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Gotta say though that Vettel has been driving very smart races lately. If he wins the WDC then all I can say is that he's earned it. Like him or not, he's starting to show that he does have talent, and seems to be developing the maturity to go with it.

Of course I want Weber to win the WDC, but not if it has to be handed to him. No team orders, I say!!

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Vettel has been keeping his nose clean since Spa and getting good results. But, as a Webber fan you have to be frustrated that hs is easily as fast over a race disctance, I woudl still argue that Webber is perhaps a little quicker over a race distance, but he seems to be able to get quali just that little bit more right and shade Webber by a few hundredths most weekends. Must be so frustrating to follow him knowing that a fraction of a second better result on Saturday or a better start off the line and it would be you up front cruising.

What does upset me a little is that RBR are almost showing preference for Vettel by letting Seb erode Marks lead. It wasnt that long ago they took parts of one guys car and gave them to the other because he was 2 points ahead at the half way mark of the season so that he would have a better chance of winning. Races later the same guy that lost car parts has been leading the other for months and he gets nothing for his trouble.....

But, it will just mean if Webber gets up then he does all on his own. If he doesnt, well he can only hate himself for two very silly errors this season.

I think Vettel will play ball...he isnt stupid....and i suspect Webber wotn get close to him at the final race...He seems to suck a little at the night races compared to Vettel...Brazil was his big chance to get the job done....but....

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If he were to move over, I guess that a precident has been set now with the measley $100k fine for Ferrari, and thats the worst that could happen?

Or do you think the FIA would land the ultimate blow, and strip points off Mark if Vettel was to yield?

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Massa did the dodgy again in Korea! He was going to jump Alonso in the pit stops, but this time Ferrari were smart about it and Massa lost 3 seconds on a very slow in lap and another 2 seconds on his out lap. That is all RBR would have to do, ie Kimi in 2007. Doesn’t make it any better…but the more I think about it…part of me says its ok, it’s a team sport. Part of me says, win it or lose it…..you and your mechanics can be proud and like Mark says, S”um will still come up on Monday”

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this is the way it will most likely play out going by recent form. Vettel gets pole and leads the race - just keeping a ~3sec gap like last time. Webber in 2nd. Alonso in 3rd place.

If it is that way in the last couple of laps, Vettel lets Mark through to prevent Alonso wining the WDC. He's quoted basically saying as much in the press.

If Alonso retires or has a problem and is down in 6th or worse, Vettel takes the win and the WDC.

Would be good if Mark can out qualify Vettel and lead the race, but its unlikely on recent form.

here's a scenario for you though - 1.Vettel 2.Webber... 5.Alonso It could happen if he gets tangled up in the opening laps and picks up a puncture or front wing damage...

all 3 would be drivers equal on points, and Vettel and Alonso would be equal on Race wins at 5 each (Webber 4). Who wins the WDC??? lol rock-paper-scissors anyone?

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If they are equal on wins, it goes back to number of seconds. If they are equal on number of seconds it goes to number of 3rds etc etc

It would go to number of Wins first wouldn't it?

Glad to see you're back on your feet Roy, good night up at Uncle Pat's on Sunday night I hear? :P HAHA

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I read from this question in the post brazil press conference that team orders were allowed in these situations?

"Q: (Edd Straw - Autosport) Mark, given that a win today would have meant that you would have gone to Abu Dhabi knowing that a win would be enough to win the championship, and given that there’s a precedent saying that in the title run-in team orders are allowed, should the team have swapped you and Sebastian? "

From this link http://www.formula1.com/news/headlines/2010/11/11491.html

Even still... I'd prefer to see Webber take out the last race on his own with Seb 2nd and Alonso anywhere else.

If he can't pull that off then you'd have to imagine he'll be replaying his two errors earlier in the season over and over in his head.

As much as I disliked Vettel, he has come a long way in the second half of this season. He still looks like and interviews like a douchebag.

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The big danger for RBR is if Alonso is way back or out then whether Vettel or Mark is leading the other will have to have a go if at all possible and they potentially take themselves out and Alonso takes the crown. Lucky for RBR the constructors is already decided I guess...

Really would love to see Mark take pole and win it all of his own accord whatever happens behind him. Must be frustrating as hell being regularly pipped by a tenth or so by Vettel.

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If Alonso is in 3rd, and Vettel is first Webber 2nd, and he doesn't move over, he will be robbing RBR of a second championship for the year...Golden boy or not I don't think that shit would go down to well..

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If he were to move over, I guess that a precident has been set now with the measley $100k fine for Ferrari, and thats the worst that could happen?

Or do you think the FIA would land the ultimate blow, and strip points off Mark if Vettel was to yield?

That's the thing, given that the FIA have made it clear they intend to enforce the "no team orders" rule, and EVEN THOUGH they have acknowledged that the rule will be reviewed, RIGHT NOW the rule still stands. If RBR flaunts that again after the clear precedent, would it be "fair" for FIA to just slap another $100k fine, or would it be "fairer" to deal out a harsher punishment given it's the second time around? That's a huge risk.

So the best way for RBR to resolve this is to swap them in a non-overt manner, like during pit stops. But that will not fly with Vettel, I'm sure. The only way I can see him yielding is right on the last lap when it is clear Webber needs to win because Alonso is 3rd. And that's only if Alonso is not right behind Webber. And if Alonso is 5th or worse, Seb will even get the WDC by winning the race, so that's the ultimate incentive not to give up until the last lap.

Yes yes, I know Webber has won on his own merit before, but I think it's pretty clear Vettel has the edge on him under normal circumstances, even if it is just by a thousandths of a second. Maybe a younger brain just has its synaptic advantages...

Edit: Oooh I just thought of a new scenario.... Vettel is in 1st, Webber in 2nd, Alonso in 3rd, Hamilton in 4th.... On the last lap, Vettel tries to give Webber the win, but because Alonso is too close, they all crash out and Hamilton wins the race and becomes WDC!! LOL!! :)

Edited by acediac
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Wow I just double checked:

If Vettel is 1st, Webber is 2nd, Alonso 5th they would be all tied at 256.

Vettel would have 5 wins, 2 2nds, 3 3rds and 3 4ths, JUST pipping Alonso with 5 wins, 2 2nds, 3 3rds and 2 4ths....

New scenario: Vettel hands Webber the win, and Alonso crashes out before the flag, meaning that Vettel just gave away his WDC and breaks down in tears and declares Webber will never be his friend again! :whistling:

Oh, and Mr. Shitz just declared that he would rather lose the WDC than to give team orders: http://en.espnf1.com/redbull/motorsport/story/33542.html

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very true. unless RBR make vettel do the same for webber, at least then they'll be even. those 7 points are proving crucial. right not webs would be just 1 point behind instead of 8. big difference.

For sure.

If only Horner had stuck to his word from earlier in the season

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RBR test a red hot new front wing and Webber's breaks his when avoiding debris from a Massa crash in P3....with Webber 7 points ahead of Vettel do you reckon they are going to give Mark a 1/10th of a second per lap advantage to Mark for Quali?

I was ok with the weekend's race result but today I have been stewing big time. Whilst it will be great if Mark gets the job done this weekend, its not like help from his team would by any means lessen the result. Hell, they are a team and you would think they would do what was the highest probability of yielding a result. At present they are taking each way low percentage bets....

Button has sucked lately, so that really leaves only Hamilton in there as a spoiler....so i cant see RBR getting a perfect race weekend under their belt. Its very hard to string a good race result together and danger looms on the horizon. For all their clear pace this year, they have only had 4 x 1-2 finishes.

It will either be an eopic Sunday night or one that BLOWS! No middle ground for me...and frankly RBR can bite my ass....

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Seems one thing no ones really mentioning is webbers tendancy for bad starts (he was very lucky to not concede a place to hamo at brasil), If he loses 1 or 2 spots at the start at abi dabi and they happen to be an Alonso and hamo then this will drasically affect his chances of even being in a position to be able to take advantage of "team orders"

Dont get me wrong i wasnt even born when AJ one the WDC i would love nothing else than Webz to win this thing, (any driver thats that crook and still goes out in miserable weather and spews in his helmet and still soldiers on deserves a WDC on some level, lol), but the pressure on his start is huge and he must know it if fred or hami get infront of him surely its S%#T creek and no paddle.

anyways hope not.

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Am I right in thinking that there will be no team orders penalty should Vettel move over if he's winning, Webber is 2nd and Alonso is 3rd, if Vettel is not told to move over? Like if he just goes, I can't win it and we're going to give it to Ferrari otherwise? Based on his interviews on Thursday it seemed like he was saying should that be the situation, I'll let Mark through, without actually saying it.

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