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Police Presence This Summer?


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I haven't noticed much of a change over the last few months. I'm sure next week their will be a nice blitz on speeding and drink driving etc but so far so good.

Famous last words...

I seen about 4 hwy patrol cars on the Hwy Saturday nite, even managed to get pulled over and a nice little defect notice.

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Well after they played hide-n-seek when following me to try and catch me speeding (they'd drive behind me, then beside me, then hide behind the car behind me but over to the side to get the radar on me) they finally just decided to pull me over.

Got me for impersonating a police car (had blue park lights which have since been changed). They then asked me to pop my bonnet (I requested it to be done at the local police station but they denied me that).

He then went straight for my pod filter. He got me for the filter not being in an enclosed box (I've since had a Blue Slip Qualified mechanic, and a different police officer tell me that my setup is not illegal as long as the standard AFM is inplace). Doesn't bother me though as I have a standard Airbox arriving tomorrow (which I planned to do next month anyhow).

Costing me $16 to get the defects passed and signed then back to the RTA to have it signed and im all clean :cheers:

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Ive seen over 10 cop cars in one day. ( friday 22nd - last day of school ) Got into alot of mischief in the last 2 days of school. (Holden bogan P plater hunting)

My friend got in to trouble for riding his pushbike to fast down a hill. ( theres a rd called Jamison Rd - Its one of the main roads in Penrith,as you head to the Nepean River ( west ) theres a big hill just before jamison park.)

anyway hes got a little speedo thing on it and he got up to 57KM/h on his bike, cops were heading the same way the same road,told get of the road, by this time my friends and I were cutting across the park.

The cops rung up his parents and told them what he was doing bla bla bla the rest gets alot more boring.

but i have alot better stories of what we did in the last 2 days of school.

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he got up to 57KM/h on his bike, cops were heading the same way the same road,told get of the road
Was he wearing a helmet? What's the cops problem... the speed limit is 60km/h on that road :Oops:
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Does the speed limit count for push bikes too??

Yup which means as long as he was wearing a helmet and in the lane correctly he wasn't doing anything wrong.

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Get this:

"failing to indicate off a roundabout"

I as going straight, I always thought it was optional, being a curtious driver. "Go and read your book" he says, fkn wnker =$129 < This is gay and I wish I went to court, god damn bs, I see em do it all the time and all the old people, they just saw "p"s and had to get me.

And the one before that was for, well, I just got my skyline and wasn't used of power steering and drove all over the road, he was following me..... like full on tail gating and I couldnt tell it was a cop till I cut off a corner trying to get away, thinking it was some goon, then he pulled me over breath tested me, asked me why I was wobbling and said I cut the corner off, mind you this is 1am and I was going home. He proceeds to give me a neg driving fine, first offence and all = $187.

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Get this:

"failing to indicate off a roundabout"

That's pretty stupid. One of those little 4 way jobbies I never bother for, but if it was a huge 2 lane roundabout with a big island in the middle and 5 or 6 exits i might.

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That's pretty stupid.  One of those little 4 way jobbies I never bother for, but if it was a huge 2 lane roundabout with a big island in the middle and 5 or 6 exits i might.

...and... I haven't read the book for a while but I understand there is a distinction between large and small round abouts for indicating...and that what you just said is exactly correct...

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From the news services:

During the past week police in New South Wales alone have fined more than 13 and a half thousand people for speeding which is one thousand more than the same period last year.

Is that more ppl speeding or more "soldiers" on the hunt to catch ppl speeding. lol

I guess now more than ever we need to recognise that the police have a huge arsenal of laws that may be used (at their discretion) against who they deem "deserves" a rogering,

And i guess when there choice is between CLK or an Rxx Skyline there choice is easy(in most cases)

But i guess alot of the time this stereotypypical view is supported by the fact that we do get idiot line drivers out there that ruin it for the more responsible 1's, "such is life" to quote a famous old aussie.

Moral. Try not to give them a reason to Bust you for something because at the end of the day Rules are Rules ( unjust or not).

with that said; Happy holiday season to everyone, And if you cant be good be Careful.

cheers ...

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I think it is more "soldiers" with a brief to be tough.

I think you will find the increase in tickets will be largely among the holidayers on the highways in their family sedans, wagons and 4WDs, not import owners who are behaving themselves around Sydney

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