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I'm surprised Horner actually allowed the team to fix Webber's car when he came in to the box - "Now Mark, see what you've done? Sebby's crying. You've made Seb cry. Say you're sorry to Seb for not getting out of his way. No nose cone for you!"

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Tell RBR what you think... http://www.redbullracing.com/cs/Satellite/...amp;refmodpos=3

My contribution...

What a sad weekend for my favourite team. Always loved how RBR have approached their racing, and have liked the blend of youth and experience in your drivers. I don't think any RBR fan is happy about the weekend, but I am shocked that the team have claimed to be blaming both drivers, with the caveat that you really hold Webber responsible. Its disappointing to read Helmut Marko's comments. Its disappointing to read that Christian Horner has not stated that the team view the situation differently to Marko. Instead Horner feels Webber should have given Vettel more room and "concede if one has got a run on the other"

Webber was a true professional in the press conference, towed the line even when baited, only to have other key team members out him as the person to be blamed. Vettel and Horner could both take a leaf from his book and do the bulk of their talking in private and leave the press making up their headlines.

For the record, I think its a racing incident that should have been avoided. The team should not be publically blaming either driver. The fact that it seems publically happy to let Webber wear the blame is insulting to Webber and all the fans of F1 to who, you claim equal treatment. How can so many F1 commentators, drivers and fans be wrong about the incident, unless there is something that RBR are not telling the public.

So, will now grab the popcorn and watch my favourite team implode and look to Kubica and Renault as worthy of my support

Good Work Roy,

Well this show`s that Number 1 is VETool,

Number 2 Webber,

Shame as Vetool has gained more from Webber then any one else,

Shame Vetool we not come & SAY I Fuc_edUP , :) ,

Just F1 being it`s self again seen it al to often over the Year`s,

May be some should tell them IT`S ABOUT TEAM NO VETOOL,

Farkin' Friendly Fire = Fail Fail Fail

What RBR says and what all the F1 gurus know can be two different things.

When it gets around to the end of the season, I hope everyone doesn't have to look back at the date 30th May 2010 and say,

"What if...?"

IMHO, SV needs to be Psych Tested! Even his body language during qualifying period was giving off awkward/disturbing messages.

hmm, seems the Horner and :yeh, Mark did a good job" being about excited as Horner usually gets for Webber has some deeper meaning



Come on Kubz, RBR can get farked!

So just saw the DC pit walk. How funny was it to see DC comment to Newey about how damaging it is for a driver to see the team jump around and celebrate your team mate taking your poll off you...and talk about managing drivers.

It seems Brundle and DC saw the writing on the wall before the team :) Combind with what i have been read on on James Allen blog about the mood after Webbers first win, and the mood around Webber and Horners constant defence of decisions to Mark and that Austrian owner fella with the funny name.

Seems that Webber and his history with some team members in Jaguar etc count for nothing. And its not paranoia when after Vettel pole or win the radio lights up with cheers and congrats. Webber wins and its a muted good job Mark. :cool:

Maybe Vettel as a driver takes more managing ? If so, Webber probably sees all this going on and sis smiling too himself. If thats not the case, Mark has to hope that he can continue to keep capitalising and unike last year not fall away after mid-end of the season

oh...and ... http://joesaward.wordpress.com/2010/05/31/...fking-disaster/

Just watching the replay of the whole race now. What another really telling thing is, Vettel gets cuddles and hugs from the team on the wall during the race. Webber gets out of the car P3 and there was not a team member in site, look around the barricades and not a single RBR top for a congrats, a sigh and pat on the back of support...nothing! :)

Combined with comments from team management, could understand if the guy is starting to feel a tad isolated! I am so stweing over this...fark RBR! LOL, last year when in Germany i didnt buy an RBR hat as they were all Vettel hats, no Webber hats. Ditto when i was in Malaysia....Webber is not a part of RBR! :)

Does anyone think Red Bull's treatment of Webber might be related to how they see both drivers from a long term perspective?

Vettel is young, has been hailed "the next Schumacher". RB intend to keep him for years to come and have pinned their hopes on him for a driver's title. He's also mentored and unofficially managed by Bernie, which I have no doubt has some flow on effects at RB.

Webber, however, is probably in the final couple of years of his career. His contract with RB also expires at the end of the year. It's unlikely that Webs will be the core of a winning RB team in years to come. I think RB sees him as strictly a support to Vettel. If he wins a few races, bonus.

From a long term point of view, it makes sense for them to look after Vettel wherever possible, no?

Damn I hate Vettel.

Edited by Leif

Guy`s Webber has been in F1 a while now & know`s the UP`S & DOWN`S of the SPORT,Vetool is UPSTART & has AGAINED so much from AMRK while he`s been his TEAM (MATE) Vetool is like most other`s in F1 all about THEM ,

Now we see Drive`s getting DUMPED from TEAM`s that have BEEN GREAT fo them over the YEAR`S ,

MARK`S worry is he come`s WITH OUT BIG MONEY behind him,which is A SAD thing ,IT`S ALL ABOUT WHAT MONEY YOU BRING WITH YOU TO TEAM & has been for to many year`s ,

Webber's proved he knows how to handle himself on/off the track and deals with the F1 politics appropriately. He demonstrates a mature and professional manner in these dealings and doesn't need any cuddles or pats on the back to make him feel better. (unlike Vettel)

I know it doesn't feel good having your own team not backing you 100%, but if anyone is up to overcoming such adversity, it's Webber.

He will maintain his dignity and let his driving do all the talking for him. When the flag drops, the bullshit stops.

Again, let's hope he wins some more races and takes out a title before RBR implode.

Edited by nismoman


RBR have Vetool as there number 1 WHY he`s young ,

Shame as we see all to often that the OLDER DRIVER in TEAM is HUNG out to dry when YOUNGER MEMBER FUC_`SUP,

MARK will alway`s been seen as & GREAT GUY by the PEOPLE that KNOW .

Nice work on sourcing those links Roy, they're a good read. Just feel totally disappointed and saddened for MW. Hope he can keep it together mentally and focus on what's important and not Vettel. But surely that must be so difficult when your own team seems to be against you.

It's like some bad movie. I just hope the ending will be along the same lines - MW wins WDC, team has smiles all round, Horney and Helmet go up to embrace Webber, Webber punches both in the face and walks out to join another team.

there was not a team member in site, look around the barricades and not a single RBR top for a congrats, a sigh and pat on the back of support...nothing! sad.gif

Combined with comments from team management, could understand if the guy is starting to feel a tad isolated! I am so stweing over this...fark RBR! LOL, last year when in Germany i didnt buy an RBR hat as they were all Vettel hats, no Webber hats. Ditto when i was in Malaysia....Webber is not a part of RBR! sad.gif

I noticed this also. They're like a bunch of f--king children. They wouldn't have the faintest idea what integrity is.

It's like some bad movie. I just hope the ending will be along the same lines - MW wins WDC, team has smiles all round, Horney and Helmet go up to embrace Webber, Webber punches both in the face and walks out to join another team.

I pray for that day too. The only thing I would add is that I hope he wins three more championships with his new team ... and moons RBR every time.

Serious question..... How many of you guys that think Vettel is to blame also think Schumacher should've yeilded to Hill in the 94 Adelaide GP?

Remember before you answer that Vettel's rear wheel is what made contact with Mark's front wheel.

Can't see any honest responses somehow.....

Serious question..... How many of you guys that think Vettel is to blame also think Schumacher should've yeilded to Hill in the 94 Adelaide GP?

Remember before you answer that Vettel's rear wheel is what made contact with Mark's front wheel.

Can't see any honest responses somehow.....

Completely different situation. Schumacher's car was already disabled, he had no chance of holding Hill off. Hill was also well past Schumacher, further than Vettel was. You're also talking about a slow corner rather than a fast straight. Schumacher deliberately took Hill out because he knew he had no chance of retaking the position.

Webber had a chance of maintaining the lead because the upcoming left was followed by a right that he would have had the inside line for. The same didn't apply to Schumacher. Vettel hit Webber while Webber was driving in a straight line. Schumacher hit Hill in a desperate dive going into a corner that had no chance of success.

Webber and Vettel both had options for taking/keeping the lead. Schumacher had none and deliberately took Hill out. There's no comparison.

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