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Tough 1993 R32 Gtr With Series 3 33 Gtr Vspec Engine


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I had ask a compliance shop since you changed a engine before fitting a compliance plate your car in un-compliable in QLD may be its different in your state and I would like to offer you $8000 for it as a track car i got another spare engine let me know $$ ready

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mate theres too much to explain but the car can be registerd and complied either way if your that intrested you will call and find out about it. no offence but i wont take no one serious untill i get a genuine caller or someone comes to inspect the car coz ive had plenty of people stooge me around as you can see. cheers

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Hi Loky,

I buy lots of things sight unseen while on the boat working, my unit, just about everything in it AND my last car, but I am having some reservations about your unwillingness to answer any of my questions on the forum. This usually indicates somethings wrong.....As I can't phone you and my only avenue to ask you questions is on this forum, I will give you another go at answering my questions if your really want to sell the car and have nothing to hide.

Thanks again


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Hi there - obviously you imported this under SEVS, in which case a specific RAWS has applied for the compliance plates on your behalf.

Can you advise who this is, so that interested customers can confirm with this compliance workshop that they WILL guarantee that the car can be complied? For instance, what chance the buyer will spend $5K on an engine rebuild (in and out for an RB26DETT is usually $1K by itself - unless you can also quote the workshop who'll do it for $2K).

No offense mate - but if it is likely to cost $2K to comply and $2K to fix the engine and you reckon it's worth $20K, then costs aside you'd net $16K ($20-2-2). However, as you'll probably only get about $9K as it is (I'd be budgeting $3K with RISK for the compliance, and $5K for the engine....nobody cares about it being R33 Series 3), plus $1K for on roads - meaning $9K in costs, and seriously - even then you'd only sell it for $17K anyway in this market. So if you can get $9K from some one, take it, because it will cost you $9K extra anyway.

I will make a genuine cash offer of $7000 conditional upon certain details, such as name of compliance agent, whether he'll honour your $500 deposit (as this is a contract he has with you, and not the buyer) - I'm not even sure you can dispose of the car without compliance - check an import approval, I think it says this. If I can't get compliance (hence it's only a track car), my offer is for $4K only.

I'll also offer you a swap for an FC3 RX7 turbo coupe if you're interested.



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