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spotted myself with a big grin due to getting my loan for a stag :) also a black 33 with black rims at the melrose drive and hindmarsh intersection around 3:15

Potentially Michael's GTR. It's unhappy at the moment lol.

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Thanks - I was there but i didnt see you Drew, what were you in ??

Plus I was pissed with the australian crawl traffic *ANGRY*

Was I mouthing obscenities ?

Haha couldn't see if you were mouthing anything. I was a bit further up the road just past fed ex standing outside my shop by the black 34 gtt and white s15 counting down the minutes til I finished work. All the cool cars start driving past around that time haha

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Dammit why can't I have hot friends haha. girls have all the luck. Actually just spotted Melly cruising through fyshwick. I waved but got nothin. She was too focussed on driving (probably best given the horrendous driving abilities of canberrans in the wet)

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Spotted a black R32 GTR out at Fairbairn today, had the aerial so might have been an Aus delivered model

I was eyeing off from the coffee shop :D

Yeah, that was me. The daily drive is getting some work done so I decided to stretch the GTR's legs.

Oh, and yes it is an ADM :-)



Edited by OZR32GTR
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Yeah, that was me. The daily drive is getting some work done so I decided to stretch the GTR's legs.

Oh, and yes it is an ADM :-)



Car looks awesome! Mine will be making an appearance soon :)

Spotted Kat rocking out to In Flames last night!!:devil:

Spotted James, Mick and Ben (and probably half of Canberra really!) all getting feral at UC!! :D

Was awesome!!!!

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Just spotted a 34 crushing through Manuka

Might have been me, was it around 8am?

Also spotted a silver 33 in manuka going over the red pedestrian crossings atabout 1500, gave a wave but no love. And a 33 in Ultimates getting a clutch changed

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