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look, anyone who gets ripped off on the forum will get all the help from admins that we can legally give with the resources (time) that we have. that means yes we can do things for you like check to see if that same user has multiple accounts, or previously banned accounts, or whatever. if you do make a police report, and the police contact us asking for IP address information then yes of course we'll provide it to the police.

if the user is clearly a scammer then of course we can ban them etc as well to prevent further victims. but often if it's just a dispute all banning does is close down one means of comunication and can actually lessen your chances of getting money back. in most cases discussion with the seller will get you a result. just instantly banning anyone who looks half way dodgey won't help you and in most cases will hurt you.

outside of that it's all up to you guys to be careful. prevention is far better than the cure.... a few minutes work before committing to a purchase can save you hours or even days of hassle down the line if you get ripped. how many of you are prepared to take days off work to attend small claims court, police stations etc. you loose thousands of dollars worth of your time, plus the possibility of having to pay for legal advice/representation all to get back a few hundred of few thousand dollars. even if you win, you'll still come out well behind. that doesn't factor in the stress and anger caused either. as I said, you are far better off spending the time up front to ensure it doesn't happen to you. :down:

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yikes! one small point though. sliding don't (no one does for that matter) "operate directly from SAU", they pay to advertise on this site. if you saw an ad in HPI, rang up the company, bought something and it was fked, would you expect HPI to sort it out for you since the ad was in their magazine? I wouldn't. I would expect that it is my responsibility to sort it out with the company involved, and any government agency available to me (regulatory bodies, industry bodies, police, fair trading etc).

I understand that Rich, read my reply to Ashley below and you will understand (hopefully) where i am coming from.

Joe - read that and maybe this time - take it in please?

SAU had nothing to do with a traders item breaking, so stop whinging about it.

Your product was purchased from a trader is between the Trader & the Customer.

SAU has nothing to do with it. Just because they advertise here doesn't mean much at all when its an isolated incident.

You then proceeded to attack Sliding Performance over this forum in direct violation of the rules, so of course you were ignored.

The process for you was simple.

1. Contact Sliding Performance and should a suitable outcome not be attained

2. Contact the relevant Gov't bodies

Notice how there is NO mention of SAU in the above process? That is because we have nothing to do with it.

I'm still surprised you have been unable to comprehend this rather simple process and where responsibility lies, or maybe you just don't want to accept it.

Either/or, no skin off our noses here to be honest as SAU has done nothing wrong.

It wasnt an isolated incident. it happened to 2 other people just from SAU that i know about. i am absolutely sure there are more as GCG turbochargers also told me they had been repairing the same type of turbo failures from sliding performance before mine went in.

Its not about comprehension on my part, Ashley, its about moderators being consistent in what is said in threads like this and what is actually done.

I've seen countless people banned for being 'dodgy traders'. you are mistaken if you think i expect SAU to go out and get my money back. all i expect is SAU to deal with dodgy traders in the same way they are always dealt with - a ban or at least put pressure on them to keep them honest. instead, there was no ban, there wasnt even an investigation.

I opened a thread to discuss what had happened and what my options were, in no way was i slandering a company on SAU. I think you need to brush up on your reading and comprehension skills Ashley. School works.

Anyway, my point has been made, yet again in a thread that remotely links to my situation :down:

Trent, keep in mind that if a police report is made and anything happens to that person for whatever reason ( :) ) then your customer will be the first suspect and it will all turn to shit for him.

in 18months we've grown over 10,000 users - so forget that as well.

Plus that toymods method does not stop anyone at all from being ripped off, it simply wastes Admin's time.

Trust me when i say Admin does as much as they can, and this place is one of the safest.

Believe me we dont expect anything from SAU

My point for this thread is to a) make sure evryone steers clear of this ass???? and b) use a few forum guys who are handier than me to track him :blink:

Make sure u report him to the police, don't let it go as a learning experience, they might already have a file on him or atleast your statement may help the next person that gets stooged who wants to take it further.

Ring your local police station and ask when is a good time for you to go down and waste their time, tell them that your yet enother person whom has bee taken for a ride over the internet from someone interstate, they should be understanding if u explain to them that you have all the info in a form that they require (see link in earlier post for your local police station phone numbers).

Trust me you can get satisfaction knowing that the next person had luck getting them convicted with your help.

evolutionoz dot net seem to have a pretty good system for using the classifieds section.

Junior and rookie members need to pay $20 before they are allowed to post up their parts/cars for sale. This would weed out scammers that dont want to put in a decent effort first, as well as raise funds for the use of what is the most useful place in our country for the parts/cars we are after.

I do however think 200-300 posts should be the cutoff for automatically getting access rather than the 100 they do it at.

-- from their rules


These are the main types of members on the forum:

- admins and mods (appointed)

- senior members (1500+ posts)

- members (100+ posts)

- junior members (20+ posts)

- rookies (up to 19 posts).

Believe me we dont expect anything from SAU

My point for this thread is to a) make sure evryone steers clear of this ass???? and b) use a few forum guys who are handier than me to track him :down:

Oh i know you don't - it's more turned into a "educate" the people thread :)

It wasnt an isolated incident. it happened to 2 other people just from SAU that i know about.

Say they sold, 1000 turbos? 3 died.

Wow... 0.003%. You think that warrants us to boot off a trader and label them as dodgy? lol... whatever you reckon mate.

I don't see you contributing to keeping this site running.

Its not about comprehension on my part, Ashley, its about moderators being consistent in what is said in threads like this and what is actually done.

I've seen countless people banned for being 'dodgy traders'. you are mistaken if you think i expect SAU to go out and get my money back. all i expect is SAU to deal with dodgy traders in the same way they are always dealt with - a ban or at least put pressure on them to keep them honest. instead, there was no ban, there wasnt even an investigation.

We are consistent. Everything is discussed in detail.

Did you give them money? Yes!

Did they supply the product? Yes!

Therefore it is no longer anything to do with SAU let alone your utterly ridiculous claims that 0.003% of a product fails means the business is a dodgy trader.

It is upto YOU to sort it out with the relevant Gov't bodies if you think you are hard done by with a product.

For everyone 100 happy customers, you'll always have one that complains and will never accept reason. :blink:

The sooner you stop trying to attibute any blame to SAU the better. Honestly, we don't care, for reasons all stated above. It's your problem, you do something about it.

If you don't fine, not my issue, and i certainly don't lose sleep over it.

Yes your turbo died, and yes that is a sad thing to happen... but as much as you wont like it - SAU is not about to remove a trader for "dead" turbos and a couple of delayed orders.

evolutionoz dot net seem to have a pretty good system for using the classifieds section.

A system where by they ban businesses other than Just JDM so that Just JDM can continue to monopolise the market with his astonishing markup's? :down:

They are not a good example sadly. They are everything a forum with a For Sale area - should not be.

All a solution like that does (post restriction before ad's/For Sale) is increase forum spam. We've seen it before.

But considering the owners are corrupt and in bed with their main trader giving them perks and so on... it does not surprise me they would try to make money off people :blink:

Ashley, its not about a dead turbo - these things happen. Its about when a trader's product dies and they go out of their way to not fix things. To me that is a dodgy trader.

What you are saying is that if someone sells 1000 products (and we all know 1000 hi-flow turbos were not sold) and out of the 1000, 3 failed (we also know more than 3 have failed) and the trader does not help in any way to fix their mistake, instead makes it worse, does not answer phone calls, denies that they even offered to send it to a place to fix it and then dicks you in the end, that they are not a bad trader?

Being a trader with SAU shouldnt be about ONLY having a 0.003% failure rate. It should be about how they handled their 0.003% failure rate, was it positive or was it negative? Allowing a trader who trades unethically reflects on SAU's ethics. You are also saying that just because they contribute they are allowed to deal with their failures whichever way they like.

Your ethics need a little work too mate.

It is your word against theirs mate - can you not see that?

We will not buy into a finger pointing game and argument of she says, he says. It is not SAU's RESPONSIBILITY

The fact you cannot fathom the issue had nothing to do with SAU is utterly beyond me.

If you don't like it, as i said, complain to a Gov't body about your issues with the business and their trading if you care that much about it. Hell, tell them it was SAU's fault as well and see how far you get.

If you have a case, you will win, then post up about it - However i laregely suspect it will never even get that far, why? Because you are just harping on for the sake of it.

So... in the mean time if you continue to harp on about it in such a petty fashion, i will display the same petty attitude back.

There you have my 'ethics' in full flight. Hope you like them.

Trent, if you need anymore info from SAU's end, you know how to contact me.

Don't forget to PM me with the details/information about the user so i can add to the Bad Trader listing. :blink:


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