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Police Presence This Summer?


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The indicating when leaving a roundabout thing came in as part of the national road rules a couple of years ago.

The law says something like:

When exiting a roundabout you must indicate to the left, unless impractical to do so.

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The indicating when leaving a roundabout thing came in as part of the national road rules a couple of years ago.

The law says something like:

When exiting a roundabout you must indicate to the left, unless impractical to do so.

excellent :D

I find it very "impracticle" to indicate when practicing dorifto thru a round about

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i ran into a FULLY unmarked ford with most probably illegal tints and guess what, window winds down.. i see 2 cops sitting inside looking at me, i was like ffs.. they prolly gonna do me for noise pollution so i turn it down and they follow me for around 3-4 blocks untill i turn into a shopping centre complex they followed but i lost em in the traffic

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I came back down to Sydney today from Brisbane. I took the New England hwy, I didn't see any cops until I crossed the border into N.S.W all up 13 cop cars and 5 speed traps so they were out in force theres always more on New Years day.

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the police have been nice to me in the last 2 incident..

1st one was the undercover cop car was next to me, we both drove alone the ben road and both ran the red light..hehhehe10 meter later he have his light out..pull me over..ask me all this stupid question, unnecessary, i just nicely asnwer it all..and he let me go..

2nd time i ran the red and the cop was at the intersection..dam chase after me, pull me over ask stupid question!!!! yeah really stupid and i answer it all nicely...he let me go!!!

man i was lucky...yeah i wont run any yellow or red light again...3rd time wont be that lucky

the police r there just to do their job, dont give them the shit or they will give ya the shit, same to me at work anyway, if my customer beening a f*** b*tch then i tell them to f*** off.

well i guest this doesnt apply to the wanker cop...

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I have made two trips to canberra and back in the lasty week (left chrissy eve came back on sunday & left new years eve came back new years day) and saw a grand total of 2 cop cars inclusive of both trips.

One that already had an old commodore pulled over and the other was sitting in the pines (where they always are) doing speed checks.

Now I don't call that a strong police presence at all!!!!! (don't get me wrong i was not dissapointed, just surprised)

I also had the pleasure of having to drive new years night, and drove from one side of canberra to the other @ about 11:30 and did not see on cop car!!!!!

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