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saw choochooba's (i think) car sitting with the front end in front of someones back fence opposite the jerra pub. you ok dude the front end didn't look too good.

Heard about this... not to be harsh but if the stories are true, thanks for putting my insurance premiums up :P

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spotted goran (whytry) thismorning going down my street in chiso at about 915ish.. stuck my hyand out and gave a wave but i was in my parents car so....:P

car looks awsome as always

bugger dude sorry didn't see ya was droping off a friend home from a BIG night out b4 going for the cruise

also spotted the dude (sorry don't know ya name) at the servo in chisolm with the nice black r34gt, where i pulled in to get some water to keep me awake

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Spotted:me being a :tool: of amateur proportions...

Couldn't work out all yesterday why the ride was only running .5 bar of boost.Though to myself:"meh;it's hot-the Power FC's just looking after my engine's best interests...it'll be all good when it's cooler".Then she wouldn't come to the party this eve' going to get fuel(SHOCK!HORROR!!Jayce drives GTR twice in one week!!!)...so,methinks :idea: -stop by "our" long suffering mechanic's shop(we should call it Garage Integra,maybe?Slight J'pnese flavour,dontcha think?)and bounce the problem off knowledgable ears.Low'n'behold,Sinista and her pilot are there: :thumbsup: -enough hardened Skyline people to sort this drama...A mere 20 seconds into Ed's diagnosis and... :Oops: me=prize idiot.Boost controllers wont work when they're TURNED OFF! :rant: And I didn't even notice all the pretty lights weren't there for the last 24 hours- :( .Ed and all assembled had the decency not to :flamer: me for my most basic of ****-ups.So,much boostage was had after that.I spotted a nice R33 GTS-T,white with big chromed rims near Ed's house-waved,got a shared wave back(I can only claim 50% of the wave-she was waving to Ed,too,y'see...).Then spotted a silver R33 GTS(T?) on the bridge into Queanbo'-got a :wavey: in return of my :wavey: .Crept home most of the way-but,now I have forced atmosphere again,and the road ahead was clear of debris and Police,I just had to:the new roundabout turing into Jerra?Lanyon Drive onto Thopmsitt?Yep: :Owned: it! Ahhhh...there's nothing like a GTR doin' it's thang! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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to sum it up for those who couldnt be bothered reading Jayces thesis, in matching length only to the UN's weapons inspectors report on their findings in iraq.

his boost controller was off, he thought the power fc was playing funny games, he's an idiot, saw a few people on the way home and took a round about quickly.

there much simpler, LMAO hahahaha, quite proud of myself actually.

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Oh yeah...Spotted:Viper_r32 going COMPLETELY the wrong way 'round Jerrabomberra's main roundabout!As he struggled to avoid not one,but two head-ons with road-rule abiding citizens,his lack of directional skill was observed by a large portion of ACT's SAU crew waiting to head from the pub for Sunday's Cotter cruise...No harm was done ro anything except Paul's pride-his face matched his shirt(red....very,very red)once he stepped out of his ride.S'funny-everyone gave P. grief about the move in a lighthearted way afterwards,but it takes only one simpleton that can't figure out electronic gadgets to post about it!!And he probably thought he'd gotten away with it not getting posted until now,LOL!Ah,it's all in good fun,Viper_r32!Bet you never do it again - at least not with such a sympathetic audience in attendance!!

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Oops: me=prize idiot.Boost controllers wont work when they're TURNED OFF! :D And I didn't even notice all the pretty lights weren't there for the last 24 hours- :) .


Incredible. I have never done anything like that. Not since probably last week some time anyway...

Maybe this problem is not isolated and in future we'll see a sticky on the Forced Induction Perf thread:


Car won't move in any direction unless I'm on a hill...possible clutch/gbox issue? Has been an annoying and persistent problem for some time now. A mate went to Ed at Integra who suggested starting the engine and it went away after he tried that and my mate could control both the speed and direction of his car.

At least if your stereo stops working you'll know where to look.

Just disappointed you did such a good job of flaming yourself and left nothing for us...

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Oops: me=prize idiot.Boost controllers wont work when they're TURNED OFF! :D And I didn't even notice all the pretty lights weren't there for the last 24 hours- :) .


Incredible. I have never done anything like that. Not since probably last week some time anyway...

Maybe this problem is not isolated and in future we'll see a sticky on the Forced Induction Perf thread:


My R32 GTR V spec won't move in any direction unless I'm on a hill...possible clutch/gbox issue? Has been an annoying and persistent problem for some time now. A mate went to Ed at Integra who suggested starting the engine and it went away after he tried that and my mate could control both the speed and direction of his car.

At least if your stereo stops working you'll know where to look.

Just disappointed you did such a good job of flaming yourself and left nothing for us...

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Hey Scooby - Nice post - TWICE!!!!!! LMAO


Never done anything silly - yeah right!

OK make that 'nothing silly since 1.23 today'

Anyway my dear fellow, I have no idea what you are referring to. I count one post only and I do not believe that there are witnesses to the contrary.

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