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Car Egged :(


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Lance: What?

Vincent: f**king keyed it.

Lance: Oh, man, that's f**ked up.

Vincent: Tell me about it. I had it in storage for three years, it was out for five days and some dickless piece of shit f**ked with it.

Lance: They should be f**king killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.

Vincent: Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it.

Lance: What a f**ker!

Vincent: What's more chickenshit than f**king with a man's automobile? I mean, don't f**k with another man's vehicle.

Lance: You don't do it.

Vincent: It's just against the rules.

Love that part in Pulp Fiction, so bloody true.

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OMG! Stupid cum stains! I hate people like that!

I used to have a old Suzuki Sierra Soft top.. Got a new soft roof for it and within the week one of the abbo's down the street put a slit through the plastic window... Then it broke down and someone broke into it over night and smashed egg all over my dash and seats...

And then when I was at work one day all 4 of my tyres were slashed. (This was all while I used to live in Townsville) I have a good idea who slashed my tyres and if I ever see them Im going to get my bitch on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i know the feeling had my 34 egged a while back .. although the 2 22 yr olds who egged it didnt go home that nite on their feet...sometimes violance sorts them deranged assh##les out thats why i carry a baseball bat

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Didnt think that the eggs actually hit the paint but on the weekend when I was giving her a wash I noticed what looks to be some small rust marks just near the rear window where the eggs were :)

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Man i hate idiots, had my windscreen smashed in a drive-by with a beer bottle bout a year ago. The cops actually came round and investigated it too (big surprise). Never caught the bastards :D cost me a few $$$

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