone in the area puts theirs up for $400000.. and some investor comes along and he can afford to pay that and scoops up all the houses, i feel they are taking houses away from hard working people who just want to buy their own house to raise a family in.. then offering them back to them for a stupid amount of rent.

things are worth whatever people are willing to pay.. like GTR's, people only want to pay 10g for an R32 GTR, yet a shitty old 4 door falcon that has no real claim to fame other than winning bathurst once.. is worth $800000 because some idiot is willing to pay that.. so everyone who owns a GTHO falcon thinks they are autmatically worth the same amount..

investors are willing to pay big bikkies for property, so the prices will go up and keep going up.. take the investors out of the equation and normal folk could pay what the house is worth and own their own house... therefore, the loan amount would be alot less, meaning cheaper repayments, less interest, which wouild make it easier on the family, they wouldnt have to work 2 jobs, or lots of overtime, which means less stress, more family time and more happy time for everyone.... they wouldnt have to struggle to make more money or find a better paying job just to pay for the simple things in life... or turn to drugs to cope with things.. there would be less anger, less depression and less broken familys or relationships. thats something everyone can benefit from.

anyway, this is waaaaay off topic and i apologise for that.

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